End Notes

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That's it! That's the end! 

I was thinking about being ~evil~ and leaving the story off at "MC is dead, woe is me" but then I thought that that was a bit too mean, considering I already had her waking up in the real world all written before I even wrote the actual chapter. I also must apologize that it's shorter than I would have wanted and kind of a bit all over the place. I might come back and edit, who knows.


First of all, thank you for reading the entire book! It really means a lot to me, and I greatly enjoyed writing it! Also, this "chapter's" image is a drawing I made of that one scene in chapter 13 (if you were wondering). The physical appearance of MC is pretty much just me since that was who they were based on in the first place, as is her clothing but please remember that MC was left as vague as I possibly could (while still being incredibly self-indulgent) for the enjoyment of all you lovely readers <3 this appearance is not set in stone. 

Second of all, I have two announcements!

Book 2 is officially published! Instead of waiting a year for stampede season 2 - because I was too impatient and the brainrot was too strong - the sequel will follow 98, badlands rumble, with more original plotline chapters sprinkled in! When season 2 does drop, I have intentions to add a third book to the fake it til you make it series. This one is still a wip, but seeing as I've officially finished my first year of college I have a lot of time to work on it, and I intend to.

Also, I have an official discord server for all of my fanfics so that you can be up to date when I post chapters, where to find most of my works, pitch in with my stories, and just to create a cool and safe community for my fellow fanfic readers! I hope to see you there, the invite link is in my caard on my profile!

I read everyone's comments, even though I don't reply to them all, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for reading and for showing your support over the past three weeks (like goddamn, it really took me that short amount of time to finish this???). It really means the world to me <3 And if you have fanart of you/your oc as the MC please send it my way/tag me in the post, I would love to give you a shout-out and check out your art! My socials are in my caard as well. 

I'm so glad I could be part of your Trigun brainrot era, even if just for a short while <33333 

Love and peace <3

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