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Aiden came running over and took Freya in his arms and smothered her in kisses "are you alright? What did they want? Are they coming back?" "I'm fine, honestly I'm fine, they wanted me to go on a little car ride with them, back to the hotel to see their boss. I'm sorry Gladys, but they are coming back, I've told them if their boss is that desperate to see me he can come here" "that's OK Freya, I'll just phone the cops" "Please don't do that Gladys, I'll make a phone call, don't know who you can trust in the police department, I know some are local lads but any outsiders, well they can't all be trusted. And you did say if people cross Morris and Jasper they have accidents, well I've definitely crossed them haven't I, so I think I'll call in the cavalry just to be on the safe side, if you trust me that is, do you trust me Gladys?" "Yes I trust you. Right listen up all of you, nobody is to call the cops or anybody else, right. Those gentlemen will be coming back, maybe with friends so anybody who wants to leave can do so now, but please keep your mouths shut. Freya's got it all in hand and I trust her with my life, Ok?" There was shouts of agreement from everybody. Somebody shouted "do we need to get our guns? most of us have one, and are pretty good shots" "Thank You for offering but no, if anybody has one on them keep it out of sight, they know I'm armed, but not anybody else, I'm hoping it won't come to any shooting, but just act normally and keep yourselves safe. Right I need to make this call now." Freya had Aiden hovering like a wasp at a picnic "will you sit down you're making me nervous, I'm calling Charles.  Hello Charles, there's a situation going to happen, I don't know whether it's going to involve GWS or not" and she went on to explain everything that had been said and done, and the fact that they're coming back "so they are coming back anytime soon, I have a look out by the window, but we don't know who to trust in the local police department, have you had anything back about Detective Stuart..... That's great news, any dubious ones there though..... Wow that's unusual, but great to hear..... Yes Aiden's fine, he's obviously worried sick in case anything happens to me, but I've put him behind the counter as if he works here, should keep him out of mischief." 

Aiden was sitting there asking for the phone, so I handed it over "Charles? it's Aiden, sorry of course you know who it is, is Freya going to be alright?.....of course I trust her, I trust her with my life, but I'm worried about the men because we don't know how many are coming back, what if they fetch an army?..... Ok that's fine, I'll give you back to Freya" "I'm back.....Right you've told them not to do anything stupid, I don't want to be babysitting them, because they can't do as they're told.....yes I know they're fully trained officers, but have they been in any situations like this.....Ok, there's no need to shout.....I know you're worried, but I promise not to do anything reckless or stupid, right I'd better go make sure everyone is prepared, speak to you later." Everyone was looking at Freya, waiting for her to say something, she looked at them all and thought 'I'm glad they're on my side', some of them looked really mean, but you could see the twinkle in their eyes "right I've been talking to someone in national security, there will be officers outside, in plain clothes and in hiding, we might have one coming in, again in plain clothes, so I want you all to just act normally, pretend nothing unusual is happening, because if they don't do anything to me or anybody else then they can't be arrested, so they'll hopefully just go away." They were all talking, eating and drinking and Detective Stuart came in and walked up to the bar "how are you doing mate? haven't seen you in a while" and he shook hands with Aiden  and pulled him in for a man hug, "I'm Detective Stuart, remember me?" Aiden was smiling "of course I remember you Chuck, how are you doing? now bloody relax there's nobody here yet" 

He let out a sigh of relief and went over to Freya "right I've had Sir Charles onto me, he's told me everything he knows, is there anything you need to add" "no just stay calm and don't do nothing stupid" "I'll have you know I'm a highly trained officer and my officers follow my lead" "no, you and your officers will follow my lead" "your having a laugh aren't you? Your just a secretary and sometime courier, don't get ideas above your payroll lady, let the big boys handle this" the hand is quicker than the eye, as they say. Freya had him with his arm up his back and her knife to his throat "actually I'm a very highly trained MI5 operative, being a secretary is my cover story, so don't get ideas above YOUR fucking payroll mate, and don't cross me again I don't want to get blood on my knife, I've just cleaned it" and she let him go, he turned and looked at her as if he'd run into a monster. Freya took his phone off him and phoned Charles "will you talk sense to this dickhead? he thinks he's in charge and if he mess's up I'll fucking kill him, just to get him out of the way." Freya gave him his phone back and Charles started laying the law down, "under no circumstances go against what Freya tells you to do, watch for any signals she might give you, she is in complete control, unless anything happens to her and you have to take over, but until that time, Freya is in complete control, is that understood?" "Yes Sir Charles, understood." He gave her his phone "Thank You Charles, I'm sure everything will be fine now, speak to you later" and he was gone "right are we ok now? and can we work together?" "Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am" "well you can cut that out, the name's Freya and what's your Christian name?" "William, bill for short, ma'am, sorry Freya" "that's better, now just sit by the bar and talk to Aiden, Aiden come and take your friend Bill to sit by the bar with you, if I call Aiden, 'Henry' I'm in need of help ok?" 

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