Chapter 9. Explosion vs Smoke

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As classes officially started for Class 1A in the next day, they waited patiently for their Heroics Class. While students conversed with each other, we see Izuku Midoriya in the back corner of the room looking outside of the window. Chin/jaw leaned over his palm as he gently tapped his fingers on his desk as thoughts of this morning's event replayed in his mind.

His morning travel to U.A. was normal, if he didn't count the weird civilian spouting about how his son, a guy named Steven or something, and rambling about his son being a failure and sending him to Jesus. Izuku just ignored the man until he began bragging about fighting a T-Rex with nunchucks back in his day or how he walk to school with one leg, the other was doing business, whatever that shit means. It was weird as hell.

Class was a different story.

If our young conduit could describe his U.A. experience in just a day, he would say it kinda sucked. No scratch that, it definitely sucked.

Izuku had been avoided like a plague after the Quirk Apprehension Test. Even Uraraka began to appear uncertain around him and it stung in his heart. After 10 year of being alone, he finally had someone who he actually would become his first friend. The first person who would accept him for who he is and not what he is. But he was wrong.

And to see her stay away from him just because he's a Conduit really hurt him. Not only that, Bakugo began a lot more violent, well if his deadly glare is an indication. Izuku could feel it and if it weren't for the threat of expulsion, the blonde would've attacked him alongside with Iida, who Izuku didn't know what his problem is with him.

And the staff... Well, none of them would show their hate. Eraser Head, Present Mic, Lunch Rush and Midnight appear to be the most chill with him being here. Cementoss and Ectoplasm are a bit skeptical of his presence. Among the staff, it was Snipe who appeared to have a big problem with him being here. Izuku could feel it through the way he said his name, he looked at him during class and how he would call him out just for scratching his head. I mean, what the fuck? I was just scratching my hair?

The only good thing that happened in Izuku's stay was at lunch.



After getting his order of a bowl of  Katsudon and Sprite, he quickly went to a two seater table located near the cafeteria window and sat there. Reciting a small prayer and thanking for the food, he began digging in. He had to admit, the katsudon was as good as his mom's cooking. Just a bit bland but delicious.

As he was chewing his food, he began glancing around for his classmates. Seeing that they are all grouped up, caused a sigh to exist his mouth. They looked happy with him in the picture. It's middle school all over again. But this time, he is being avoided for being a Conduit.

In other words, SSDR. Same Shit, Different Reason.

Shaking the negative thoughts, he took another bite of his katsudon. At that moment, someone spoke up near near him.

"E-excuse me? Is this seat taken?" Izuku blinked and looked up. What he saw mesmerized him. In front of him was a girl with short, wavy chartreuse hair, with pink specks, big round eyes, with the pupils being violet on top, teal on the bottom, and yellow on the inside, and light yellow bushy eyelashes.

 In front of him was a girl with short, wavy chartreuse hair, with pink specks, big round eyes, with the pupils being violet on top, teal on the bottom, and yellow on the inside, and light yellow bushy eyelashes

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