Chapter 13

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Content from episodes 10, 11, and 12. I'm apologizing in advance for all the page breaks, there was so much happening and scene switching in the last two episodes so hopefully it isn't like, fucking with the flow of the chapter.
This is the second to last chapter, too btw! Two part finale time babyyyyy!! I had a lot of fun writing all of this, if/when we get a season 2 of TriStamp I'll definitely make a sequel!
Without further ado, enjoy the chapter, it's a rather long one <33

You're Nobody Till Somebody Wants You Dead

You and Vash entered the rather large room. You'd only slightly lagged behind him, opting to keep a safer distance from the evil twin than Vash. Although it didn't sound like Knives' song was necessarily over, he did stop playing at the sound of your footsteps entering the room.

You had stopped just a few feet away from the door, whereas Vash continued forward. He stopped walking as he reached the middle point of the room.

"One of our sisters from back then," Knives suddenly said, as if sensing your gazes on the rather large statue (preserved corpse, really) in front of his piano. "I keep her here as a warning to myself."

"The humans aren't exploiting them because they want to," Vash replied.

Your stomach was doing flips from being so close to the mass murderer. This entire situation you managed to put yourself in was extremely dangerous.

"What did you come all the way out here for?"

"To take back the plants."

"The plants that you stole from innocent people trying to live," you piped in.

Memories of Jenora surged through your mind, as well as Vash's. You were hesitant to even speak up in the first place, but Vash could really use all the help he could get if he was going to try to convince Knives that what he was doing was wrong.

"And that's not all," Vash said. "The rash of robberies everywhere... that was you, Nai, wasn't it?"

"What an accusation," Knives replied. He sounded almost amused at how convicted Vash was in his love for humans.

Vash let out a small gasp. You, however, weren't as surprised. Your fists clenched at your sides and you grit your teeth - talking was going to get you nowhere.

"All I'm doing is rescuing our sisters who've been discriminated against and oppressed," Knives continued calmly.

Vash took a few steps forward, gesturing wildly with his hands. He would do anything to get his point across to his brother and save humanity from his wrath.

"Nai! We can coexist with humans too-!"


Surprised at the sudden yelling from the usually calm demeanored twin, Vash stopped moving forward. Your own eyes widened as you took a step back and instinctively began moving your hands to defend yourself.

"You don't want to save the humans because you love them," You watched Vash's demeanor change for the worse at his brother's words. "You just want to make up for causing the crash one hundred and fifty years ago."

"He didn't cause the crash, you did!" you exclaimed. You fearfully went to reach out for him. To comfort him, hold him, shield him away from his brother's vile words.

"Didn't he? No matter how much he tries to atone, the humans will never forgive him," Knives replied to you. Your jaw clenched in anger, words dying off your tongue as he continued speaking to Vash. "No matter how much you fool yourself, in their eyes, you're still a monster."

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