Chapter 23

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Today has been one of the best days off my life, genuinely

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Today has been one of the best days off my life, genuinely.

Before today, me and Darcy hadn't really connected like she did with the rest of my brothers. I mean, we did play Minecraft a lot but that mostly consisted of us sitting in silence with me occasionally reminding her what buttons to press.

Today I realised that she's actually really fuckin funny. She's had me doubled over with laughed multiple times today. I think I can actually say that if she was a little older and she wasn't my sister, I would actually be friends with her by choice.

We spent a couple hours at the beach, having fun and splashing each other in the ocean before Darcy spotted a jellyfish and demanded we got out. We dried off in the sun before deciding to hit the shops.

We spent the majority of the day clothes shopping, taking turns trying on outfits and modelling them to each other. 

Whilst walking down the street with our numerous bags, I spotted a piercing studio and we decided to go in. I've been wanting a nose piercing for a while now.

I knew it wouldn't hurt me compared to pain I've previously endured so I wasn't the slightest bit worried but Darcy insisted on holding my hand throughout the whole process.

If Lorenzo doesn't literally kill me for sneaking out he definitely will after finding out I let Darcy's ears be pierced. I might as well pick out my coffin now.

The last shop we hit was a gaming store. I picked out Uno for us to play later and an iron man figure to add to my collection. To my shock and horror, I discovered Darcy had never even heard of Marvel. I vowed to show her every single movie once we got home.

At this point we've been out for six hours and it was now eight pm. I didn't really care about staying out late, knowing I was going to get in trouble either way so I might as well stay out for as long as possible.

"Oi!" I shout at Darcy who just threw a chip at my head. She runs off in front of me as I lob a handful in her direction. We laugh as we return to the beach we had visited earlier, deciding to eat out fish and chips here as it was much more quiet.

We sit on the soft sand and stare at the crashing waves.

"This was so fun," she says happily, her mouth full of food. "Yeah it was," I agree, nodding my head.

"Am I your favourite brother yet?" I smirk, turning to face her. She just frowns, "You know I can't disclose that information," She replies. 

I can't help but laugh at her sudden seriousness and formality. She giggles, clearly amused by the snorts that I couldn't contain. 

Noticing that I'm finished, she holds out the rest of her meal to me. "No, you eat it," I say, shoving it back in her direction. 'I'm stuffed," she replies, patting her non existent belly. I roll my eyes at her tiny appetite and shove some of her chips in my mouth.

"I need a wee," she announces, getting up and brushing the sand from her shorts. "I'll be back in a second," She says, pointing to the public toilets that are further down the beach. I nod my head and watch her walk off.

Ten minutes go by before I decide I've had enough, no matter what she was doing in there she definitely should have been back by now.

I grab her backpack, slinging it over my shoulder and our other bags before marching down to the toilets.

"Darcy!" I repeatedly call out from outside the women's door before deciding to screw it and just enter, preparing to apologise to any women I startle in there.

Panic courses through my body when I realise each stall is wide open, revealing no one inside any of them. The bathroom is completely normal, no signs of a struggle. I check every stall again just to make sure before storming out of the toilets.

"Darcy! This isn't funny!" I call out more urgently this time, hoping she was just waiting around a corner ready to pop out and scare me but I'm met only with the stillness of the empty air on this deserted beach.

Ditching our bags, I run around like a madman, searching in every corner of the beach but there's no sign of her. I return back to the toilets, calling her name a few more times before looking around the back.

I feel my heart literally stop in my chest when I spot something in the sand. 

A singular pastel pink converse shoe, unmistakably Darcy's.

That's when it hits me that any possibility of this situation being anything but sinister is zero. Why would she wonder off somewhere with only one shoe?

My breathing becomes laboured as I desperately try and suck in air. I momentarily lean against the wall, trying to regain some composure before jumping into action. 

I dart off the beach and run down the road. It takes five minutes until I spot someone, I run up to the elderly woman and stop in front of her, "Are you okay honey?" She asks, her eyes filled with concern.

I frantically shake my head, "Phone," I struggle to get out in between pants, "Can I borrow your phone please." I ask desperately.

She hands it over and I immediately phone the one number I remember off by heart, Arlo's.

He doesn't pick up so I phone again and again and agai-

"Hello?" A stressed out sounding Arlo answers the phone hostilely.

"Arlo?" I sputter out, tears almost leaking out my eyes. "Rome? Where the fuck are you? Are you okay? Is Darcy okay?" He asks frantically.

"She's gone," I reveal, tears now falling. 

"What do you mean she's gone?" Arlo asks, desperately seeking clarification. "I was with her, she went to the bathroom then she was just gone," I explain quickly, not making much sense. 

"What do you mean? When did this happen-" Arlo's questioning is suddenly cut off by the phone being removed from his hand. "Romeo?" A deep, authoritative voice that I recognise as Lorenzo rings through the phone.

"Where are you I'm coming to pick you up."

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