Chapter 6

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Things Are Only Getting Worse From Here

You felt refreshed this morning after spending the night with Meryl and Milly. The former refused to let you bunk alone or with either man in your group, practically forcing you to share a room with them last night. Nonetheless, it was morning, and your ragtag group was back at Rosa's diner.

As it turned out, While Roberto and Meryl were full-fledged reporters, Milly was only a university intern that had been allowed to tag along with them. That being said, the reporters were busy asking Vash questions. You weren't really paying attention to what they were asking or what his answers were, because you were busy being questioned by Milly about your involvement with him.

"So you haven't been killing people or damaging plants either?"

"Huh?" You lifted your head to look at Milly. Her question took a moment to process. "Oh, no. I, uh, have amnesia. Starboy over there is helping me find my.. home..."

In all the craziness of yesterday's events, you'd almost forgotten. But there still was no time to process it, because you were about to have a bigger problem on your hands.

You caught the tail end of a question about Vash having proof his brother was the one doing this, and not him. You laughed as Meryl shut down his fake crying.

Something in the back of your mind was bothering you though. What were you forgetting? First, they find him tied up in the desert, they check the plant, Vash is almost captured but saves the city the second time, then the Nebraska's escaped prison and stormed the town, but not before-

Oh fuck.

"Say, how about we end this interview here and we start heading elsewhere?" You nervously laughed. Your question was not only aimed at Milly, but you made sure you were loud enough for the other three to hear you.

You could feel Vash narrow his eyes at you for a brief moment while his head lay on the table. Then he realized that you probably knew something he didn't. You had intimate knowledge about the future. His future.

If you were nervous and wanted to leave, there was probably something bad about to happen.

"Hm? What's up, kid?"

Tonis set a metallic cage full of worms on the table, freaking Meryl out. Milly got excited and stuck a finger in the cage to pet the glowing creatures.

"Are those for me?" Vash got a silent stare in response. Tonis pushed the cage further onto the table. "Thank you, I'll take good care of them."

You watched Tonis smile happily as Vash rubbed the crown of the young boy's head. Your expression changed swiftly when you heard Rosa's Mom™ voice cut through the air.

At her words, Tonis grabbed the cage and his net before scurrying off. Vash reached out for him, but he was already long gone.

"And stay out for a while!"

Your group of 5 (jeez you already have this big of a group? Where is Wolfwood gonna sit in the car? The roof?) turned their attention to Rosa.

"You didn't have to go that far," Meryl tried to reason. Even if she didn't like the creatures, there wasn't a need to yell at the kid for it.

"Now then..." the shuffle of a gun from her made any kind of light atmosphere disappear in an instant.

A confused noise escaped Vash when he saw Rosa pointing the rather large gun at him. Meryl and Milly were just as confused, but you and Roberto looked indifferent though slightly annoyed.

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