chapter seventeen

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kang y/n

"you can't see it, right?" i ask nervously, standing to the side in minho's mirror. it had been a few weeks since the positive test, it was now time for the bachelorette party. my bump was very small, but visible if you were looking for it.

"no you can't see it." minho reassures. "you still haven't told chan yet?" he asks.

"no, i'm scared..." i admit.

"why? you know he's going to be so happy!" minho says, leading me away from the mirror.

"i know, but, i just don't know how to tell him."

"you say, 'hey chan, i'm pregnant'." jisung says as he barges in the room, earning a chilling glare from minho.

"keep your voice down, han." he warns.

"i promise i'll tell him, just, not yet." i say as i sit on the bed. minho kneels by the bed, sliding my shoes on.

"well everything is set for the party tonight, chan is out with felix and seungmin. he said they won't be back until like midnight, so we have the house to ourselves for a while." jisung says. "and i made sure there was no alcohol." he adds.

"thank you, jisung." i smile at him. he nods and makes his way back downstairs. i groan, feeling slightly nauseous.

"hey, we can cancel the party and just watch movies in bed if you're not up to it." he comforts, rubbing circles on my belly. i smile at the thought.

"that would be nice, but jisung worked so hard to set up everything, all of our friends are already here. i'll be okay." i smile at him.

"well, if at any point tonight you want to get out of here, just say the word and ill sneak us out." he smirks.

"sneak out of my own party?" i laugh, he nods.

"whatever you want to do, i got your back." he squeezes my thigh.

"what would i do without you?" i ruffle his hair.

"i honestly don't know." he smiles, placing a kiss on my forehead. "you ready?" he stands up, reaching his hand out to me. i breathe out.

"i guess so."


"im gonna use the restroom." i quickly excuse myself from the crowded table where everyone was sharing stories of chan and i. once i enter the guest bathroom i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. tonight has been a lot of fun, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't insanely overwhelmed. a light knock on the door drags me out of my thoughts. "i'm okay minho..." i say quietly. the door opens.

"its not minho." yuna walks in the door, locking it behind her. she grabs a washcloth, running it under cold water before placing it on my forehead. "how far along are you?" she asks.

"what? did jisung tell you? i swear he cant't keep a secret-" she cuts me off.

"he didn't tell me. from one pregnant girl to another, i can tell." she smiles, putting her free hand on her belly. her bump showing more prominently than mine, though mine was likely just early pregnancy bloating rather than any kind of bump.

"right..." i nod. "i'm probably about three weeks."

"my nausea was bad then too." she says "i'm at around six weeks." i smile.

"our babies are gonna be best friends." she giggles.

"of course they will!" she agrees. "hey, if you want minho to get you out of here i'll cover for you." she winks at me.

"seriously? that would be great." i smile, taking the cold washcloth from her hand.

"don't worry, wait here." she unlocks the door, making her way back to the table. moments later minho walks into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

"i heard you want to get out of here." he smiles, wiggling his car keys.

"please." i laugh. he turns off the bathroom light, taking the washcloth from my hand and placing it on the counter. he walks over to the window, pushing it open and quickly climbing out of it. my jaw drops. i mouth a 'seriously?' to him. "come on, i'll help you." he motions for me to take his hand. i giggle, lifting my leg to climb out the window. he helps me the rest of the way out, pushing the window closed. he links my arm with his and we start jogging away from the window, giggling.

"god, i feel like a teenager again." i say, breathing heavily as we approach his car. he opens the passenger side door for me, helping me climb into the car. he runs over to the driver side, letting himself in.

"me too..." he laughs, starting the car. "where to?" he asks, placing his hand on my thigh.

"anywhere." we smile at each other. he puts the car into drive and off we go.


3rd person point of view

y/n snores peacefully in the passenger side of minho's car. they had gotten ice cream, and sat in the car talking about how quickly their lives changed. minho smiles to himself as he drives them home. happy that the two are in each others lives. he checks the time, 12:30, chan should be home by now. minho pulls into the driveway of the house, turning the car off, quickly running to the passenger side to grab y/n. she stirs slightly as minho scoops her up bridal style, removing her from the car. he kicks the door shut and walks up to the front door.

as if he had knew he would be struggling, chan opens the door, smiling as he sees sleeping y/n. minho hands her over to chan, who quietly thanks him for taking care of her. minho nods happily. the two boys enter the house with y/n. the rest of the boys cleaning up from the bachelorette party. minho leaves to help jisung clean while chan carries y/n up to his bedroom. as he enters, he quietly kicks the door shut, gently laying her down on his bed. she stirs once more, but remains asleep.

chan slips off her shoes, noticing that her ankles are slightly swollen. he gives them a gentle squeeze. he carefully unzips her dress, pulling it off of her body. he smiles upon seeing her beautiful body in the moonlight. he quickly unclips her bra, and throws it onto the floor. chan forces his eyes away, quickly going to grab a shirt to let her sleep in when she suddenly speaks.

"chan..." she says. her voice was like music to his ears.

"yes beautiful?" he responds without turning to look at her.

"i want you..."

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