Chapter 7: In the World, There is Chaos

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"Attention all you insignificant humans, I, Chaos, little sister to the divine blue god, require you all to sacrifice yourselves. Everyone who does will be granted freedom from the suffering I cause if they do not. You have one hour starting," a large hourglass formed, "now."
Slowly, Chaos landed atop a now forming building. Similar to Jared, this was Epsilon tower, Chaos's personal in essence, world.
"CHAOS," A figure shouted in the distance.
"It would be you Sigma," Chaos grimaced, "what now? Come for another match?"
"Hell yeah," Sigma smirked.
Sigma's armor sparked, red lightning peppering the terrain all around the city. A jagged red helmet formed around his head, and large spikes burst up through the ground. Sigma quickly formed a red katana, and then motioned at Chaos to come after him.
Wasting no time at all, Chaos kicked him straight down into the street below. Sigma retorted by firing a burst of crimson fire at Chaos. Quickly and effortlessly, she swatted the volley away, just before she was tackled by Sigma, who created a dome of electricity around the pair, electrifying Chaos pretty heavily. Chaos, now slightly singed thanks to the electric volley, quickly dashed away out of the lightning dome. Chaos fired off several bursts of fire, but Sigma quickly flew through each and every blast, taking all the hits head on.
"That's it Chaos? Damn, I thought you'd have more power than that." Sigma smirked.
"Sigma, we both know you're the chinese bootleg of Jared, now do us both a favor, and leave." Chaos prefaced, forming a large blade at her side.
"That's why I'm here, I want to prove my differences from Jared," Sigma smirked.
"Oh really? Well, you've already failed in that regard." Chaos smiled, brandishing a large jagged blade.
Chaos lurched forward, grasping Sigma in a chokehold. Sigma quickly gripped her hand, and crushed it with his force. Chaos reeled back, her hand gushing blood onto the now gathering city goers below. Sigma spun in, a kamma in each of his hands, and gave the girl little time to breathe. Knowing she couldn't last close ranged against Sigma, Chaos quickly backstepped midair. Sigma effortlessly closed the gap once more, throwing the kamma in his left hand. A small red storm formed upon the impact, to which Chaos was quickly pulled into, her body being torn up by the calcified particles in the storm. Quickly, Chaos pulled back once more, only to be frozen in place by red particles from the second kamma Sigma had just thrown.
"Ready to give up yet?" Sigma smiled, forming two brand new kamma's.
"As if." Chaos responded, clearly upset.
Chaos broke free from the red particles, only to be met by another kamma, and likewise, another storm. Crimson red particles emanated from every step Sigma took, which Chaos quickly took note of. Sigma threw another kamma, but Chaos quickly knocked it away with one of her bladed wings. Realizing she was onto him, Sigma now formed three kamma's in both hands, and then threw them all at the small girl. Chaos raised her wings to guard, but instantly, three storms made impact with her wings, simultaneously, three bursts of freezing red particles forced her wings limp. Chaos was stuck in place, and Sigma quickly relished this time to hit her with a very powerful attack. Slowly, Sigma closed the gap between the pair, and pulled back his fist, Chaos raised her arms to guard, but slowly stopped gritting her face when she remembered her "trump card," to put it loosely.
Chaos quickly reached into her chest, grasping her heart, and with a single powerful squeeze, twelve new bladed wings burst from her back. Instantly, Sigma swung his fist, laced in the red particles, but Chaos made quick work of his attack, countering it with a single wing.
"How?" Sigma spat, his voice annoyed that his plan didn't work.
"The last upgrade Jared gave me," Chaos said, exhausted, "the perfected variable wing core."
Chaos's wings slowly became cloaked in a strange pulsing hue. However, all fourteen wings fell into 3 separate hues, one of blue coloring, one of red, and one of yellow.
Sigma quickly formed another kamma, but as soon as it made contact with Chaos, it bounced right off, crashing down in the city somewhere. She was impervious to all sorts of damage, and whatsmore, she was somehow regaining her energy that she had expended to reach this point. From the border of the city, a large explosive shell made contact with Chaos. She twitched, clearly feeling pain from the shot, before she launched off a large beam of purple energy at the unseen enemy.
"Hey Chaos," a stoic and resolute voice said, "ready for our rematch?"
