Chapter 5

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I tried to follow the entire first episode for this one, so it's kinda long. There's also a lot more dialogue than in the previous chapters since I was following the episode lol. I hope you like it anyway? <3 Also I have a very long Spotify playlist if anyone is interested, since I'm mentioning some of the songs on it as I listen to it while I write these lol

Jenora Rock

Sneaking into the plant was the worst idea the two of you had ever had. Not only did you cry your eyes out onto Vash's shoulder (which, ew, embarrassing much?), but as soon as you exited you came across members of the Bad Lads gang. The universe really is out to get me, you cringed.

This wouldn't be the last time you saw them, not if what you remembered from the anime was correct.

Vash being his peace-loving self refused to fight them. He implored you to do the same but your fingers were already inching toward the gun strapped to your waist.

"Don't shoot!"

Too late. You had the 20-foot rule ingrained in you from two years of training in your junior academy, so seeing enemies rushing you and being fresh out of a panic attack sent your brain into a frenzy.

You still had enough consciousness to not kill them, as per Vash's wishes, you were definitely not trying to get caught by them any time soon. Or ever for that matter.

"RUUUNNNNN!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, skittering away from the growing hoard of Bad Lads.


"DO YOU WANT THEM TO KILL US?" You yelped at an explosion going off dangerously close to your position, "I CERTAINLY DON'T!"


Vash finally pulled out his own gun and used it to shoot at the support beam holding up a rather large piece of infrastructure. Making his mark, it toppled down and blocked the walkway just enough to buy the two of you time to get ahead.

"Shit!" You skidded to a stop. There were more of them ahead of you. Just as the Bad Lads members in front noticed your presence and opened fire, Vash grabbed your arm and pulled you into a convenient alleyway next to where you had stopped.


You scrambled off of Vash, who'd cradled you to his chest during your ungraceful fall into the alleyway. Once you pulled him up, it was back to running away and getting shot at.

This fucking sucks, you bitterly thought when you ran straight into the back of a Bad Lad. It knocked you down onto your ass, and your gun flew out of your hands, smacking Vash in the jewels. He promptly crumpled to his knees.

You facepalmed at your duo's bad luck.

"This fucking sucks," you groaned. Then it went dark.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

The Bad Lads decided to have some sort of cruel mercy (or was it sadism?) and tied the two of you up. They drove your totally shlumped figures out into the middle of nowhere and hung you off a weird piece of metal sticking out of the sand.

Two other bodies were hanging on either side of you. They were dead. Like, dead dead, possibly for weeks after you glanced at their state of decomp. Creatures that looked like a mix of a dragonfly and a vulture feasted on their rotting flesh and looked like they wanted a piece of you, too. You cringed.

"Good Morning, sleepy head," Vash teased, sensing you beginning to look around once you were awake.

"Fuck off."

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