Chapter 14

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Short epilogue, including the last half of episode 12. Enjoy!
*edit 04/04/2023: I went ahead and rewrote some parts of this chapter. It's probably like 75% the same as the last version? There's some added details to further flesh out the scenes, as well as some other minor edits.

This Is Only The Beginning of Our Journey

Your friends could only stare at you with wide eyes in shock, millions of thoughts racing in their heads.

Didn't you have amnesia? How could you have fallen in love with Vash if you didn't know exactly who you were or where you'd come from - what your story was? Better yet, how could you fall in love with him if you hadn't even known him for very long? To fall in love with him this fast was... impossible to them, Meryl especially.

That was why she was quick to question you, looking for more answers to questions you didn't think you would have to answer so soon. Although you were desperate to get to Vash and help him against Knives, you figured this would be your last moment together with them to come clean.

It was for that reason that you stood before them nervously explaining the entire situation as best you could while still trying to be brief about it.

You told them how you were born in this universe on Ship 3, before the Great Fall, but had lived your entire life up until a few weeks ago in an entirely separate one. One in which they were nothing more than characters in a story. You explained that you were a 'vessel' for dimensional travel that was to be used as a last resort to save humanity, but you also didn't know the full extent of your abilities yet. It took being prompted to explain further into the story part, and you hesitated before delving into it more.

"In my universe - the one I lived in - you're all characters in a story, one that I delved into long before I had ever come here. I knew who you all were long before we had ever met," you told them.

"Why didn't you say anything," Wolfwood growled. "You could have saved Livio!"

"I couldn't!" You shouted back angrily, wings puffing up behind you. For a moment, you were shocked at your own outburst, reeling your emotions back into check, whispering "I couldn't save him. It doesn't work like that."

Wolfwood dropped the punisher into the sand as he rushed forward. The front of your shirt balled up into his fist and he pulled you forward harshly.

"Then tell me how it works, (Y/n)!" He shouted.

"You guys are like family to me," you said softly.

Wolfwood's grip tightened momentarily. He sucked in a pained breath.

"I've loved you all before we had ever met, and..." you paused, locking eyes with Wolfwood. You gave him the softest look you could muster given the circumstances, "I'm so glad I got to meet you."

Wolfwood released the front of your shirt and took a few steps back. He couldn't believe this - any of it! It was all too weird for him. He could only stare on with visceral shock written on his face before his brows scrunched together. He turned on his heels, wanting nothing more than to get the hell away from you and keep it that way.

You could sense his betrayal, it was practically radiating off of him, and it made you feel guilty. You wanted to reach out to him, but at the same time, you knew he was mad at you. It was probably better you let him be to cool off.

Maybe when this was all over, you could make it up to him.

"(Y/n), wait-!"

With a powerful flap of your wings, you left.

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