Chapter 21

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I duck under a flipped table as the sound of gunshots and screams fill the restaurant

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I duck under a flipped table as the sound of gunshots and screams fill the restaurant.

I frantically look around, trying to locate my brothers and little sister. Lorenzo, Arlo, Dante and Gabriele are all returning fire at the unknown assailants while Luca and Romeo are huddled under another flipped table.

I slide a gun towards them, knowing them two are the only ones that aren't strapped at all times. Luca goes to grab it but Romeo beats him to it, no doubt already excited to kill someone.

Risking a gunshot to the head, I look over the table to try and search for Darcy who is probably with a missing Angelo. I spot them behind the bar but my eyes immediately widen when I see red.


Not caring about the hail fire of bullets currently raining down on the restaurant, I dart over to them, tripping on a body as I do so.

I bend down and grasp Darcy's sobbing face in my hands, accessing her for injuries. Her head is bleeding but no gunshot wounds are visible. I let out a relieved breath that I didn't realise I was holding in as I pull Darcy into my chest, attempting to shield her from the ongoing chaos.

"Jeez thanks for the concern brother," Angelo rolls his eyes while tying a ripped piece of his shirt around his shoulder.

Realising that he's been shot, I immediately reach out to him but he shoos me away, "Relax it's just a graze," he says nonchalantly. "Get her out of here," he says, looking at me like I'm stupid for not doing so already.

Knowing there's no way I'm leaving my brother here injured and alone, I grab his good arm and pull him and Darcy to the edge of bar. I'm about to formulate a plan to get us out of here alive when I hear the gunfire abruptly stop.

"It's okay, Sono tutti morti," Lorenzo calls out. (they're all dead)

Darcy wiggles out of my grip before I could stop her and runs to Lorenzo, the person she always goes to when seeking comfort but as soon as she steps out from behind the bar she freezes in place, staring at the numerous dead bodies.

Instead of crying or screaming as we all expected, she stares at them motionlessly. "Don't look," Lorenzo commands, shoving Darcy's face into his torso and holding it in place.

"Where were you!" Arlo screams at our clearly useless guards who are just now entering.

"We're sorry Capo someone interfered with out headpieces, we were unaware you needed help," One of the guards stutters out, clearly terrified.

"You will be dealt with," Lorenzo says, deadly calm. He picks up Darcy as we all head to the door. 

"Clean this up," Arlo instructs, motioning to the dead bodies. " And deal with them," He points to two men shaking in the corner that I hadn't noticed till just now.

They're probably innocent but the guards will have to do what we do to all witnesses.

The car ride is deathly silent. We try and coax Darcy into talking but she remains quiet, gripping Lorenzo's shirt with her eyes closed. 

I know she's in shock, her innocent brain probably can't handle the images of all the people laid out on the floor, blood spilling from their heads. It doesn't affect us anymore, we've all seen people tortured and dismembered, even Romeo.

We all become concerned when Darcy's breathing starts becoming erratic. She still has her eyes clamped shut, refusing to open them. "Darcy baby? Can we see them pretty eyes?" Dante asks, attempting to pull her out of her thoughts.

She keeps them shut and buries her head further into Lorenzo's chest. "You need to breathe sweetheart," Lorenzo says softly, pulling her from his side onto his lap. Her breathing is still dangerously fast and she gasps for air.

"Darcy breathe," Lorenzo commands, his voice full of concern as he places her hand on his chest. "Listen to my breathing and follow it," He instructs but Darcy's too far gone, her mind a clouded fog of images of guts and brains splattered everywhere.

We all watch unable to do anything as her eyes eventually roll back into her head, the lack of oxygen to her brain finally catching up with her.

She goes limp in Lorenzo's arms as he sighs and strokes her hair. "It was probably for the best," Gabe says dejectedly, knowing that her being passed out would make the next couple of hours much easier.

"What are we going to tell her?" Romeo worriedly asks. We could of told her that this was just some random violent crime that we got caught up in but Darcy's a smart girl, she'll no doubtably question why we didn't wait for the police or why our guards began moving bodies as we left.

Lorenzo sighs again, running his free hand through his hair. "Not the truth, not yet."

"You know this was an orchestrated attack right?" Angelo questions hesitantly. "Of course I do," Lorenzo replies defensively. 

"This, paired with those photos we received of Darcy means that people who aren't very fond of us know of her existence." He explains. "I think it's best if we go into hiding until we figure out who we're up against," Lorenzo suggests.

"What!" Luca and Romeo exclaim simultaneously. Those two are always the ones to protest when we have to go underground for a bit. "We can deal with them here," Romeo says overconfidently, probably convinced that him alone could defeat a whole army.

Dante shushes him, afraid his loud voice will awake an unconscious Darcy.

"It'll be for the best, to keep her safe," Arlo agrees which makes Romeo immediately shut up at the mention of his little sister. "We can go to the base in Spain and our Spanish allies can help us if need be," Lorenzo suggests but from the look in his eye I can already tell this is a final decision.

Romeo huffs, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.

We pull up to the front of the house and Lorenzo instructs us to pack a maximum of two bags each, he's acting calm but its obvious the unknown threat of danger is causing him to slightly panic as he moves urgently into the house.

Lorenzo places Darcy on the couch and orders two maids to tend to her slightly bleeding head and Angelo's graze before making his way upstairs to back her things.

After I've packed my bags, I head to Darcy's room to see Lorenzo stuffing some of her clothes into a pink suitcase. I grab her signature backpack and start packing items I know she'll want with her. 

I grab her digital camera, her painting supplies and a couple of books. I also grab the croquet kit that Luca bought her and shove it into the already full bag.

I walk out of her room, only to barge into Gabe who's chasing a defiant Bear, leash in hand. "Come back here you little shit," He calls out, pushing past me and continuing his chase.

I watch in amusement as he falls over and completely face plants against our hard marble floor. "Motherfuc-" Gabriele's string of curses is interrupted by Lorenzo reemerging from Darcy's room.

"Boys go get in the car, the jet is ready."

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