a parallel

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     "IM GONNA DO MY BEST" Uraraka starts yelling at us, kirishima raises his hand weakly in a thumbs up gesture, smiling awkwardly. Bakugou groans and i look away trying not to laugh. I swear these people actually think that this is socially acceptable.
      Apparently the UA festival is going to start in a few days and a lot of people are going kinda crazy about it. I'm kinda excited but it's not that big of a deal. It's only one day. And everyone is watching, so If i mess up.. That will be embarrassing


Todays the day of the festival and my mom and aunt Cassie called off work and they got front row tickets because of me, They also decorated the front of the hospital with pictures of me to cheer me on. They made me take pictures with it, Im just glad im surrounded by people who truly believe in me so much.

      Everyone is in the waiting room and we All get told it's time to go out. All the 1st years in the school are in a group and Midnight is opening up the festival with a small speech. I wasn't listening until she called up Bakugou to the stage. Kiri discreetly takes out his phone ready to record what he says I'm silently laughing, and he sees the phone in Kiri's hand. He looks right at it and rolls his eyes and he looks back at the audience serious. it's quiet for a second, "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win" Me and Kirishima start busting out laughing as other people start to boo him. "The rest of you guys are just stepping stones to my victory" I laugh even harder and people boo louder. Me and kirishima start booing him also over our laughter. Midnight starts to explain the first test, an obstacle course. We all group around the entrance, I take in a deep breath, followed by Mic on the speakers "ready, set, Go!!" He yells.

       Everyone is running and even more people are getting trampled. I use my webs to swing above them all. When todoroki uses his ice, he take account of me on the ceiling and sprays some there too, my webs slightly lose grip but I keep swinging. I change to using my stick to climb up the side of the path and run on that. I hear bakugous explosions behind me getting louder and louder. He's about to pass me, "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD BEAT ME STUPID SPIDER"
"Yes I do" I attached a Web to his ankle and pull him back and start to laugh at him. He starts yelling at me and I see the same machines that were in the entrance exams in front of us. Todoroki uses his ice and slides under. I attach a web to the top of the robot and swing over it. It starts to tip over and I swing down right next to todoroki, "hey" I say with a simple smile. He scoffs and sprints farther from me. I shrug and keep paste behind him. Bakugou makes it past the robot and I hear his explosions again. He's right next to me and uses a small explosion to make me flinch and he runs in front of me. I roll my eyes and pull him back to where I am and laugh at him again

      He yells at me and I continue laughing. He runs out in front of me again and I let him go, we come up to a bunch of dirt pillars, I swing across them and then we come across a minefield todoroki and Bakugou are in front of me almost halfway through. I'm right behind them, they start to fight as I look around for anything to use. There's nothing to attach my webs to. My train of thought is broken when I hear a big explosion. I look at Bakugou, but he's looking behind us. I look behind and see Midoriya fly out of pink dust with a board. I was going to attach a web to it but it's not stable and we'd just both fall. He starts to pass us in the air, so Todoroki and Bakugou stop fighting, and I start speeding up, so do they. Izuku starts to drop and he uses those two idiots to give him more lead. In the short time it takes them to start running again, I pass them just barely. I turn back and stick my tongue out at Bakugou. He starts running faster to catch up and stays at that paste, "don't feel bad you can pass me if you want I don't really care about winning" he looks down at me, "I'm not taking pity from you." I laugh "Okay you didn't take the head start" i say running ahead of him and using my webs to swing me through the tunnel. I was about to make it at 2nd but I let Bakugou pass me and I followed behind him taking 3rd.

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