Chapter 39

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Fucking twins. How is that even possible.

Just when I thought I was finally confident in my decision to keep this baby I find out there's going to be two.

"You need to tell him," Angelo finally breaks the silence.  "I know," I whisper as we pull up in front of the house.

"Listen," He says, turning to face me. "This isn't the end of the world, sure you're young but we both know you'll be a great mother and those kids will never want for anything," He reassures while placing his hand on my shoulder.

I feel my lip start to wobble and tears fall from my eyes at his nice words. "Oh jesus enough with the crying," He laughs.

He slings his arm around my shoulder as we walk into the house, pretty much everyone is in the living room looking towards the door.

"Finally," Romeo rumbles. 

"Yeah what's going on with you two?" Arlo asks, taking in the sight of my tear stricken face and Angelo's tense one.

"Nothing," We say in unison. I had to convince Angelo to keep my secret until I was ready to tell my brothers and so I could give Santiago a head start to run away before they kill him.

I wrap my arms around my torso and make my way to the stairs, ignoring the curious stares of my brothers. I turn around and send Santiago a glare, hoping he'll get the message and follow me.

I roll my jaw, trying to soothe the dull pain that's left from when Angelo punched me

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I roll my jaw, trying to soothe the dull pain that's left from when Angelo punched me. He must of found out about our night on the balcony somehow. I don't know why she would tell him.

I had to pretend that I had absolutely no idea what had made him so mad when the rest of the boys started theorising what had happened to make him so angry and Sin so petrified.

The image of her trying to pry him off of me while violently sobbing and shaking is hard to deal with. I'll have to make it up to her somehow and apologies for causing her so much stress.

They both eventually come sauntering through the door, causing everyone to snap their heads towards them. Sin looks utterly drained but somehow content while Angelo just looks plain stressed.

As she walks up the stairs she shoots me a glare that honestly terrifies me. Shit I've probably done something to make her mad.

Once the conversation dies down and the boys go back to watching the basketball match on the huge tv in the living room, I slip out and make my way to her room.

I slowly open the door that was already slightly ajar, taking in the sight of Sin mumbling to herself while pacing back and forth.

"What's wrong," I say, growing concerned at the sight of her obvious internal battle. She looks over at me and runs her hand through her hair.

"Hey calm down," I say while placing my hands on her waist, trying to halt her pacing. "You know you can tell me anything," I tell her genuinely.

She sighs and walks over to her desk, pulling something out of her bag. She returns and reluctantly holds out her hand, revealing a picture.

Confused, I take it from her hand.

I stare at it for a solid minute before I can truly process what I'm looking at.

"You're pregnant?" I stutter, looking up from the ultrasound picture and into her eyes. She silently nods, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Yes about six weeks, twins," She rushes out. "I understand if you want nothing to with this, with us I won't blame you we can sort out somethi-," She babbles frantically. 

"No," I cut her off. "I mean no I won't let you do this alone," I clear my throat.

My brain seems to be working much more slowly than it usually does because all I can think about is that she's pregnant, it's twins and they're mine.

"Fuck," I say, now thinking about the reaction of her brothers and my father. I'm now the one that's pacing as she stands silently in the centre of the room, gaging my reaction. 

I can sense that I'm scaring her so I stop and turn to her, carefully pushing her on the bed as I sit next to her.

"Listen, I know we're young and this maybe wasn't the best way of going about this but I want you to know that I'd never abandon you or my babies," I promise her.

"I'm scared, what if my brothers don't accept this, or something goes wrong during the birth, or what if-" She lists off but I cut her off, not be able to listen to all the things that could go wrong.

"Ssh it's alright," I reassure her while pulling her into my lap. "Nothing is going to happen," I tell her whilst running my fingers through her hair. "Those babies are going to come out happy and healthy and then we can spoil the shit out of them," I chuckle, already imagining all the things I need to buy for them.

She laughs softly in my ear as I cradle her in my arms. I gently lay her down on the bed, resting her head on the pillows. "You know I'm going to be with you every step of the way right?" I ask as I lean over her. 

"Yeah," She whispers, now staring at my lips.

I lean in and take her lips in mine, my left hand cups her head while my right is placed on her stomach. Now that's she's carrying my babies, my urge to protect her has been magnified. The thought of any harm coming her way makes me physically sick with worry.

I kiss her softly as her leg wraps around me. 

I eventually pull away from the kiss, no longer being able to contain myself "Sin, I need to be able to protect you." I look at her. "The thought of you and my babies being around another man makes me feel murderous," I tell her honestly. 

She nods, staring up at me with those enticing eyes.

"Sin I want you to be my girlfriend, and I have every intention of marrying you one day." 

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