Chapter 17

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It's been five days since Darcy was discharged from the hospital and she's been making a lot of progress

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It's been five days since Darcy was discharged from the hospital and she's been making a lot of progress. 

She's pretty much warmed up to all of us, she spends her mornings with Dante walking Bear, her afternoons with Me, Romeo, Gabriele or Angelo either playing Minecraft or painting, her evenings with Arlo helping him cook and her nights with Alonzo.

Apparently, once we're all in bed the little sneak would make her way to Alonzo's room to have some type of secret movie night without us. 

They've been keeping this tradition since the hospital which was heartwarming to hear at first until we realised that Darcy hasn't been sleeping at all during the night, which explains her constant napping throughout the day.

Lorenzo was going to add this onto the list of things they were going to 'chat' about tonight. He's been preparing to have a pretty loaded conversation with Darcy about her past and all of the issues we've slowly been noticing.

That's why today he authorised a day out for me and Darcy. He's been trying to keep her hidden until we find the perfect time to alert out allies of her return because if we tell them, our enemies will soon find out.

This day out is supposed to put Darcy in a good mood before her impending conversation with Enzo. He picked me because me and Darcy get along the best, we have all the same interests like reading, writing and pottery. 

We've gotten a lot closer the past few days, when we're alone she even talks to me as well as joining me in belting out Taylor Swift songs. Her favourites at the moment are Cruel summer and Bejewelled but I think Invisible string is the one that applies to us the most.

The boys have always made fun of me for having 'feminine' interests but look who's laughing now. I'm the one allowed to take our little sister out while they have to go to school and work.

I lead Darcy outside where I have left her first surprise. It look a while to convincer her to leave Bear at home today but I explained to her that most shops wouldn't let that massive dog in so she reluctantly agreed.

"Okayyyy you can look... Now," I say, lifting my hands from covering her eyes revealing two bikes that I bought yesterday. She squeals and points to herself. "Yes that ones for you," I say pointing to the pastel yellow one with the wicker basket.

Her smile is so big, it fills me with joy knowing I was the one who made her that happy.

"You know how to ride it?" I ask, swinging my leg onto my sage coloured one. She nodded ferociously and hopped on her one.

We cycle down the drive and out onto the main road, on the way to town. We live in a remote area, there's nothing but empty fields and hills lining the road, meaning this bike ride would be a long one.

I connect my airpods and the ones I bought Darcy and turn on my playlist. We listen to 'Put your records on' by Corinne as sun rays beam on our faces, Darcy's short sundress flowing in the wind.

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