Chapter 8. A 'Smokey' First Day

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In the streets of Mustafu, sounds of footsteps can be heard as a figure was jumping from building to building. The sun is not up yet but the figure gracefully and perfectly performed some flips and vaults over trash cans, ramps and railings. The precision and grace he shows in the tricks he perform would make even Delsin Rowe in shame.

As the figure performed a monkey vault over a railing, he let himself drop and landed his feet on ledge of a building. Panting slightly, he turned around to the rising sun that slowly lit up Japan. Smiling at the view, the figure didn't even notice the wind build up and blew off his hoodie, revealing his forest green hair and matching eyes.

Said figure can be identified as Izuku Midoriya, a Conduit. An excited glint in his eyes can be seen as he gaze at the rising ball of light. Today was his first day of class in U.A. High School and to say he was excitement was an understatement. Ever since he got the results from the entrance exam, he became giddy and jumpy.

Well, who wouldn't when the person you admire and  look up to gave him the results of his exam.



Izuku stared at the projector with wide eyes. He was expecting a pro hero that works at U.A. to give him the the results of his entrance exam. He was expecting either Present Mic or Midnight to show up as a hologram, but he didn't expect it to be his mentor, Delsin Rowe to appear before him as a hologram.

"Hey, Izuku! How's it been?" The Banner Man in his usual attire of white hoodie and denim vest said with a wave. Before Izuku could stutter out a response, Delsin spoke up. "And before you talk back to me like an idiot, don't. This is just a recorded message from U.A." he said with a knowing smirk.

Izuku had to stop a blush from forming on his face. Delsin knew him well, even with the small time they spent with each other.

"Anyway, let's go to your scores." Delsin suddenly took out a card from his denim vest and cleared his throat. "In the Written Test, you have score 99 over 100% correct answers, ranking yourself in the first place, closely followed by Katsuki Bakugo with 98.9%." Izuku saw the small smirk from the man and smirked to himself. He knew that Del wasn't supposed to reveal that, yet the older conduit shared the results to the greenette.

Izuku know that Delsin just want to give him more information about the blonde's test. And hearing that he got a higher score than the blonde made his day.

Delsin then flipped the card and read the other contents.

"And now for the Practical Test. During that portion of the exam, you were able accumulate 71 Villain Points. Enough to pass and enough to land you straight to second place, only behind Katsuki Bakugo..." That caused a frown to appear on Izuku's face. His frown however was removed when Delsin continued. "Well, that would be the case if Villain Points were the only points that is needed in the exams." The screen then shifted to two words that caught his attention.

"Rescue Points?" He read the words out loud before it disappeared and the scene then shows him in the exam. The moment he separately saved the grape head midget and sleep deprived kid from getting hurt or potentially killed by the robots from the exam. He shook of the anger and irritation that he felt back in the exam as the two didn't even acknowledged his good deed and even brushed him off. Going far to accusing him of 'stealing' their Points.

"Ungrateful Bastards." He whispered as he stared back at the projection and saw himself run over to Uraraka, who almost got crushed by the Zero Pointer, and brought her to safety. It then showed him performing the Orbital Drop to the sky scraper sized robot and blowing it up to shreds.

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