Chapter 2

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Five days later

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Five days later

Darcy's body laid completely still under the rays of sunlight that shone through the hospital window. The nurses were happy with her rate of recovery, she came in with a broken arm, three broken ribs, a punctured lung, a concession as well extreme blood lose. 

As if that wasn't terrifying enough, the nurses also found previous injuries such as a broken ankle that had healed without a cast and numerous scars scattered across the child's body. She was also malnourished, resulting in the doctors having to insert a feeding tube.

Shocked at the abuse this child had endured, the hospital staff were set on finding out who this little girl was so they could have the police track down whoever was responsible. A nurse was sent into to draw blood from the girl to see if it would match anyone in their database but as she was finishing the process the girl began to stir and eventually her eyes fluttered open.

I open my eyes only to immediately shut them again, blinded by the fluorescent hospital lights

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I open my eyes only to immediately shut them again, blinded by the fluorescent hospital lights. I slowly reopen them and let my eyes readjust, leaning back and analysing my surroundings. 

The hospital room was a sea of dull grey which contrasted the one bright pink stuffed bunny that I didn't recognise sitting on the window seal, but most importantly there was a lady fiddling with something with her back turned to me. 

I go to clear my throat to let her know that I'm awake but as I attempt it I become aware of the tube sticking down my throat. The weird sensation catches me off guard causing me to start coughing violently. 

The lady snaps her head towards me and rushes over, her sudden movement causing me to flinch slightly. 

"Don't worry darling I'll get that for you," She reassures, pulling the tube out of my throat. Trying to distract myself, I stared at the pink bunny on the window seal.

"There, all done!" She chirps happily. 

She must have caught me staring at the bunny because a grin spreads across her face. "Do you like him? Me and my colleague went and got him at the gift shop for you," She smiles whilst getting up to grab it and placing it in my lap.

I'm not comfortable speaking to strangers so I just vigorously nod my head. I feel a smile tug at my lips as this is the first time anyone has gone out of their way to do something nice for me. 

"Now I know you must be confused but I'm going to explain everything," She says in exaggerated calm. 

"You came into the hospital with extensive injuries, do you remember that or how you got these injuries?" She questions, holding unwavering eye contact. 

I shake my head 'No', which is half true and half a lie. I don't remember anything after the first blow to the head but I'm sure I could guess where the other injuries came from.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before she nods and begins talking again. 

"Well your body was pretty tired and needed to heal so we put you asleep for a few days," She explains, waiting for my reaction. I tilt my head in confusion, trying to convey that I want to know exactly how long a 'few days' is.

"You were out for five and half days, coming up on six now," She states. Five days? Oh god Bear. A serge of panic hits me as I realises my dogs been out in the cold for 5 days with no food or water while I've been having a week long nap. 

The anxiety causes me to shake a little as I dig my nails in my palm to calm myself. "Hey calm down it's alright," The nurse says, trying to look at me as I avoid eye contact. She finally opens the file she's been holding and reads off it. 

"It says here that you're in care but it doesn't specify which facility you're staying in," She says, looking up at me. "Could you tell me if you stay in an orphanage or if you have a foster family, it would help us narrow our search," She questions.

I just continued to stare at my lap, unwilling to give up the place in which I stay because I know the drill. You tell them where you're staying, they do a welfare visit to either tell you the run down, rodent infested orphanage you're living in is suitable or they decide that it's not and send you to an equally bad, if not worse one. 

My thoughts are interrupted by the nurse clearing her throat, "Well we've conducted a DNA test to see if you have any relatives that would consider taking you in, as I'm sure you understand we can't let you go back to whoever did that," She sighs, motioning towards my visible bruising. 

"The results should be back any minute," She says whilst exiting the room. 

I almost laugh at this. She wants to contact the 'family' that left me in an orphanage to see if they want me now? What's the point in me waiting around just for her to tell me that no one wants me and I have to go back to the orphanage. I rather save myself the embarrassment.

I climb out my bed but immediately have to sit back down, largely over estimating how much my legs would work. I do a few stretches before trying again, this time I'm able to make it over to my dresser where there's a plain grey hoodie and joggers folded neatly on top.

I slide them on and slowly make my way through the hospital without detection, travelling through numerous white hallways until I reach the entrance and walk out into the street.

I've decided that although things aren't great, I could have it worse. I've gotten used to my life here and if they send me to another orphanage all that would change, and worst of all I could be split up from Bear.

I will be good this time. I'll apologise to Calvin for breaking the rules and I will sit in my room and behave until I turn eighteen. 

I make it home as fast as I possibly can, whatever pain killers they gave me at the hospital having clearly worked as I haven't felt a thing. I rush to the back of the orphanage to find Bear asleep right where I left him. 

I run over to him, collapsing to the ground and throwing my good arm around him.

"Bear! I'm so sorry," I whisper into his fur, being quiet to insure nobody else heard me. As I'm showering him with hugs and kisses I look around and notice a plastic container filled with water as well as few dog biscuits scattered across the floor. 

I smile, knowing some kids from the orphanage must have fed him.

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