It was Zeta. Somehow he had managed to find a way to hurt Chaos, and while it was slight, it did succeed. Sigma quickly flew back and regrouped with Zeta. The two shared a glance before Sigma drilled Zeta as to how he had managed to harm the girl in the state she was in.
"There are 3 distinct transmat pads on the outskirts of the city. If you successfully power one up, a large tank can be summoned from one. The tanks fire shells that resonate with the energy that protects her blades. If we find out which tank correlates to which color of hue, we can take her down." Zeta smirked.
Another shell made contact with Chaos, this time impacting one of her red wings, the aura around said wing fading.
"Is Gamma with you?" Sigma inquired.
"Indeed, he'll be in charge of using the tanks to take out her wings, meanwhile you and I will keep her distracted by getting in close." Zeta responded.
"Easy enough," Sigma smiled, blocking a flame charged fist from Chaos.
"Sigma, we're the last people between Chaos and absolute violence, we can't give up no matter what," Zeta prefaced, a dark look crossing his face.
"Yeah, I know," Sigma responded in an equally serious tone.
Two Hours Prior
'I can't believe I signed up for this,' Sam thought to himself.
"I'm so glad you got school off today!" a feminine voice cheerfully and giddily laughed.
"Yeah..." Sam deadpanned.
"So where do you want to go first?" Sayu Aiken smiled, clearly excited at the prospect of spending time with her son.
"I physically and mentally have no idea."
"Hmm..." Sayu thought to herself, "How about the aquarium," she smiled excitedly.
"Sure," Sam said, clearly annoyed at his mothers antics.
'I'll kill this woman today, and then help Black with preparing for this "Allistar," guy,' he thought to himself.
The pair walked all the way down to the Aquarium, Sayu attempting to connect with Sam the whole way. While the former tried her hardest, the latter would always shut her down quickly. Sam had a reason to continue onward, and Sayu wasn't a part of that reason, so he didn't see her as a person of importance. Regardless of the fact, he walked along for the sole purpose of entertaining his mother. While outwardly, his mother seemed cheerful and compassionate, he couldn't shake the feeling she was hiding something sinister.
As they arrived at the aquarium, Sam couldn't shake a sense of lingering dread. In fact, the longer they continued there, the more it remained. He would act natural when his mother was looking, but as soon as he wasn't in her sight, he would attempt to sense through the aforementioned dread. Unfortunately, Sam couldn't pinpoint the exact location. Eventually, the pair walked underneath the shark exhibit, and quickly, Sayu ran off, claiming she needed to grab some food and she'd be right back.
After a few minutes of waiting, Sayu returned, her arms wired with inflated veins.
"Sorry for taking so long," She laughed, "I had to help them fix the soda machine."
"Why?" I inquired.
"I was thirsty." She smiled.
'Clearly she's hiding something,' Sam thought to himself.
For the remainder of their time at the aquarium, Sayu acted in character, never relenting on the energy for a moment. However, as soon as they left the aquarium, Sayu quickly looked off in the distance, peering at a luminescent pulse of energy.
"Riftual detonation?" She mumbled to herself.
Sam quickly took note of her reaction, and set his sights on the distance too. A large blue wave, only viewable via energy sensory, brushed through the city. Soon after, a large green element encased the city, and as quickly as it arrived, it disappeared.
"Hey Sam," Sayu asked, "Do you mind seeing yourself home? I have something to attend to."
"Of course," Sam responded, his true plan of following her present in his eyes. "Be safe." He smiled.
Sigma and Zeta were being overwhelmed. With her current immunity, Chaos was nearly, if not completely invincible. What's more, Gamma wasn't built for speed, he was built to take hits. However, of the three Ageloids, Gamma was the only one who could reliably do the job of taking down Chaos's wings. The other problem that arose with Chaos's power was getting into position to take down one of her wings. Chaos would immediately detect where the tank was the moment Gamma had completed charging. Quickly she would relocate to a vantage point where she could destroy the tank.
"Two down Gamma, try and hit one last one," Zeta spat into the communications link.
"I'll try it," Gamma spoke back quickly.
A large bang was heard, and suddenly Chaos collapsed.
Zeta and Sigma wasted no time. Zeta came down with an elbow, Sigma followed up with a downward haymaker, and then Zeta finished the combo with a savage haymaker.
