i'm wide awake

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Once the sun started to set, me and Tokoyami tagged along with Hawks for some patrolling. We were just walking around, I feel my phone buzz and I open the message, It was from Katsuki.

I have to go to this stupid dinner
at icyhots house. get ready we'll
pick you up in 5.

I take a step back, about to leave the two. But when I look up im met with one of hawk's feathers piercing through the nape of my costume and pulling me over next to him. He crosses his arms and nods his head, "last time you escaped us. You ended up causing a whole lotta trouble, kid." Hawks scolds, "Its nothing like that this time!" I say closing my eyes and shaking my hands in front of me profusely, "One of my friends invited me to a dinner.. He's quite persistent though he already is on the way to get me even though he never even told me-" My rambling is cut off by Hawks laughing, he unattaches his feather, "Im the most fangirled hero. I understand, Go." I smile and as i reach my hand up to attach my web to the buildings, "MAKE SURE TO USE PROTECTION" I see everyone looking at me and hawks, I turn my head from gawks and gesture that I don't know who he is. I swing with one hand back over to the agency and reach for my phone again,

What do I wear???

Idk something fancy?

I sigh, How do you not know? I reach the agency and see the car parked there, I gesture one finger at them and go through an open window, In a few seconds I stumble back put the same window. Using my web to swing back onto the ground. I slide my hands down my dress a bit to make sure its in place and brush my finger through my hair, and reach for the door handle, "Wow that was a quick change, Y/N" Midoriya says. I laugh nervously, "yeah you get used to it.." (spiderman reference😋) I say, My eyes drifting in Endeavor as I take a seat next to Katsuki. Endeavor is also looking at me, "Hello, sir.. So sorry to make you wait, Katsuki didn't give me much time to prepare." I say, him just staring at me makes me nervous. The car is silent. He doesn't answer, I look around, Endeavor still looking at me, "It's fine." He finally responds, I let out a breath I was unaware I was holding. I look at Katsuki and smile, he rolls his eyes, and I smile more.

We arrive at the Todoroki residence and make our way in, His older sister greets us and takes us over to the dining room. she introduces herself as Fuyumi, I sit next to her. The boys all sit together, Endeavor at the end of the table. Todorokis brother, Natsuo joins us as-well and sits next to me, "I'm so happy to meet you all." Fuyumi states, we all return the greeting and she explains a few things, We all start eating, I turn to her, "Wow this is really good, You have a great talent" She smiles at me and opens her mouth to respond, but Midoryia buds in and starts giving us a hypothesis on the food. I furrow my eyebrows at him and look at Katsuki, "STOP RAMBLING AND LET ME EAT MY FOOD" He scolds, I laugh and he looks to me. Furrowing his eyebrows at me, He has a sesame seed on his cheek and I laugh, I gesture my chopstick to my cheek, He cocks his head a bit then realized, wiping his cheek. I smile, "Fuyumi does most of the cooking ever since our housekeeper hurt her back." Natsuo says, "You used to cook also Natsu." Fuyumi responds, "So did I ever eat your food growing up?" Todoroki asks, "Its possible, I can go overboard on seasoning though. Endeavor might've kept you from having it. He always did keep a close eye on your diet." Natsuo responded, The last part made the room go quiet. Katsuki, Midoriya, and I went wide eyed and stopped chewing or moving. We could feel the tension between the two. We all sat there awkwardly, "I suppose there is truth to that." Endeavor responds. "So! Shoto what kind of food do they serve at UA?" Fuyumi says trying to lighten the mood, poor thing. Trying to keep the family together must be tiring, "Cafeteria-style" Todoroki says, I play around with my rice a bit, "Natsuo, I'd like to try your cooking next time" Endeavor says, I hum in agreement, I pick some rice as Natsuo puts his plate down, "Thanks for the meal sis," Natsuo states while getting up, I bring the rice up to my mouth, about to eat it, "I showed like I said I would. But now I'm done." The tension was 10x stronger now. I paused, my mouth still open and The rice falling back into the bowl, "sorry but... I just can't do this." He closes the door, and I awkwardly eat my food. Looking at Katsuki, giving him a confused look. We all decided to finish up eating after the whole argument thing, I picked up my plates, and grabbed fuyumi's, "Its okay I'll take them myself," she insists politely, "Its fine I got em, By the way, You're doing a great job don't forget that." I answered taking her plates, she smiled and I could see her eyes tearing up. We walked to the kitchen and placed the dishes where Endeavor told us.

