Chapter 5. 'Manly' Save

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".... And that is the reason why laws against Public Quirk use is made. That's all for today. Class Dismissed." With that said, the teacher left the classroom as the students began putting away their notebooks, books and writing utensils into their bags. Some even exited the room to go home or hang out.

Izuku just finished writing what was in the board, immediately stood up and began putting way his stuff. And as he was doing that, a scent of burnt banana entered his nostrils and he groaned inwardly. He looked to his front and saw a certain blonde. 

It had been 5 months since their 'fight' and Bakugo's suspension ended. When the blonde came back, he tried to get back at Izuku for breaking his nose and for snitching about Katsuki's sour behavior. Even blamed Izuku for his allowance getting cut and consoles confiscated. Katsuki would've blasted Izuku using his quirk, if he hadn't been stopped by their homeroom teacher and was warned to withdraw his UA Application and be blacklisted from any Hero School.

This caused shock and anger from Izuku and Katsuki, respectively. Izuku was shocked that not only his teacher told Katsuki to stop but also made the blonde think of his chances at UA before laying a finger on Izuku.  He looked at the teacher and was surprised to see a genuine smile given to him and a look of care that he had been looking for all these years. It made his tear up a bit and smiled back.

Katsuki was angry. NO! That's an understatement! He was livid. Who wouldn't? Just 3 weeks before his suspension every single teacher in their god damn school wouldn't bat an eye on the useless piece of shit, Deku. But now, just because he got a hit on him, they act like Deku is some kind of God or something? 

It enraged the blonde and his lackeys didn't even do anything to make Deku's life hell while he was in suspension. Like, why the hell didn't they put Deku on his place? Fucking useless.

Izuku just shrugged as he collected his stuff and completely ignored the blonde. But Katsuki has a different thing in mind. He began to walk towards Izuku, with his lackey lagging not far behind him but far enough to not end up in the crossfire once again. They knew how Katsuki's Explosion felt and they wouldn't want to get hit by it ever again. 

And they wouldn't want to get punched in the face by Izuku like how he punched Katsuki last time.

"Where do you think you're going, Deku?" he asked in his usual menacing tone that used to scare Izuku. The greenette just ignored him and kept putting away his stuff into his bag, as if he didn't heard the blonde talk. This annoyed the blonde and growled, "Are you ignoring me?!"

'Duh!' Izuku thought, without stopping what he was doing. His lack of response further infuriated the blonde and gritted his teeth.

As Izuku was about to take the last notebook, Katsuki slammed his hand on top of the table making Izuku pause. Everyone who were still in the classroom jumped at the loud sound. He would've flinched like the others if it was still 5 months ago. But experiencing that for 10 freaking years made him immune of Katsuki's special 'greetings'.

Bakugo saw this and wasn't happy about the reaction. He had expected Deku to flinch like the coward he is but instead just paused and didn't even looked fazed by his loud slam. As he was about to snap at the Quirk Genius, Izuku's head rose.

The greenette looked at the blonde with a blank expression, an expression that made the explosive blonde angrier. "What do want, Katsuki?" he said in a bored tone.

"I asked you a question, Deku!" Bakugo growled out.. "And stop calling me Katsuki!!"

"Oh. If I was ignoring you? Yeah, obviously.." Izuku said nonchalantly and snatched the notebook on the table and putting it inside his bag. "And to where I was going... Where do you think? UA? In 5 months, yeah... But now, home."

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