Chaos spun to life, staring at the two with hatred in her eyes.
"Attack me, and I'll make you suffer," She smirked.
"Try it, you already failed once." Sigma laughed.
"You lost that fight in the Mariana," Chaos iterated.
Dodging a blade quickly, Zeta fired off a volley of blue flames. Chaos, pulsed, sending out a dark field. Zeta and Sigma were sent into a world of pitch black, where Chaos had free reign over them. Zeta quickly let out a pulse of blue fire, lighting up the world around them.
"How much time do you have left on Jared's power?" Sigma asked.
"Two minutes, how long do you have till Ravenous Beast is ready?" Zeta responded.
"Five, but if I get hit a few more times, it'll be three."
The pair raised their arms to guard. Chaos flew in fast, impacting one of the pair, and then leaving. Instantly, she impacted the other. Zeta and Sigma took hits from all sides, desperately, Zeta attempted to find a way out of the dark zone they were in, but ultimately he was unsuccessful. Sigma pulsed constantly with red lightning, but was still stuck taking hits from Chaos at unsavory times.
Suddenly, large red light streaks glew on Sigma's body. Smirking, Sigma pulsed once more, several large bolts of lightning piercing through the darkness around them. The darkness fell, and the pair were able to catch a glimpse of Chaos gripping Gamma's throat. Sigma rushed at the girl, but it was futile, she quickly grasped his throat too. Zeta quickly rushed to one of the transmat pads, only to be impaled by a large blade.
"It's been fun Zeta, but our game ends here." Chaos smiled.
"Indeed," Zeta said, the world fading into white.
Chaos slowly saw that she herself was being held in a chokehold by Zeta, and the other pair had taken down two more of her special wings.
"Touche," She laughed.
Purple and Black particles slowly faded from Zeta, and instantly, red particles took their place. A large glaive formed on his back, and three daggers at his hip. Chaos quickly threw Zeta off her, and then launched 4 of her blades at the man. A large tank shell impacted one of the blades, and it fell limp. A red bolt of lightning flashed through, severing the blade from her back, causing Chaos to reel back.
'Where is Gamma? He has to be nearby, those tanks don't have the specs to hit a shot like that.' She quickly thought to herself.
Zeta quickly clutched one of her many blades, and spun her straight down into the city streets below. Then, from behind, he gripped another blade, throwing the girl through a nearby building. From above he slammed her head into the ground. From below, he gripped her leg, and sent her spiraling into the sky once more. Sigma quickly impacted her with a mach 5 shoulder charge, slamming both of them into the city below. The pair crashed through buildings and streets all the while Chaos kicked, attempting to get Sigma off of her. Slowly, thanks to the friction, Sigma came to a stop, out of breath. Chaos quickly stood up, going for another attack, but she was kicked back to the sky by Zeta. As soon as she had her eyes set on the man, she was impacted by another tank shell. Chaos spun around attempting to locate the tank, but ultimately found nothing. Quickly she rushed off to the outskirts of the city to find Gamma, but Zeta interrupted her plan. Chaos attempted to breeze past him, but Zeta raised the energy shield to the glaive, blocking her path. Instantly, another shell impacted her wings, making yet another wing limp. However, she was quickly able to realize the location the shells were coming from.
"Neat trick Zeta, but you just played your last card." Chaos laughed.
"Did I?" Zeta innocently smiled.
Another shell impacted Chaos's wing. Chaos looked over to see Sigma carrying a large tank. Instantly, the girl used her remaining wings to tear the machine to shreds, but her efforts meant nothing. She was down seven wings, and only seven more wings stood between her, and them. The girl scoffed, and from her back, she pulled a spear of dark purple energy, and then in a flash, Zeta was impaled, his hand just barely clutching a knife on his hip.
"Gotcha," Zeta smiled.
Chaos was immediately teleported in front of another tank shell. The girl screeched in hatred and anger before brutally ripping the spear from Zeta's abdomen. Zeta collapsed to the ground, but not before teleporting Sigma behind Chaos. Sigma closed the gap between himself and Chaos, aggressively throwing heavy blows. Chaos was pushed back, out of moves. From above, Gamma threw a tank shell, dropping the girl's defenses to 5.
