Chapter 3

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Adventure Awaits!

Vash began his morning routine as soon as he was up (which was before the twin suns had even begun to rise). He meditated for all of 3 seconds while perched on the inn bed, then began practicing with his gun using one of his spare bullets until he figured it would be a good time to head over to the bakery.

He really hoped you had fresh donuts to spare for him.

It was Friday, but there weren't too many people out this morning. Then again, it was a little early for most people. It seemed that most places had only begun their opening chores.

While the inn was fairly close to the bakery you were currently staying at, he wasn't in a rush to get there. Maybe, just maybe, you decided to stay here and out of harm's way.

It would be better that way, he thought. What would you do, Rem?

He looked past the buildings at the horizon. The suns had long since reminded humanity of their existence, but they were still quite low in the sky.

Maybe it's still too early...

"V- Hey!" Your voice breaking through the air brought him out of his thoughts. He offered a wave and a smile.

You had told Ma and Sarah already that you were going to leave town soon, and thanked them profusely for letting you not only work at the bakery, but also for letting you stay in their guest room. You estimated this would be your last day here, but you also told them you didn't know exactly when you'd be leaving.

You had just happened to be out front wiping down the tables when you saw a glimpse of red in your peripherals. Turning toward it, you immediately recognized the red as Vash. You set down the rag you had been using and jogged up to the gunslinging pacifist with a bright smile.

"You already told them?" He asked. He was confused, didn't you want him to help explain things to them?

"Yeah, but when I told them I was going to travel with you, they had assumed that you knew who I was before waking up in the desert," you explained. You felt horrible for lying to them, but you didn't want to rock the boat of the universe more than you already had.

"I couldn't not lie to them about it, but I definitely feel like shit for doing it..." you said.

Vash gave you a small smile and reassured you that it was ok. "It's probably safer if they didn't know the full story, especially about me."

"I know," you grumbled. "I just don't like lying. That's why I told you everything when I had the chance to."

You and Vash shared some more brief words about what was happening now that you had confirmed his thoughts. As it turns out, he was leaving for the next town over tomorrow morning. That gave you the rest of today to gather up the little things you had, and get in one last day of work.

"Where exactly are you heading? Right now I mean."

The blond gave you a confused look as well as a noise, almost like he thought you already knew.

"Jenora Rock," he replied after a moment of confusion. "There's something I want to check."

You went rigid. Of course, he wasn't with Meryl, Roberto, and Nicolas. This was probably a couple weeks if not days before the events of the series.

Universe, why do you hate me so much?

He noticed your stiff demeanor and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing! I just.. I didn't think it would be happening so soon."


"I'll... explain on the way." Then a thought crossed your mind, "Are we hitting any towns before Jenora or is it a straight shot from here?"

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