Chapter 10

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This is a modge podge of the sand steamer episodes for both series (Trigun episodes 7 & 8, and Stampede episodes 6 & 7), but the reader takes Vash's role for the og series events with some slight divergence (obvs). Honestly don't even know if I liked how this turned out :/ It's also a bit long again lol

Wait, I Thought This Was Trigun Stampede?

Meryl tried to make a painfully one-sided conversation with the three of you in the backseat (well, you were taking a nap so you could be prepared to face Livio once you got onto the sand steamer). To her dismay, even after 3 full days of driving through the desert landscape, the tensions were still high.

Through the rearview mirror, she deadpanned at your sleeping form before making a sad expression at Wolfwood and Vash staring out their respective windows.

Roberto was quick to take over her sad attempt at conversing, informing Vash that the sand steamer up ahead would take him straight to JuLai.

"Are we leaving the car behind?"

"No, Milly," he said, going back to reading his magazine. "This is where we check out."


Meryl was surprised, and almost angry, that they would be parting ways with their new friends.

Without turning away from his magazine, Roberto replied, "We need to get back to headquarters. We could write ten full articles on our friends here."


"You good with that?" Roberto ignored the younger woman, instead glancing back at Vash.

The only thing he could do was shrug, then return to staring out the window. Barely ten minutes later, Vash was shaking you awake. You guys finally pulled up to the terminal.

You gave a big hug to Milly and Meryl, then made Roberto give you a fist bump (which he didn't even know what it was, he actually thought you were gonna punch him).

"See you guys later," you called out, before Vash and Wolfwood pulled you along to board the steamer.

"I thought you guys were buddies?"

You adjusted your bag over your shoulders, listening intently to the boys' conversation.

"No? Damn, that's cold."

A little boy rushed past you, tripping over your leg and stumbling. He didn't even apologize. He barely even glanced back before continuing forward to get onto the sand steamer.

Man, what a brat, you thought. Hopefully, the girls are trying to convince Roberto to pursue us like in the episode.

You sighed heavily. You separated from the boys to find a place to bunk so you could clean your gun. You hadn't cleaned it since Jenora, so it was past due for one.

The boys, on the other hand, stood outside.

Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub~ 5 feet apart because they're not gay, you thought in amusement, humming to the tune of the vine.

You knew Wolfwood and Vash were probably sharing a moment now back on the deck. Thinking back on the scene from the anime, you tried to remember if Livio would have possibly shown up by now.

Probably, you thought. But I really need to clean my gun before it jams on me in the middle of a firefight.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

You had been in the middle of cleaning your gun, starting to piece it back together, when a man approached you.

"Are you the Heart-Eyed accomplice of Vash the Stampede?"

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