chapter two

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lee's sandwich shop

kang y/n

"why can't we look for your soulmate first?" i groan, looking at the map trying to find out how to get to this sandwich shop from the hotel we checked into.

"i didn't get an address like you did y/n. i just got the city seoul."

"this is so stupid. even when we get there how am i to know who my 'soulmate' is." i question as we start walking down the crowded streets of seoul.

"they say you'll just know." chaesua's eyes seem to sparkle at the thought of meeting her soulmate. i can't help but feel pity for her, knowing she's going to be so heartbroken after this trip. "i think i see it!" she suddenly shouts, dragging me down the streets. we soon come to an opening, tables fill the sidewalk, people sitting at the tables holding menu's labelled 'lee's sandwich shop'.

"okay well now what?" i ask. "i'm not 'sensing' any connection." i halfway joke, earning a glare from her.

"let's eat!" she takes a seat at a table nearby, i happily join her, mostly because i'm hungry. we open the menu's and scan over the choices. shortly after a man around our age makes his way to our table, he had blonde hair, dressed in all black with an apron that held the name of the shop.

"hello! i'm felix, your server for today, what can i g-" chaesua cuts him off.

"what did you just say?" her face turns pale as she turns to face the man. he stutters.

"u-uh i'm felix, your-" she cuts him off again.

"soulmate." she says. my eyes widen, looking at her like shes crazy.

"uh, sorry she's just-" felix cuts me off.

"chaesua?" he asks, his face now matching the pale color of chaesua's. my jaw drops. they stare at each other in silence for a while, the silence eating away at me. felix slowly sits in the extra chair, not breaking eye contact with chaesua.

"uh, i'm gonna go..." i trail off. chaesua only nods in response. i furrow my eyebrows and slowly back away from the table now accompanied by chaesua and her... soulmate? it's gotta be a coincidence, right? i quietly ask, mostly trying to convince myself. i turn around and pull out the map to figure out how to get back to the hotel. studying it carefully i begin walking, i don't make it far before i collide with a hard surface. "ouch" i blurt out looking up. a man dressed in all black stood looking back at me. "oh shit, i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention." i apologize quickly, offering a short bow.

"you should pay more attention to your surroundings, especially if you're new around here." he huffs, eyeing me up and down, his eyes pausing on the map in my hands for a brief moment. he suddenly snatches it from my grasp. "where did you get this?" he asks, with anger? laced in his tone.

"um, it's mine." i try to snatch it back from him, but he pulls it away.

"that's not what i asked." he growls, causing me to back up slightly.

"dude, it's just a map." i throw my hands up in defense. "and quite literally the map back to my place, so could you please give it back?" i add. the thought only flooded my mind for a moment, could he be my soulmate? the word starwriting bouncing around in my head, but i pushed it away as quickly as it came. he groans before ripping the map in half and dropping it to the ground. "seriously?" i yell as i bend down to gather the pieces. the man begins to walk away, i roll my eyes. "starwriting bullshit." i grumble in anger, standing up with the now ripped map.

"what did you just say?" the man roughly turns me around to face him once more.

"what is your problem?" i snap back.

"don't ever say that word again." he demands. my face contorts in disgust at his command.

"what? starwriting or bullshit?" i growl.

"soulmates aren't real." his eyes darken.

"i agree, now let go of me." i jerk my shoulder out of his grasp, looking at him with disgust. his eyes seem to soften for a moment before turning cold once again. he scoffs before turning around and walking away, his built frame disappearing into the crowded streets. i roll my eyes, turning around attempting to put the map back together.

"looks like you need a new map" another male voice speaks from beside of me. i look over to see a man holding out what i assume to be a map. i quickly fold up the ripped one and grab the new one. "i can throw that one away for you." he smiles, gesturing to the old map.

"uh no, i'll hold onto it." i respond without even thinking. unsure of why i wanted to hold on to it at this point.

"suit yourself. going anywhere in particular?" he asks.

"yeah, seoul city hotel." i tell him as i scan over the new map.

"that's right... there." he points at the map, quickly pulls out a pen and marks it with a small dot.

"thank you..." i trail off.

"minho." he fills in.

"minho, i'm y/n. nice to meet you." i offer a small bow and he returns.

"nice to meet you as well, y/n. sorry about my friend." he smiles sheepishly.

"that was your friend?" i ask in disbelief.

"yeah chan's kinda having a hard time right now." he looks down.

"well you can tell chan he doesn't have to worry. i don't believe in this soulmate shit, and if i did it sure as hell wouldn't be him." i say, a little more rude than i had intended. "sorry. i guess i'm having a hard time too."

"i see... well i'll see you around?" he asks.

"no, i'm probably leaving tomorrow morning." i say, honestly being over this whole situation.

"that's too bad. have a good night then." he smiles, i nod.

"you too." and with that, i make my way to the hotel. i fold the map away as the hotel comes into view, before shoving it into my pocket i notice a phone number is scribbled on the back, in the same ink minho used to mark the hotel's location. a small smile creeps onto my face. i quickly add the number to my phone, naming the contact.

minho :)

starwriting // bang chan ✔️Where stories live. Discover now