chapter four

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kang y/n

"it was lovely meeting you y/n! you and minho make a cute couple!" yuna smiles at me.

"they're not a couple. they met last night." chan says before i get the chance to respond.

"oh! i'm sorry, you guys seem so close." she bows an apology. "maybe it's that whole soulmate thing everyone talks about!" she beams. minho laughs.

"she doesn't believe in that stuff." he says, slinging an arm over my shoulder. yuna smirks at his gesture. i look over to chan who is now shooting daggers at minho.

"are you okay?" i blurt out, seeing his angered state.

"what? yeah, i'm good." he quickly looks away from minho. "we have to go, see you at home minho." he adds before dragging off a protesting yuna. minho chuckles, removing his arm from my shoulder.

"what the hell was that?" i instantly ask him.

"you wouldn't believe me if i told you." he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"i don't care, i need an explanation." i demand. he nods.

"let's go back to your hotel and i'll do my best to not sound crazy." he smiles nodding his head in the direction of my hotel.


"soulmate pains? yeah you're crazy." i roll my eyes at minho. he's sat at the end of my bed, looking at me desperately.

"a flash of cold air, your chest tightening causing you to tense up everywhere else, hard to breathe?" i widen my eyes at him as he accurately describes the weird feelings from the cafe.

"how did you-" he cuts me off.

"i get them everyday." his face droops, sadness taking over. "they happen when your soulmate deny's you." he lets out a long breath.

"does that mean your soulmate deny's you?" i ask stupidly. obviously it does, he just said so. i mentally face palm.

"he has for a while now. the pain gets worse as time goes on." i can almost see him shudder, i scoot closer to him and slowly rub his back, trying to comfort him.

"does he feel them too?" i ask, referring to his soulmate.

"he does."

"why won't he be with you then? if both of you are feeling the strong pains?" i ask, still rubbing his back.

"much like you and chan, my soulmate has a girlfriend who he refuses to leave." i grimace at him calling chan my soulmate.

"but why would he do that?"

"denial? i guess, i don't know. but it sucks. i knew chan was going to do the same thing as jisung when he drunkenly played the game. he called it bullshit, claiming yuna was his soulmate." he frowns.

"jisung? your soulmate?" he nods.

"i tried to convince chan not to play, i knew his soulmate wasn't yuna."

"how did you know?"

"i've seen her get the pains." he purses his lips.

"her too? she seemed so in love with chan..." i trail off feeling a pang in my chest as the words came out. the pain was so sharp it caused a few coughs. minho pats my back, raising his eyebrows in an 'i told you so' manner. "this just doesn't make sense to me. are you going to be in pain for the rest of your life?" i ask.

"i have hope that jisung will come around." he smiles faintly, eyes seeming to sparkle at the thought.

"what about chan?" i ask, the words leaving my mouth before even thinking about them.

"he's definitely feeling the pains, but i know he wants to fight it. i'm gonna try my best to make sure he doesn't fight it for long. that would require you to accept the fact that he is your soulmate." his mood lightens up a little. i groan.

"he's an asshole." i admit.

"only because he knows you're his soulmate." he points out.

"you'd think that would have the opposite effect." he laughs.

"you'd think." i sigh.

"what's the plan then?" he smirks at me

"well, chan doesn't seem to get the pains from seeing you close with someone else." i nod, trying to follow along. "both times i've seen him get the pains is when you or someone else mentions that you don't believe in soulmates." i try to think back, i remember how his eyes seemed to soften for a moment the night we met. it was after i had told him i don't believe in it. "i'm sure you recall the first instance," minho continues. "the next one was at the cafe when i mentioned it, before you asked him if he was okay." i think back, recalling his dagger-like glare at minho.

"okay, so do we just keep making him feel the pains until he gives in?" i ask.

"not exactly, it's not the pain that's going to make him give in. he will only give in if he truly believes you don't believe in soulmates." i nod slowly, not exactly following. "one of chan's best friends felix, recently found his soulmate-" i cut him off.

"felix? that chaesua's soulmate!" i say happily.

"really? this is going to be easier than i thought. that's the same dinner you were invited to tonight?" he asks. i nod. "chan was invited too. i'll fill in felix on the plan, chaesua thinks you don't believe in soulmates, right?"


"perfect, we should be able to convince him tonight!" minho smiles. "i'll go as your date." he playfully winks at me.

"maybe jisung will see us and get jealous." i smirk at him. a glimmer of hope washes over his face.



"you ready?' minho calls from outside the door. i look at myself in the mirror, wearing a slim casual black dress. minho said black was chan's favorite color. my hair was curled loosely, i also wore a little bit of makeup. i look down at the necklace in my hand. minho knocks and slowly enters the bathroom. "woah..." his ears glow red. "sorry, you look great." he clears his throat and looks down at the necklace in my hand. "let me." he reaches down, lifting the silver chain to my neck. i carefully lift my hair out of the way as his knuckles brush against the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. he clips the necklace and i drop my hair. "beautiful." he breathes out, resting his hands on my shoulder.

"i'm nervous." i admit. he nods and places a kiss on my shoulder, his thumbs rubbing small circles into my skin.

"its going to work out y/n. felix knows the plan, chaesua genuinely believes that you don't believe. we have a good chance here." he looks at me reassuringly in the mirror, squeezing my shoulders lightly. i let out a shaky breath.

"what if it doesn't..." my eyes water as the words leave my mouth. i breathe heavily, shocked at the sudden amount of emotions i was feeling over a soulmate i didn't even believe in this morning.

"let's not think about that right now, it's time to go." he reaches in front of me, grabbing my purse sat on the sink. he links his arm with mine and leads me out of the bathroom.

"let's do this."

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