Chapter 3. Training with the Banner Man

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"Huh? Who would've thought that Sir Nighteye was an All Might fanboy." Our green-haired protagonist said to himself as he counted his money and placed it in his wallet.

He just sold all of his All Might merch to a person named Mirai Sasaki and to his surprise the buyer was Sir Nighteye. He was shocked and surprised that he had sold his collections to a pro hero, who always has a stoic and intimidating appearance that caused the hero fanboy to stiffen and sweat profusely. Izuku only calmed down when the man handed him a white envelope and quickly took the box of merch and dashed away, leaving a confused yet amused Izuku. 

The envelop was heavy and when Izuku opened it, he had to stop his eyes from budging out of its sockets.

The money earned is plenty enough to buy himself an apartment, had he wishes to move out, buy new furniture and still have money left. He was on why the money he received was a lot higher than what the hero had offered. The greenette quickly realized that it was probably bribery, to keep him from revealing to the public about the hero's somewhat weird addiction. Izuku shrugged the thought off his head, even if he tell the public about the man's hobby no one would believe him.

Izuku just mentally thank the man's generosity. Kinda ridiculous how the pro hero was very generous. Really, really generous.

He almost went hero fanboy mode, when he forcefully stopped himself from freaking out. It would be embarrassing for him to mutter out loud and creep out the hero. Izuku took a deep breath and calmly asked for an autograph which the hero gave, by the way.

Izuku is now currently walking his way towards Dagobah Beach Municipal Park to meet up with Delsin, who promised to train him control his powers. He was excited to learn to master the power of Smoke and try to use Lightning.

Remembering the two orbs in his dream, he was now sure that the orbs represents the two Conduit powers he have. The orange orb is Delsin's powers and the blue orb is Akira's power, maybe... It was blue instead of red. Which confused the young conduit but set it aside for future questions.

He arrived in his destination and what caught his eye is the piles and piles of junk in the supposedly beautiful beach. There are plastic, scraps, broken bottle, appliances and cars, some are still smoking and others are on fire. Izuku had to cover his nose at the tough smell of burning rubber colliding with the salty breeze of the ocean.

But no Delsin to be found... 

That is, when an explosion in the left part of the beach made Izuku flinch in surprise and fright. 

He quickly ran towards the source of the explosion and saw Delsin with his arm outstretched and smoking. Izuku looked at the direction where the man was looking and saw a car. Doors bent and busted, glass shards scattered on the sand, engine smoking but surprisingly not exploding for some reason and the body of the car was now covered in dents, holes and soot.

Izuku looked at the man who had noticed him and grinned at his direction.

"Hey kid! How long you been there?" Delsin asked the boy as he walked towards Izuku. 

Said boy just straightened himself and gave the man a small smile. "I just got here, Mr. Delsin."

Delsin just gave him a small laugh and softly slapped the boy's back. Izuku almost fell off, if it weren't for the small amount of strength and balance he placed on his legs.

"No mister, mister. Just call me Delsin. I'm not the one for formalities." The older Conduit said as he pulled the boy with his arm on Izuku's shoulder. They walk past the still smoking car and came close, but not too close to a screen barrier.

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