Chapter 49

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I think Ivan has genuinely suffered a psychotic break. Not only does he think a seventeen year old and a fifty nine year old man should get married but he also thinks that I'm the unreasonable one for disagreeing with it.

It's been a week since he told me about this little plan and our 'wedding' is tomorrow. I just hope Santiago and the boys have been looking for me because I don't know how much longer I can last.

The cells are cold and damp but it's much better compared to the last time I was here. Ivan has ordered his guards to go easy on me to protect the baby, if going easy means only aiming for my face.

The guards have quite the distaste for me. Apparently once I left Ivan became unhinged, killing anyone who messed up even if it was something as little as being one minute late or killing anyone who even looked at him.

Anyone that worked for him had to walk on egg shells to avoid his wrath and they all grew resentment for me because my betrayal was the thing that caused him to lose his mind. I'm feeling that resentment now as I trace my aching face, my left eye so swollen I can't see of it. 

I've been spending my time down here practicing meditation and the breathing techniques I learned on that parenting forum. I know the stress of being here and the extreme decrease in the amount of food and nutrients I've been ingesting can't be doing the babies any good, which is clear because of the crippling cramps I've been experiencing all day.

It's eleven pm now, I'm pacing around my cell because I don't want to sleep. I have the feeling that when I wake up tomorrow I'm going to be tied to a wheelchair or something as I'm being pushed down the aisle.

"Motherfucker," I groan and double over, an extra painful cramp shooting through my lower stomach. I bend over, placing my hands on my knees to stabilise myself.

Is it possible that I'm in labour? No I'm only 7 months.

I start to panic, all the stress and the thought of potentially giving birth prematurely in this dingy cell becomes too overwhelming as I begin to hyperventilate.

I sit on the floor, panting for air as the panic attack intensifies. My eyes are blurring with tears as I hear the cell door slide open. I swear the panic is making me delirious because when I look up I see someone I never expected to see standing next to Ivan.

"Elena?" I question weakly.

"Yeah bestie what's wrong," She snickers. I want to ask her for help but I don't want Ivan to know I'm possibly in labour, I know he'll take the babies away the second they come out.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, confused why she's here and why she looks so happy while I'm clearly distressed.

"Awh sis, did you really think we were friends?" She chuckles. "I only put up with you so I could help out daddy dearest here," She smirks, slinging her arm around Ivan's shoulder causing him to immediately shake her off, clearly disgusted by his daughter's touch or mere existence.

I just sit there and look up at her, completely stunned at this revelation. 

I have so many questions flying around my head that I can't even process what to respond to that. When I don't reply Ivan intervenes, "Elena go," He orders. She tries to argue with him, clearly not having her fill on seeing me suffer but he sends her a strict look causing her to scamper away. 

"Lock us in," He instructs the guard on the other side of the cell once he's closed himself in. Another cramp, or contraction hits me as a bite the inside of my cheek, trying to conceal my pain.

"So..." He trails off. I stay silent, genuinely unaware of what he wants me to say. "Tomorrow is the big day," He sighs wistfully.

He saunters over to me, squatting in front of me and cupping my face in his hands. Before I even realise what's happening he's leaning into kiss me.

"What the fuck, get off!" I exclaim pushing him off me.

"I guess we have to do this the hard way," He sighs heavily. He grabs me by my hair and drags me to the other end of the cell, I struggle in his grip as he chains my feet and hands with the metal shackles that are attached to the cobbled floor.

The chains are long so there's still room for me to fight back, batting his hands away everything time he tries to touch me.

He pulls out a knife from his waistband, pushing it so hard into my neck that it draws blood. "Just relax," He whispers in my ear as he kisses my neck.

Sobs rack through my body as he cuts through my clothes, leaving me topless and in my underwear. He trails my collar bone with kisses as his free hand fondles my chest, my body shakes in disgust and pain as another cramp racks through me.

My body lays motionless as I stop fighting back, just waiting for this to be over.

"Erm sir," The guard that's stationed outside my cell calls out, the sound of his voice pulling me out of my numb trace. Only then do I realise a screeching alarm has been going off, one I recognise as being the alarm that's used for intruders or authorities.

"Just deal with it," Ivan waves him off, causing the guard to leave his post. Ivan returns his attention back to me, unbuckling his pants as he looms over my weak body. I immediately attempt to get up but he drops the knife and grips his hand around my neck, choke slamming me back to the floor.

"You know if you stop fighting back so hard you might actually enjoy it," He chuckles, stripping off all his clothes so he's completely naked.

His grip on my neck is so tight I begin to feel light headed, all the air being squeezed out of me. I frantically thrash my arm about, trying desperately to find the knife I know he dropped near me.

My hand comes in contact with the cold steel handle as he tries to get off my underwear. Using every bit of strength I have I slam the knife into his neck, causing him to wail out in pain.

I pull the knife out and use my adrenaline to roll over and frenziedly stab him in the chest. He coughs up his own blood as I reach down and cut off his dick, shoving it in his mouth. He struggles to breathe for a few moments as I watch the life drain out of him.

I fall back down, panting for air as the adrenaline wears off. I just sit completely still and covered in blood, staring at the man I just killed.

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