"So did you guys know Todoroki's family had a lot of issues before this?" Izuku asked me and Katsuki, "Of course, but only because you guys talked about it so loud I couldn't not know about it." Katsuki complained, I shrugged I had no clue about it. "You were listening?" Midoriya said, we all stopped when we heard a conversation between Todoroki and Fuyumi, The 2 of them kept listening and I pushed them past, "Guys this isn't our concernnnn" I tell them. Katsuki gets put of my grip and slams open the door, "You people! If you're going to invite guests dont talk about sensitive subjects!" Katsuki yells, I hit him on the head. Midoriya starts to apologize, "normally you'd think getting asked over for dinner is a good thing! But you went and ruined some good food with your family drama." I picked up some playes after katsuki and mouthed sorry to Fuyumi, "Katsuki you can't say that" I say laughing and following him as Midoriya stayed back, We walked out of the room, "Was I wrong tho?" He scoffs, I chuckle, "nope" I say. He looks down at me and I look up at him. He looks to my lips, then back forward.

Endeavor offered to drive us back to school, we stopped by hawk's agency and I grabbed my things. We were all squished into the back and Bakugou was definitely not having it. "WHY DOES THE NUMBER 1 HERO HAVE SUCH A SMALL CAR" he yells, I laugh, "OH SO THE BRAT ISN'T GRATEFUL WITH HIS FREE RIDE" The driver yells back, my mouth opens in shock and I start to laugh. He turns to me and looks me dead in the eye. Suddenly the lines on the road start to move, I already know this means theres a villain. I sigh at the thought, I quickly change into my hero costume, me and Endeavor get out of the car. The other three still have to change. "quick, whats your quirk kid" Endeavor asks, "spider." I shortly respond. Endeavor and the villain 'ending' both know eachother. from previous experiences. I also realize the boy ending had captive was Natsuo.

       Once the three guys get their costumes on we all watch and wait for an opening. White lines push all of us back the second we try to move in. I use the spike on my belt to make a cut in my palm. And use the blood webs to push through the lines. We watch Endeavor suddenly pause. We all pass him, continuing to ending.  Ending uses his lines to pick up random cars, I web over and place myself under a car, I spin out my normal webs and attach one end to the bottom of the car, the other end attached to the street. I continue this with the other cars. Everything seems to be in slow motion when I see ending throw Natsuo towards the train. I use my webs to pull him back. I now have Natsuo next to me, I quickly produce a blood web and hold onto it. I cut Natsuo free and set him down, I kneel diwn next to him, "Okay lets get you unraveled.." I speak, trying to make a cut in the wrap without cutting Natsuo. Katsuki used his explosion to make him reach the villain almost instantly. I smile to myself, Todoroki uses his ice to hit ending. Katsuki comes over to me and Natsuo, "You good?" katsuki asks, standing over both of us. "Your explosion was sexy" I joke, kinda. I smile when I see his cheeks turn pink, just a little, "Yeah well are you saying I'm not always?" He says, as he turns his head to the side. I laugh, "alright big boy, can you help here?" I ask referring to Natsuo. He starts to unwrap him. People from the cars start to jump out, theres still some air between the ground and car but at lease they got that done, "are you guys alright?" i ask, as I start to pull their cars all the way down, "Oh lord, I thought I was a goner.." One of them say, "Not with me you aren't." I smile at him. I hear gagging and look to a passenger looking like he might throw up, I kneel down next to him "Are you okay??" I ask, "You saved me" he says, hugging me. I hug him back then stand back up, I feel little arms wrapping around my legs, I look behind me and see a little kid with a hawks doll. His mom behind him, "which hero are you?" he asks me, "I'm spidey. I like your doll by the way, he's my teacher" I respond, the kids face lights up and he looks back at his mom with a smile, "can I have your autograph!!" The kid asks. I can't help but laugh, "I mean if thats what you want, I turn the kid around and sign his shirt. I hand him his pen back and he runs back to his mom, she smiles at me and I smile back.
      Katsuki comes up to me and looks at the back of the kids shirt, "so you think you're a pro now?" he scoffs, I just laugh and nod, "how many signatures have you done yet?" I tease and we head back to the car.

      Once we got to the school Katsuki starts to rant about how endeavor hugged him. I just laughed again, theres not much more I can do.

      Finally we got to sleep in our beds, that feeling beat everything else.

(I made a small mistake on the writing 😣😣 but its now re edited!!)

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