Party poison

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A/n another one shot! I hope people are enjoying this book, I honestly love writing it, so yeah!


Party's pov:

"Come on kid, time to get up" I said nudging her, but she didn't budge, "hey y/n, I'll let you drive and shoot dracs if you get up" fun ghoul said, still didn't budge, "hey what's the matter" I asked rubbing her back, but I noticed her really warm.

As I sat up and felt her head, "shit," I said to myself, as I rolled her over, "Party, what's wrong?" Kobra asked as I took the blanket off, "she's running a fever, " I said, taking her into my arm's, and running out of the diner, "Party! Where are you going!" Jet asked as kobra got in and held her in his arms, "I don't know, probably Dr. Death Defying, I don't know!" I exclaimed, getting in as I looked at jet and fun ghoul, "Are you coming or what? " I yelled as they ran to the car.


"I'm sorry, I can't do much," Dr. Death defying said as y/n curled up against me, "so there's nothing that can be done" I said looking at him, "I'm sorry there's nothing I can do" he said looking at me, I just countined to hold her close to me, "take her back to the diner, get her comfortable, and just hope for the best" He said as I just nodded.

Back at the diner

"Come on, y/n, please eat just a bite. You need something in your system," I said as she turned her head away.

"I know you feel horrible, but please" I said as she fell asleep again, "party, you should get some rest" kobra said to me as I just shook my head, "she needs me" I said as he just sighed and nodded, I just cuddle her, as I felt sleep take me.

3rd pov

Several days passed, and there was no change, instead she kept getting worse, but Party never left her side, he made, kobra, fun ghoul, jet star, go and check out things, but he never left her side.

That was until fun ghoul came running into the diner, "What the hell ghoul!" Party said as he looked at him, "dracs are everywhere. There's too many of them!" Fun ghoul yelled as Party eye's widened as he looked at his child, and back at ghoul, "alright, I'm coming" he said standing up and grabbing his jacket but before he left he felt a tiny hand, on his arm.

"Daddy, don't leave" y/n said looking at him with pleading eye's, "I'll be right back, alright, stay here, I'll be right back" he said kissing her head and running out.

Y/n waited in the room, but she wanted her dad, so she decided to get up, she walked a few steps out of the room and into the diner, as she grew weak, and fainted, "dad-" she started to say as she closed her eye's.

"That was fucking close, make sure there no, drones, or anymore dracs" Party said said as the other's nodded, Party started walking back to the room as he looked down and saw y/n on the floor, "oh my god, y/n" Party exclaimed as he bent down and pulled her close to his chest, as he looked for a pulse and it was very faint, "y/n, hey sweetheart, come on now, wake up, please" Party exclaimed as he kept tapping her cheek as the other's looked at him, not knowing what to do, "please someone, help her, help her" he begged as he held her close, "she's gone Party" Jet said as Party shook his head, "please don't take my daughter, please don't take my sunshine away" Party sobbed as he continued to hug her.

The sky was grey as if setting the mood, all you could hear was Party's sobs, the one who never cried infront of anyone, but the sun started to shine through the diner and  all of sudden he felt movement, as he slowly looked at her, "y/n" he asked, as y/n eye's started to flutter her eye's open

"Daddy, why are you cry" y/n asked as Party laughed out a sob, "I'm not crying" he said pushing hair out of her face, as he held her closer to him "I love you dad" she said as Party smiled back at her, "I love you to kid" he said as the both hugged each other.

Time skip

A couple of days had passed, and y/n was doing better as a fun ghoul ran outside with y/n on his shoulders, "y/n! Where's my blaster" Party said raising an eyebrow as y/n giggled, "I don't know" she said trying to hide her smile, as party came up to her and tickled her side, as she squealed of laughter as Party laughed along.

He wasn't sure what happened that day, if it was a miracle, or the Phoenix witch, or what, but all he knew was that his daughter was with him, Alive and happy, and that's all he can ask for.

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