Chapter 2

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It has been a little less than a week since you appeared in this world. Ma and her daughter had been nothing but kind to you, they even allowed you to stay in the extra room in their home above the bakery instead of staying at the inn. You were more glad that you didn't end up having to break into the stables and possibly get in trouble with the owner. Or shot at.

Because of the size of the town, it wasn't very busy. But you did get used to seeing the same faces almost every day since you started.

Ma and you had just finished setting up the fresh pastries in the display, while her daughter was busy in the back kitchen cleaning up. It was almost time to open, you noticed.

Being a night owl, you were glad that the bakery didn't open until 11, and Ma insisted that you really didn't have to be here until 10 so you could help her set up the pastries.

That gave you more time to cry at night.

There was no doubt that you were riddled with anxiety and depression because of your situation, but you were trying to make the best of it.

Honestly, you had thought about throwing all thoughts of searching for the main characters out the window and just settling in here. The town was lovely, the people here were incredibly kind, and it seems that you had run off the only bandits in the area when you rolled into town.

Supposedly, they had been terrorizing the town for months before you showed up.

But, you also figured the universe put you here for one reason or another. You stayed with your decision to find a main character and figure out what the fuck was happening.

Your first customer rolled in around 11:15. The day moved on at a snail's pace, but it was a welcome change from what you were used to at your job back home.


You really missed it. You missed your parents, your things, your room, god, especially your soft bed. The bed in the guest room left you with a slight ache in the morning due to how old and worn it was, but it was better than the dusty floor. Oh my god what about your cats. You really hoped someone was taking care of them for you and not dumping them at a shelter. Those two were your literal children, having raised them both from tiny kittens for nearly the past 10 years of your life.

It didn't matter what you thought, what you missed, what you yearned to get back to. You were stuck here. At least, you hoped only for the time being.

A distressed look came across your face the more you thought about it.

Could you get back? Was it even possible at this point? You were pretty sure that crash would have killed you, it would be a miracle if you had survived it. Not to mention, doesn't the character usually die in these kinds of stories? What were they called again? Issekai fics?

So deep in thought, you didn't register the bell on the door ring.

"Hellooooo, miss, are you alright?"

Garbled nonsense escaped from your lips in surprise. Right, you're working, no time to reminisce about the things you lost right now. You turned your attention to the man, adjusting your sunglasses that had slipped down in the moment, and were about to apologize for being so spaced out before stopping yourself.

Your eyes widened. You tried not to let the surprise show and instead called out to the kitchen for more donuts.

"Let me guess, 30 double dollars worth?"

"...How did you guess that from one look?"

"You seem like a donut guy," you replied coolly. "And don't worry, these were made fresh this morning."

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