"You look scared Chaos," Sigma smirked, "are you finally realizing that Jared left you?"
"Don't count me out Achos," Chaos finally relented, "It's been exactly one hour since this fight has started, and I'm hungry."
Chaos vanished, speeding off. Sigma or much rather, Achos rushed after her, weaving around collapsing buildings and ducking under falling debris. The pair zoomed through the city, Chaos only stopping to slaughter people around the street, to fuel her power.
The funny thing about Chaos wasn't her lack of omniversal powers like Jared, instead she had vampiric powers. With each and every victim she absorbed, her wings slowly began to regain their movement. Inch by inch, Chaos was slowly getting faster than Achos. Soon hundreds of people were dead, buildings were falling, and blood filled the streets of the city. Chaos narrowly avoided a falling overpass, cutting Achos off from her tail. Chaos ran rampant through the city, cutting and absorbing the energy from all the people that were unlucky enough to be in her path. Soon, all 14 wings were in peak operating position, and Achos was her next target. However, the mission was the priority in her mind, if she could kill the remaining some odd 135,000 humans here, that would be more than enough energy to revive her brother. Weighing the values, Chaos rushed about, attacking people more than her opponents.
"Damn that girl," Zeta spat, spitting out blood, his mask now removed.
"Easy there Matthew, don't push yourself too much, she got you good, we just gotta wait till you finally get one of the recovery focused Ageloid powers." Gamma smiled reassuringly.
As if on queue, the red particles drifted from Zeta's body, and the knives and glaive he wielded disappeared. Now, blood red particles fell on his body. Zeta slowly crawled to one of the numerous pools of blood, and touched it. Slowly, the blood crawled up his arm, and filled in the hole and organs in his abdomen.
"If only Achos didn't have baggage because of this power." Zeta smiled, "it's really useful."
"I don't think the tank thing is gonna work on her," Gamma spoke, looking at the girl easily fending off Achos, her wings now charged with the same energy. "We need another method."
"I got an idea, but it'll take some time, and I need you to help me out." Zeta smirked, his plan coursing through his mind.
"Sure, I'll assist where I can," Gamma smiled, blowing off his fists.
Elsewhere, Achos struggled to keep Chaos preoccupied.
"Achos, we need you to keep her secluded, when our plan is done, we'll get you the power to stop her, you just need to keep her attention for a little while," Achos' earpiece spoke.
"Easier said than done, but I'll try my best," Achos responded, narrowly guarding one of Chaos's blades with his sword.
Chaos was trying her hardest, she would kick Achos away, and then speed off to do some more killing. After every single attack, Achos would come back, but the speed at which he had to come to and fro was taking its toll on him. Achos rushed in, after having been sent flying by yet another attack, and arrived just in time to see a family of 5 meeting their end by Chaos. Achos closed the gap, delivering a right hook which did send Chaos flying a fair bit, but the trade was his hand. The damage had been reflected thanks to Chaos's shield, and Achos's hand was crushed in the impact. Achos followed through with his attack, closing the gap between the pair, and hitting Chaos with a high kick, sending her flying upwards, albeit slightly. Chaos recovered quickly, but Achos collapsed to his knee, clutching it in pain. Chaos landed slowly behind Achos, so as to not alert the man, and ever so slightly, she kicked him down to the ground, pinning him.
"Any other tricks Sigma, or is this all you have?" Chaos maliciously smiled.
"It's called stalling bitch," Achos responded, flipping the girl off.
Chaos grabbed Achos' hand, starting with his stretched out middle finger, and tore it off. Chaos moved to the pointer that Achos had, and tore that finger off too. Slowly, she tore the ring finger, and the thumb, and finally Achos' pink was all that remained. Chaos grasped the final finger, and ripped it clean from his hand. Achos screamed in agony, his blood pooling in the crater in the street. Chaos moved on to Achos's arm, now ripping it from his shoulder. More and more blood began to flow from Achos' mangled half corpse of a body. Chaos moved on to Achos' opposite hand, ripping off finger by finger, and then tearing off his opposite arm. Slowly, Chaos began to prepare to sever his legs next, but before that happened, Achos found the strength to roll back, just in time too as Chaos was crushed by a nearby building falling directly on top of her. From his wounds, Achos spewed blood on the street around where the clash had been fought. Slowly anemia built up, and he began to feel lightheaded. Any longer and he would be out cold. He had to find a place to release his power, and he had to soon.
