Chapter 7

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This got... Graphic. I honestly didn't realize just how fuckin dark this episode was until I started picking it apart to write the chapter. So uh.. TW? It's legit just what happened in episode three, but like, god it's so fuckin graphic and dark in written form. I legit almost cried in the middle of writing this lmao

Yep, Things Got Worse

The celebration for saving the town again and retrieving the plant from the Nebraskas was well underway. You knew it wasn't going to last long.

You tried to fight through the crowded bar and reach Vash's table. He deserved to know. He had to know. Knives was coming, and the ending wasn't pretty. You guys needed to leave before Jenora Rock was utterly destroyed. When you finally reached it, he was gone.

"Fuck!" You angrily muttered to yourself, clenching fistfuls of hair on the sides of your head.

You spotted two familiar, but very drunk, girls and a depressed grandpa. You started making your way over to their table in an attempt to ask where the resident piss blond plant went, but Roberto's gaze stopped you.

You locked eyes with him before you gestured to the exit with his chin. The two of you met Vash coming down the stairs with your bags. At least he didn't intend to abandon you here with the press team.

"Not even a goodbye?" Roberto drawled. "They'll miss you."

Vash noticed you standing by the wall next to the chain smoker, who had pointedly jutted his chin at your form leaning against the wall next to him, seemingly pouting. He tossed your bag at your feet.

Oh hell no. He did not just do that.

Oh wait, it seems he did intend to leave you here.

"I don't like overstaying," he replied. You scoffed.

"That's not it," Roberto dropped his cigarette on the floor then stomped it out with his boot. "You couldn't stay in one place for too long even if you wanted to."

You stood idly by, waiting for the two men to share their moment before you ripped a new one into Vash for trying to leave you behind. And without so much as a goodbye? Yeah, you didn't think so. Even so, when Vash turned toward you two, you couldn't bear to meet his gaze.

"Just who are you running from?" Roberto backpedaled, "Wait, no, you told me his name this morning. Millions Knives."

For whatever reason, the depressed grandpa drawled out his name. Of course, once he finished saying it, a scream ripped through the air.

After giving Vash a look that said We're going to talk about this later, the three of you sprinted inside the diner.

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw," you muttered.

The creepy little bomb critters had completely crawled all over Joseph's large body. They looked especially creepy looking now that you were witnessing it first hand.

"What are these things!?"

"Lost technology?" You, Vash, and Roberto stared at the robotic critters in surprise at the reporter's words. Then the cube deformed, twisting itself and promptly changing from blue to red once it had.

Joseph screamed and ran out of the diner. Nebraska tried to run after his son, but Vash grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

"You'll die if you follow him!" You shouted.

You heard Joseph let out a mangled sob. And then he exploded.

Oh god...

That was even worse to witness in real life than on the screen. They didn't even show that on the screen to begin with! Smoke filled the air, choking your lungs. People screamed. In their panic, they ran as fast as they could out of the diner.

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