Chapter 7. A Conduit in the Exam!

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U.A. High School. An academy that boasts the best education in Japan. It sits atop a forested hill that overlooks Mustafu. Alma Mater of All Might and other famous and underrated heroes all over Japan. A place where future heroes study the basics and train their quirks and skills to the fullest.

The place where our green-haired Conduit can be seen standing in front of said school, looking at the might and glory that the establishment gives out The reason he is in front of the campus is quite simple: today was the Entrance Exam for the new school year.

To say that Izuku was excited would be a huge understatement. He was so excited that he hadn't slept, as his body was literally shaking as he laid down on his bed. The green mophead just stared at his room's ceiling and began thinking about how he would ace the exam and get accepted to his dream school.

He was so excited that he almost forgot to say goodbye to his mom when he bolted out of their apartment after eating breakfast. Izuku quickly used Smoke Dash to go back inside and give his mom a hug and a kiss on the forehead. He whispered 'I'll be back' and 'Wish me luck' as he separated from the older Midoriya and ran off the apartment. Inko had to suppress a giggle at her son's antics and wish him good luck as she washed the dishes.

After their talk and clearing out the misunderstandings they had a couple of months ago, the bond that had been shattered is growing stronger as they slowly but surely fix their relationship. Since then, they have spent time together, making up for the lost time since Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless. They went to parks, picnics, the movies, and shopping.

Izuku even applied for a membership at a nearby gym for his mom, to help her lose some weight, be healthier, and become fit like back when Izuku was still young. Inko was hesitant at first since they didn't have the money to get the membership, but Izuku was persistent and showed her the money he got from selling his All Might collection. He chuckled when he remembered how she passed out after seeing the amount of money he got, grumbling about how many zeroes were in Izuku's bank account.

As they talked about what they had been doing in the past months, Izuku told her how he became a Conduit and how Banner Man Delsin Rowe had trained him to control his smoke powers. Izuku may or may not have received a bonk on the head when his mom heard how he grabbed an electric-filled hand from his former captor, Akira, the first conduit he encountered.

He even told her how he had been conversing with Katsuki. Although she was a tad bit disappointed that Izuku would outright use blackmail to keep the boy in check, Inko was happy that Izuku had grown out of his shell of anxious insecurity and became more confident, albeit cocky from time to time.

Izuku smiled fondly as he remembered how he and his mom grew closer. They promised each other that they would help each other grow and become a better person, son, mother, and friend. A promise Izuku was going to keep and wouldn't think of breaking.

His thoughts were cut off by a voice from behind.

"Move it, Deku!" came the loud voice of Katsuki Bakugo, making the green-haired Conduit blink as he turned around to see the scowling ash-blonde.

Instead of giving him a scowl of his own, Izuku did the opposite. He smiled and waved at the explosive teen. "Good morning to you too, Katsuki! How's your suspension been?" He said it in a cheerful tone, smirking inwardly when he saw the blonde's scowl deepen.

Katsuki just got suspended for three weeks again. Reason: He tried to use his quirk on Izuku while the greenette was just minding his own business in the cafeteria. "Tried" because Izuku had effortlessly dodged the attack, leading to the blonde blasting the food on the table. Scattering the food all over the cafeteria floor and, coincidentally, on the school principal, who was just passing by.

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