Chapter 4

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The Wreckage

The two of you reached the first town by nightfall, as you had predicted. You stayed the night there, nothing of importance happening besides stocking up your bag with some medical supplies from the general store there. That included pain medication for any future episodes you may have.

The next night, your duo was forced to sleep halfway between towns because you left a little late (aka you slept in and Vash let you, much to your chagrin). You didn't have a sleeping bag yet despite buying a bunch of things you figured you'd need on your adventures with the blond in the first town, so you simply threw off your flak jacket and used your bag as a pillow.

While uncomfortable, it wasn't the first time you'd done such a thing. Camping back home with your parents at the town lake sometimes was much too hot to sleep under covers. So any jacket you had was light enough to keep you semi-warm instead of sweating your ass off in the summer.

"You can use my sleeping bag, you know," Vash stated once you finished your 'set up'.

"Keep it, I'm fine with just this," you instantly replied. "Besides, plants aren't good with the cold where I'm from."

"Ha ha, very funny. Just take the sleeping bag, I don't want you to get sick from the cold."

The look you sent him made him accept defeat. That didn't mean he wasn't still concerned, though.

You busied yourself with setting up a fire to keep the two of you warm. Once that was finished, You plugged your phone into the solar powerbank you had forgotten was hanging off your bag.

How handy, you thought.

To fill the quiet, cold desert air during dinner, you and Vash shared stories of your two worlds. He would tell you more about Gunsmoke while you would tell him about your life on earth. You even played some of the softer music you had saved on your phone to fill in the silences in between.

When you had finally fallen asleep, after the two of you shared stories while eating your dinner, Vash shed his infamous red jacket and laid it across your form.

He would be fine with just the sleeping bag, anyway.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

It was a bit past noon by the time you and Vash reached the last town before Jenora & the wreckage.

"We should stay here for the night, we won't get to the wreckage tonight even with a Thomas," Vash said when you came back from buying food at a stall to where he was seated.

"Whatever you say, Starboy."

You gave him a smile and handed him his portion of smoked Thomas meat. You pulled out a knife you had bought when you arrived in town and started cutting to get slivers of the meat off to eat.

"This is so much better than I thought it was going to be," you exclaimed. "It tastes like chicken!"

Vash laughed, using his own knife to cut pieces off of his chunk of meat. "What's a chicken?"

"A bird back home. It's like-" you made a size estimate with your hands- "Yay-big? They've got a bigger body than they do a head, but they can't fly like most other birds can. And they cluck. Usually they're white, black, or different shades of brown, and can get pretty territorial, if you aren't careful."

You started telling him about other earth animals and fauna you could remember. You also told him about the ocean, and how it was so deep and vast that scientists hadn't even discovered every animal that lived in it, nor could they map out the sea floor in its entirety.

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