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Laughter filled the Russo household as Marco began loading his eight energetic sons into the back of his car, excitement and anticipation filled the air as they were finally on their to way to watch the final basketball game of the season, in which Alonzo and Gabriele would be participating.

 His mood had been slightly dampened as only hours before, his youngest Darcy had come down with a fever resulting in the child falling asleep early and having to miss her brothers game. Although he felt guilty for leaving her out there was no point in waking the sleeping child, who had no interest in basketball now, he rationalised to himself. Feeling satisfied that Darcy's fever had significantly reduced and she would be in the care of a trusted nanny, he started the car and began driving.

Only twenty minutes after Marcos departure an unfamiliar car drove down the Russo's drive. The car parked directly in front of the entrance of the enormous mansion, causing the numerous men guarding the door to raise their weapons only to lower them again when the car window lowered to reveal Gianna Russo, Marco's elder sister sitting in the drivers seat. The guards, knowing better than to question a Russo didn't ask why Gianna was visiting they only moved to the side, allowing her to gain access to the Russo household. 

Standing in the foyer, Gianna was greeted by Lilliana, an elderly maid who smiled brightly at the woman. "Where is my brother?", Gianna bluntly questioned. "Mr Russo is attending his sons basketball match at their school, he won't be back for another hour or so." Lilliana replied, before diverting her attention back to cleaning, thinking nothing of the interaction. 

Gianna already knew her brother wasn't in, in fact she knew his exact whereabouts thanks to the tracker she had placed under his car days in advanced. 

Gianna once loved her younger brother but years spent in his shadow caused a deep rooted feeling of resentment to form. She had always been able to look past her jealously, until Marco's first born son Lorenzo was born. Gianna, who was unable to have her own children felt as though this was another thing Marco had bested her at and as he kept on having more, her hatred only grew. 

Her dream was to have a daughter and to spend their lives traveling the world together, she found comfort in the fact that no matter how hard her brother and his wife tried they too could not have a daughter. That was until Darcy was born.

Darcy's birth sent Gianna over the edge and she began plotting ways to make her brother's life as miserable as he had made hers. At first she had thoughts of killing Darcy but she soon came to the realisation that she could live out her dream after all.

She had orchestrated the perfect plan which was supposed to take place in a couple weeks time but after one of the men she had hired to follow her brother around alerted her that he was without his only daughter, she had to seize the opportunity.

Now, as she made her way up the grand steps in the direction of the little girl's room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration as she realised her dream was almost in her grasp. She opened Darcy's door ever so slightly and silently made her way in.

Gianna wasted no time and began gently shaking Darcy awake which resulted in the child stirring and then finally opening her eyes. "Aunty Gia?" a confused Darcy sleepily mumbled. "Yes sweetie it's me, come on we've got to go," Gianna softly whispered. "Go where?" Darcy questioned, still half asleep. "Your dad wanted me to take you on a girls trip, just the two of us," she said, feigning excitement. 

Darcy, uneasy about going anywhere without her farther or one of her brothers began refusing, resulting in a hushed back and forth between the two. After about two minutes of promising Darcy all the toys or candy she could possibly want and anything else that would entice a three year old, Gianna realised that the friendly approach wasn't going to work.

"Listen here you brat," Gianna seethed, gripping the collar of Darcy's pyjamas. "I am your aunt and you will do what I say, now put on your shoes we are leaving now." Darcy, now terrified hurried to her feet and made her way across her room to her shoes. She slipped them on and made her way to Gianna who was leaning against the doorway impatiently tapping her foot, but not before grabbing her backpack which she never left without. 

The backpack which was gifted to her by her brother Angelo, carried her most prized possessions: her digital camera, her numerous paints and brushes and her baby blankey. 

Gianna reached out for Darcy's hand, which she reluctantly took as they both made their way down the stairs. Once they exited the front door Gianna turned around, flashing a smile at the stationed guards. "Marco wants her to join them up at the school so I'm bringing her now," she stated calm and confidently when in reality she was terrified they'd see through her lie.

The guard, only looking up from his phone for a second nodded in reply before diverting his attention back down. A tiny smirk formed on her lips and she placed Darcy in the back seat and drove off into the night.

Six days later.

Gianna gripped her hair in frustration as she rocked back and forth on the motel's chair. "Could you just shut up for a second!" She screamed at an already crying Darcy which only made her burst into more tears. 

This was not how she had expected this to go.

She expected to leave with Darcy and immediately start their new, happy life but Darcy was not cooperating. She had been crying non stop for the past week, asking repeatedly for her farther and brothers and Gianna could not take it anymore.

Her dream was falling apart around her and she felt foolish for ever believing she could make Darcy her own. 

They had already traveled to Greece using fake passports which was supposed to be their first stop on their trip around the world but Gianna had already given up on that plan.

'How can I spend the rest of my life with this kid if I already despise her after a week' she thought to herself. "You know what. I don't need this," She mumbled at a confused Darcy before rising out of her seat and wordlessly exiting the motel room.

The three year old sat in the room waiting on the return of her aunt but after a couple hours she decided to venture out and investigate herself. She didn't make it far before a maid, wondering what such a young child was doing out by herself stopped her and asked if she needed help. 

Darcy explained how her aunt had left her which resulted in the maid bringing her to the motel's reception, where after hours of waiting child services was eventually called.

With no idea who this little girl was and no way to contact any relatives, it was decided that Darcy would be temporarily placed in a local orphanage until her aunt returned to claim her. The child services officer placed an upset Darcy into the back of his car and steadily drove her to her new home.

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