Chapter 27

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The plane ride was a harrowing eight hours long

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The plane ride was a harrowing eight hours long.

I had to listen to Ivan complain all of last night about having to fork out the money for me to fly private but I'd like to see him try and get through customs with two automatic weapons and a sniper. 

Once we landed, I grabbed my duffle bag and waited on the side of the road for one of Ivan's men to pick me up. Looking for a distraction, I pull out my phone and turn off airplane mode only to be bombarded with eighteen missed calls from Elena.

I met Elena on my first mission.

She was in a club that my target owned and we got to talking and exchanged numbers. We actually ended up dating for a couple of weeks before figuring out that we're better off as friends. 

Ever since then she's become the only person in this world I actually trust.

I hesitantly call her back, knowing I'm about to get an ear full.

She picks up almost instantly, "Bitch where are you! I've called you like a million times," She shouts down the phone. 

"Sorry I was on a plane, I'm in Italy right now," I reply. "Italy! Why?" She asks, sounding surprised. 

"Urm, business," I reply vaguely. Elena knows about my line of work but I don't think it would be a smart decision for me to announce that I'm here to wipe out an entire family of eight on a public street.

"Oh, well call me back when you're finished," She commands. I have no time to reply as a black car with tinted windows pulls up next to me. The window rolls down, revealing a frowning man covered in tattoos.

"Sin," He greets, motioning to the passenger side. I get in and we silently drive off in the direction of my family home.

I stake the house out for hours, by now it's ten pm and dark out. I use the dark of the night to conceal myself as I make my way to the woods where I remember there's a weak spot in the security.

To Lorenzo's credit, security is much more tight then it was the last time I was here. This may be harder than I thought.

I slip into the fenced property and make it past the first row of guards. I'm about to advance further when a huge bright light shines in my direction, causing me to duck behind a tree. 

"Hello?" A guard calls out sceptically. I hold in my breath for a whole minute before exhaling deeply after not hearing the guard anymore, assuming he'd walked away.

I begin to plot my route into the house when a large hand shoves a cloth in my mouth. I attempt to use some of my training to take the man down but whatever drug was on that cloth slowed my mobility.

My last thought was 'Shit' before my eyes closed shut.

I wake up, tied to a chair with a hood over my head. I internally laugh at the deja-vu I'm experiencing. 

I don't know how long I've been out but I do know I'm in the cells, I can tell by the undeniable sound of human despair.

I hear the clanking of keys as someone attempts to open my cell door. I've studied the Italian mafia so I know exactly what they do to intruders, they execute them immediately.

I rattle my brain for ideas. I need to get my brothers down here but they wouldn't be sent down to deal with just some random intruder. I needed to think of something outrageous to say for the guards to decide to get one of them.

"Hello," I call out, not being able to see the guard because of the hood. They don't reply but I  hear them load a gun so I frantically blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"You're not gonna want to kill me if you value your life," I say confidently. "Yeah? Why's that," The guard snorts.

"Because I killed your precious mafia principessa,"I say proudly, knowing they wouldn't believe me if I claimed to be Darcy Russo. In their mind she's already dead, they had a funeral and everything.

"Yeah sure you did," The guard chuckles. 

"No it's true, first I beat her with a piping hot iron rod, then I whipped her until she was lifeless and to top it all off, I cut off her finger." I giggle, recalling the ways they tortured me.

I can tell the mention of the severed finger sent alarm bells off in the guard's mind because that was not public knowledge, only those involved and my brother's closest confidants knew about that fact.

I listen as he swiftly exits the room, leaving me alone in this disgusting basement.

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