Chapter 30

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"She's here to kill us," Alonzo chuckles

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"She's here to kill us," Alonzo chuckles.

We all stare at the empty looking girl on the couch, trying to process this information. It's hard to imagine my little girl even hurting a fly, let alone murdering her whole family.

"She wouldn't." Luca states, seemingly confident that his little sister would never intentionally harm him.

"Open your eyes Luca, she snuck in with a bag of automatic weapons and then tried to run away the second she could, she obviously wasn't sticking around for a family reunion," Alonzo chuckles, pretending to find this situation amusing but I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"Not to mention she's an assassin, a Russian one at that," He adds, motioning towards her prominent tattoo.

What kind of sick fuck would make a sixteen year old become an assassin?

I didn't want to believe what he was saying but the evidence was piling up. There was no love in her eyes when she looked at us, only hatred.

"Why?" I ask her quietly, trying to gain any understanding into what has caused her to act like this towards us. She doesn't reply, only staring blankly into the air.

"Why would you want to kill us? Can't you see how much we love you!" Romeo shouts, no longer being able to control his anger.

This earns a reaction from her though as she scoffs in disbelief.

"What, you don't believe us? We spent every hour of everyday trying to find you!" His rant is cut off by the sound of a phone ringing.

Darcy seems to immediately recognise that it's hers, pulling it out of her pocket. I watch as her face momentarily shifts from one of utter indifference to fear as she looks at the caller id.

She goes to place the phone to her ear but I snatch it out of her hand, putting it on speaker. She makes a move to get up but Santiago holds her down.

"Sin, don't tell me you've betrayed me for those Italian's," A man with a thick Russian accent said, clicking his tongue. I go to open my mouth to reply but I'm cut off by an urgent Darcy, or 'Sin' as I should call her.

"No Ivan I've just been held up, I'll be home soon," She says speedily, seemingly trying to clear up the situation as quickly as possible.

Home? She'll go home to him?

"She won't be coming back to you anytime soon Volkov," I promise him. "Ah is that Lorenzo Russo? What a surprise," He says, sounding genuinely shocked to hear that I'm still alive.

"She's back home where she belongs," Angelo adds, his disgust towards Volkov evident in his voice.

"Hm," Volkov hums. "Sin, I don't have to remind you of-," His sentence is immediately interrupted by Darcy, "No, don't worry just give me a couple of hours," She reassures.

Before he can reply I hang the phone up, tossing it back on the couch. "You want to go back to him? Why?" Dante asks, truly confused why she'd ever want to be around that evil man.

She rolls her eyes at him, choosing not to answer the question.

"Can't you see he's manipulated you? He doesn't care about you, he's just using you for his own sick games," Romeo tells her softly.

"You know nothing," She scoffs, "And he cares about me a lot more than you ever did," She seethes at him.

"What are you talking about? Did he put that in your head?" I ask, terrified of all the lies he's been filling her with.

"We love you so much, we were all torn apart when we couldn't find you," Luca adds, causing Darcy to laugh. "You all were the reason I was taken in the first place," She states, the anger evident in her voice.

"You should have just left me in that orphanage, I would have stood a better chance there," She adds, causing my heart to restrict at her hateful words.

"Please just listen to us-," My plea is interrupted by Darcy jolting up. "Motherfucker," She groans, tightly gripping her wrist. 

We all look at her in concern, "What, what's wrong?" Arlo asks, frantically assessing her for injuries. She doesn't reply, rocking back and forth in pain.

She lets out a petrified scream as tears threaten to fall from her eyes. "What! Tell me where it hurts," Arlo begs, now grasping her face in panic.

"Get it out, get it out!" She repeats over and over again before abruptly standing up from the couch and making her way to the kitchen. We follow her and watch in horror as she grabs a knife, lining it up with her wrist.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Romeo shouts in terror, struggling with Darcy for the knife. She refuses to hand it over, chanting 'let me do it' repeatedly.

This is as panicked as I've ever seen her, and a stark contrast from the emotionless girl that I was sitting on the couch only a few moments ago.

We all stood there in shock as Darcy thrashed around in Romeo's arms, desperately trying to break free from his hold before Santiago approaches them, placing a cloth over Darcy's mouth.

Darcy inhales the chloroform, passing out instantaneously in Romeo's arms. He passes her limp body to me as I pick her up bridal style.

"What the fuck just happened," Nicolas mutters as I carry Darcy out the room and head towards the medical wing.

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