"Any progress on that plan?" Achos spoke into his earpiece.
"Almost, we're just about 67% done, just keep stalling, maybe another 5 minutes and we're home free," Zeta responded.
"Of course, take as much time as you need." Achos closed, logging off of the communication channel with his earpiece.
Achos spat out a tooth at a nearby wall, which caused said tooth to bounce and bump his left peck. A large menu popped up with a single red button that read "Activate." With no other choice left, Achos spat another tooth at the button, and soon the city was bathed in a red light.
Chaos, struggling to escape the rubble the building had placed above her, bore witness to the blood red light, and immediately knew what Achos was doing. Panicking, Chaos put forth all her energy, and broke free of the rubble, attempting to locate Achos. She managed, and flew quickly, at an almost incomprehensible speed. But just prior to that happening, a nearby building fell from its lack of integrity from their clash. It crumbled down, blocking Chaos's path, and leading the girl down a completely separate route, one that would undoubtedly take longer to reach Achos.
Achos kept focus, slowly his arms and fingers regrowing from the encompassing light. The red light slowly absorbs itself into his body. This was the ravenous beast technique, originally part of the first form of Delta, but inferior to his version. By causing pain, and receiving pain, Achos' body stores power. This power can later be discharged in a massive light, where it is exposed to elements and becomes unstable. Achos can again absorb this power, and grow astronomically strong, however it takes a bit of time to work.
Speeding around corners, Chaos struggled to see the crashing buildings that fell all around her. Slowly she sped through cracked streets, attempting to find a route to the origin of the light. Her blades couldn't do the job for her. Thanks to ravenous beasts energy, the barrier that allowed her blade such power would dissipate at the sheer dispersal of energy. Chaos was being pushed to her limits, and with the amount of energy the light was putting out, she couldn't even use infrared sensors to find Achos. Chaos did some quick math, and found the origin point of the dome of energy, but she had yet to find a route to the center. Slowly, the light began to collapse, and Chaos was left with not more than maybe 20 seconds to find Achos. She rushed through the light, using her body to break through all the collapsing buildings, but she couldn't break through to the center in time.
The light faded, and Achos crashed into Chaos at blinding speeds, sending the pair spiraling through several buildings, and inevitably landing on the rooftops. Chaos stood up, only to be knocked back down by a savage uppercut from Achos. Chaos once again stood up, and raised her arms to guard, but Achos used a flying kick on her, shattering her guard, and sending her crashing into several roofs of buildings. Chaos slowly stood up once more, this time stuck on the top floor of an office building, but instantly, she was hit in the head by a two handed downward haymaker, sending her falling down to the bottom floor. Chaos attempted to use her blades on the unseen foe, but it was useless. Achos avoided them all with ease, and then landed another hefty blow on Chaos, sending her crashing through the streets below. Chaos flew back and then landed into a car, which, unfortunately for her, exploded upon her impact. Chaos crawled out of the wreck, her outfit heavily singed, and some of her hair burnt.
"Seems that shield is fading Chaos," Achos laughed, "ready to give up yet?"
"When will you learn Sigma, you'll never be good enough to best me," Chaos smirked.
"Really now, that building seems to say otherwise." Achos smiled.
On queue, a large building collapsed atop the girl, and instantly, Achos took this opportunity to fire off large red spikes at the girl. Granted, they had no effect on her, but it was his best shot at pinning her for a little longer.
"How long is left?" Achos barked into his earpiece.
"Not much longer, in fact we're on our way to you now, maybe last another 5-10 seconds," Zeta responded.
From the corner of his eye, Achos spotted the pair of Gamma and Zeta making their way towards him. The extent of the damage he and Chaos had caused was finally prevalent.
Chaos broke free from her rubble prison, and hit Achos while he was blindsided. Achos was sent reeling, but just in time, Zeta caught Achos, and quickly shoved a strange item into his heart. Suddenly, Achos was pulsing with energy, the same energy that Chaos had on her red aura wings.
"Now then Chaos," Zeta smiled, "it's time we end this."
