Chapter 36

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Me and my brothers sit patiently, silently watching the door

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Me and my brothers sit patiently, silently watching the door.

We know Darcy left last night and hasn't returned since. I'm furious at Lorenzo for agreeing to let her leave whenever she wants, she could be in danger somewhere and we wouldn't know.

When Nico, Matias and Seb told us that Darcy wasn't in her room when they did their morning patrol, I was worried but when they told me that Santiago hadn't shown up for his shift either my concern grew.

We checked the front door camera and saw that they took off together at two am which was strange but at least they haven't been kidnapped.

We're all sat around the couch, drinking our coffees when my phone rings. Seeing that it was Santiago, a wave of relief washing over me.

I pick up the phone and open my mouth, ready to yell at him to get my sister home now but I clamp it shut again when I hear his frantic yelling.

"Woah woah, calm down tell me what happened," I demand urgently, sitting up straight. He yells incoherently down the phone, causing me to only be able to pick up half of what he was saying.

"What do you mean shot?," I yell, causing all my brothers to straighten up and look at me worriedly. "San put my sister on the phone right now."

"Put it on speaker." Lorenzo orders.

"We were on a mission and she got shot, we didn't even realise," He stuttered out. We all immediately stand up, rushing to the door.

"It's only a shoulder wound but she's lost a lot of blood," He adds as we climb into Lorenzo's SUV.

"Put her on," Lorenzo commands, probably desperate to know that she's okay. "She's unconscious," Santiago replies.

"Keep applying pressure to the wound, I mean it don't fucking let go Santiago," Arlo barks into the phone.

Even whilst speeding, it took us thirty minutes to get to their location. I had to smoke a blunt to calm me down because the stress was getting too much to handle.

We get out and spot Santiago, who's cradling a bloody Darcy. He stands up when he sees us and begins rushing over.

Dante's the first to reach him, carefully taking Darcy out of his hands.

Once Darcy is safe with Dante, I deliver a harsh back hand to Santiago's head. "What were you thinking," I scold him. He doesn't reply, only staring at his bloody hands. 

We sit in the back of the SUV with Darcy sprawled out over all of us as we rush back to our hospital wing.

"If anything happens to my sister I will slit your throat," Angelo promises, staring at Santiago.

We finally pull up in front of the base as Dante jumps out the car with Darcy in hand. Everyone moves aside as we enter the building, nodding towards Lorenzo as a sign of respect.

"She's been shot, right shoulder, excessive bleeding," Arlo lists, now in doctor mode.

The doctor takes Darcy from Dante's arms and places her on a stretcher before wheeling her behind the big double doors at the end of the hallway and out of our sight.

My eyes peel open as I immediately flinch back, coming face to face with a stranger

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My eyes peel open as I immediately flinch back, coming face to face with a stranger.

"Sorry Miss Russo, didn't mean to startle you," He chuckles. "I'm Dr. Hutton, I'll be taking care of you today," He smiles.

I look around and realise that I'm in a hospital, the familiar scent of bleach and the almost impossibly white walls gave it away. I immediately remember what happened.

Remind me to apologise to Santiago for bleeding all over his clothes. 

"This was a close one Miss Russo," He says. 

Wow I almost died over a shoulder wound? The doctor looks me up and down before looking at his clipboard. 

"You know Miss Russo, you really shouldn't be partaking in such dangerous missions," He says, his voice seeping with judgement. 

What kind of sexist ass doctor is this?

"Excuse me?" I question, ready to go off on him about how I'm just as capable as my brothers to handle myself.

"Well even if we ignore the extreme physical danger, the excessive exercise and stress you endure during these missions will do no good for you or the baby," He tuts.

The baby?

"The baby?" I repeat, this time out loud.

"Oh, you were unaware?" He asks, taking my shocked silence as a yes. "Well according to your blood charts you Miss Russo are three weeks pregnant," He reveals nonchalantly while flicking through his clip board.


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