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"Oh, I see you've already met, well want do you think Aiden isn't Tammy perfect for you, you'll make a lovely couple, nice young bride to give you lots of babies, better than that old hag standing next to you" she looked at Freya and said "you're not wanted anymore, he'll see sense once you're out of the picture, now he's got a nicely brought up young lady, regular church goer, young enough so they can have children, nothing like the dried up old slut you are, do you know Mrs Pittman, she had sex with him, after only knowing him a few hours, I know disgusting isn't it, so you can leave now" it took all of Freya's self-control not to hit her, and wipe that smug smile off her face, or just kill her where she stood. Freya could see Aiden was getting upset now, he was clenching and unclenching his fists, and his famous stare was getting worse, it's like he couldn't see anybody around him. Freya touched his arm, and he didn't respond at all, he just stood there starring. She called William over and asked him if he'd fetch everybody from the dining room. He looked puzzled but did as Freya asked. The next thing the door to the dining room was thrown open, and everybody came hurrying into the lobby. "What the fuck are you doing here, you've been told to stay away from us, and who the hell are these women?" Said Georgie "Oh, meet Aiden's perspective wife, Tammy. Apparently, I'm a most unsuitable person to marry Aiden, what he needs is some young, church going woman, who can give him healthy babies, not a dried-up slut like me." Everybody was stunned. They all looked at Aiden, he was still standing there, starring into space. "Look guys, can you take Aiden up to our room, I don't know what's the matter with him, it's like he's comatose standing up, but I'm scared he'll explode at any time, and I wouldn't like to be his mom if he did." The guys started talking to him, about the tour and stupid things, trying to make him laugh or respond in some way, but he just stood there, so Charlie and Ray got hold of his arms and led him gently away, with Matt and Regan at the rear as bodyguards. The lift doors closed on them and Freya asked the girls to take Tammy to sit down out of the way, then Georgie and Freya turned on the two women "you are both certifiable, you fetch some poor girl here, trying to marry her off to Aiden, when he already has a Fiancée, he doesn't want or need your help in finding a wife, he's got Freya and she's all he needs or wants, so fuck off and don't bother us again" said Georgie. "That common slut, isn't fit to clean his boots, did you notice Jenny? she told the boys to take him up to THEIR room, so they are obviously sleeping together, like some common little whore, well I'm going to see what you've done to him, to make him go like that, I bet she's got him drugged, that's the only way he'd stay with 'it'" "you're not going anywhere near him, I've seen this before, when you have a go at him he goes into himself, it's how he copes with the aggravation you used to give him, so it's your fault as usual, nothing to do with Freya and she definitely is not drugging him."

They heard a noise by the door and saw two police officers entering the lobby, they went over to the ladies, apparently William had called them when Aiden's mom had walked in. They introduced themselves and told them that the manager had called because there had been trouble with Mrs Ross before, and they wanted to know if everything was alright. "Well when these two ladies have gone, taking Jenny's daughter with them everything will be fine" said Georgie "I've come to see my son, but they won't let me, I've brought Jenny and Tammy with me, for Aiden to meet Tammy, as a perspective wife, but these two women say he doesn't want to, but he's acting strange and I think they've drugged him, it's the only way he'd prefer that slut to Tammy" she looked smug as if to say 'that'll sort you out.' "He's not drugged officers, he's just not feeling well at the moment, and he's gone to our room to sleep" Freya said "well I think under the circumstances we'd better speak to Mr Ross, just to make sure he's fine" "can you wait a few minutes, I'll just phone his doctor, he's seen him like this before" "yes that's ok, we don't mind waiting" Meg wasn't happy about the wait, "whatever they've given him could be out of his system by the time the doctor gets here, I need to see him now" she was talking to the police officers, making all sorts of allegations against Freya and Georgie. The next thing the doctor arrived "hello Georgie, what's the matter with Aiden?" "I'll tell you what's the matter Dr Nimoy, those two women have drugged Aiden, that's the only way he'd stay with that common slag" "look Mrs Ross, I'll take a look at him and see what's the matter, shall we?"

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