Zeta got in close, and in a single hit, one of her blue wings had its shield knocked clean off. Gamma did the same for one of her yellow wings, however, Chaos realized the power they had, so she switched up her wing positions. Just as Achos was about to take out her red wing, the wing quickly rotated along her back, and a blue wing took its place. Gamma quickly flew over to Achos, the red wing attacking him now, and it was quickly taken out. Zeta got Chaos's yellow wing to stretch out a fair bit, and Gamma flew in quickly and took out the wing. Meanwhile, Achos flew far enough back to cause the blue wing that was tailing him to overexert itself, and quickly, Zeta got in and destroyed the sixth wing. Chaos was down six wings in under a minute, and stakes like these were a first for her. Zeta quickly shattered another blue wing, and Achos fired several red spikes that tore apart a red wing. Chaos dashed back, but she was quickly met by a large blue energy beam that tore one of her yellow wings down. Chaos bursted off in the distance, but unfortunately with her lack of wings, she wasn't faster than even Gamma, and she had lost another blue and red wing. Gamma got in close, and swatted at one of her yellow wings, causing its shield to fall, and the wing itself to go limp. Now it was just Achos and Zeta's turn to finish off the final two wings. In record time, Achos closed the gap between himself and her last red wing, and immediately upon shattering it, Chaos spiraled to the ground, in the moments before she would be saved by her shield, Zeta destroyed the last blue wing. Chaos was finally vulnerable. The trio watched in anticipation as she crashed to the ground, and as soon as she did, enjoyed the large cloud of dust that formed from an impact at that altitude.
"Well then, I suppose that's our queue to leave?" Gamma pondered.
"Nah, she's still alive and kicking, we gotta go finish her off," Achos responded, still catching his breath from the earlier fight.
Zeta took a moment to analyze Achos for his wounds. He gazed up at the red clad male, who formerly wore a red suit of armor, now wore a simple T-Shirt and shorts.
"She did a number on you huh," Zeta laughed to Achos.
"Hell yeah, I lost both my arms," Achos responded smiling.
Gamma landed just next to the crater Chaos had created. He walked through the puffy cloud of dust, and cocked his hand back, so as to finish Jared's remaining family off.
"Sorry Chaos, we just can't afford to have you stop Jared's plan," Gamma spoke eloquently, "No hard feelings."
Suddenly, Gamma's cocked back hand dropped to the ground, and purple fire spread throughout the city. Gamma back stepped out of the dust cloud, and just in time too. From the debris, Chaos, with a crazed look stood. She was cut up from falling onto a bare street, and half her face was scratched and torn, muscles showing from the lack of skin. Attached to her back, a large glaive lay, and her armor was no longer a simple nun's outfit, much rather it was a lightweight cloth type of fabric that was clasped to her form rather loosely. A sinister purple and black pattern donned her suitlike form to give it a touch of originality. Her hair was snow white, and her eyes were heterochromatic the same as Jared's were. She was clear out of breath, and her form wasn't of a child, it was of a teenager. Chaos reached back, and grabbed the glaive. She laughed to herself for a moment before her arm was completely cut off, the glaive flying off somewhere in the city. Crimson red particles trickled off of Zeta as he slowly sheathed a sword. Another gleaming light trickled into Zeta, this time taking the form of half black, half gold particles.
"Life and Death huh?" Chaos smiled, "This'll be fun."
The crazed girl got in close, going for a simple left jab. Zeta dodged it quickly, then Achos kicked the girl into a nearby collapsing building. A large storm brewed above, and rain began to trickle. Chaos slowly sauntered out of the building, her arm fully regenerated. Gamma, having reattached his arm, went in for a heavy handed hook, and was quickly blocked by Chaos. She quickly threw him into one of the few remaining buildings on that block, and watched as the whole structure crumbled down on him. Zeta created several large vines that grasped onto Chaos and held her in place, and Achos quickly caught the girl in a right cross that sent her spiraling through the whole city. Chaos slowed to a stop, and then used her two reformed blades to level the whole block. Buildings crashed down onto civilians left and right, all the while Chaos waited in advance for the trio of Ageloids to continue their futile assault against her.
Zeta was the first to arrive. He quickly fired black pulses at Chaos, the latter of which dodged. Upon impact, the black pusles began to wither and decay the surrounding road and environment. Chaos spun around, and landed a high kick on Zeta. Quickly, she whipped around and slammed Achos into the pavement beside her, just before parrying a clawed attack from Gamma. Zeta fired down several large seeds that upon impacting the ground, sprouted several giant venus flytraps. Chaos made quick work dicing apart the flytraps, but was quickly hit with a black pellet that withered her skin. Zeta smirked upon the pellet making contact, but quickly stood shocked when Chaos's wounds suddenly closed up, the pellet's powers suddenly ceasing. Quickly, Zeta was sent flying into a nearby building, his body collapsing. Chaos shifted her focus to Gamma who was attempting to fire a concentrated beam from his hands. Quickly, Chaos flicked her wing at him, sending him spiraling downward into the sewer systems below the city. Achos was the remaining Ageloid, however he was quickly overwhelmed by Chaos's absurd power. Chaos faked Achos out with a feint, and then kicked him straight to the clearing outside the city in a single second. Chaos waltzed toward her glaive cheerfully, but from afar, Zeta just barely landed a black pellet that withered Chaos's hand. Chaos reached with her opposite hand, but reeled back in pain thanks to the spiky thorns that had grown around the glaive. As she looked at her two hands, she was blasted from below by Gamma's beam. Chaos was flung upward, but then unleashed an assault with her blades, scarring the ground, and flinging debris all over. The rain in the sky began to pour down on the ruined city, and only two Ageloids remained. Gamma and Achos stood shoulder to shoulder. This would be their last stand against Chaos. Zeta used all his power in the final gambit to stop Chaos from acquiring her glaive, and Gamma had been using his power to charge up the energized tank shells. Achos was the only Ageloid who may be able to fight after this final stand. Chaos smirked evilly, and then motioned for them to come closer. Gamma went in first, opening a hole with a flying kick. Achos followed up with a right hook, but Chaos grabbed his fist after it had made contact, and flung him down into the ground. Gamma stood up and brought both his hands downward, but Chaos managed to guard with her blades. Achos recovered, and pulled Chaos back, causing the girl to lose focus on her guard. Gamma landed the attack on Chaos, slamming her into a crater, but she immediately recovered. Chaos grasped onto Gamma's calf, and then flung him into the lobby of a nearby building. Achos lunged and grabbed Chaos's neck, and then slammed her headfirst into the street. Upon the impact, Chaos swatted Achos away, flinging him into a now detonated car. Gamma flew forward, landing a right cross on Chaos, sending her flying into a large pile of debris. Chaos fired out several blades, and knocked Gamma all the way into a now recovering Achos. The pair collapsed onto the ground, but quickly, Achos vanished, and then reappeared behind Chaos, closing the near insurmountable gap. He quickly roundhouse kicked her, and sent her spiraling into a row of parked cars. Several explosions quickly rang out. Chaos launched both her blades at Gamma, and in an instant, she ax kicked him completely unconscious. Achos slowly walked towards her, admiring the folly and destruction of the city.
"Well Chaos, it seems we've destroyed everything the once who killed your brother loved. Isn't that enough?" Achos reasoned, attempting to use rhetoric to reason with her.
"It won't be enough till I get Jared back," Chaos grimaced.
"Why, why do you care so much about Jared that you're willing to end lives, to silence voices, to cause pain and harm to those who can't endure it?"
"Because Achos, these people are nothing to me. My whole life I've known nothing, but in my Ageloid life, I've had everything. As a human, I knew broken cities, hunger pains, and suffering beyond belief. But as an Ageloid, I've known lavish kingdoms, full bellies, and love beyond understanding. And all this was given to me because of Jared. Don't try to lecture me on inflicting pain and harm, when I've seen it, and I've lived it." Chaos spoke, hatred and sorrow cloaking her words.
The rain continued to pour as the two just stared at one another. One holding onto the image of their ideal Jared, while the other was holding onto the future that Jared desired. The pair would clash in a few moments, but for now, they savored the moment, and thought about their motives for a moment.
'Chaos only cares about Jared because he was the first person who actually cared about her. Interesting,' Achos thought to himself.
'Achos only cares about Jared because of his future. This is something I can use against him,' Chaos thought to herself.
"Well Chaos, you think it's about time to finish this?" Achos smirked.
"Absolutely," Chaos laughed.
"Final round." The pair said in sync.

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