Gerard Way: first words and first steps

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A/n: Bandit is 7 in this, and you're a year old

you were lyn-z and Gerard youngest, lyn-z had gotten pregnant shortly after the band had broken up which left Gerard being able to be around more they couldn't have been more exicted to have another child and your older sister bandit was just ecstatic to be a big sister and have someone to play with.

currently, lyn-z was out and about running errands, which left Gerard to watch both you and your sister. lately him and lyn-z have been trying to get you to walk or say your first words, but to there reveal nothing, but they kept trying their hardest to get you to say your first words.

Gerard was on the floor sitting down with you and your sister as he kept trying to get you to say something.

"Come on, you can do it, say dada." Gerard said, pointing to himself as he looked at you. You just babble and grab his nose while letting out a happy squeal.

"Ow!" He laughed and gently took your hand off his nose and gave a soft kiss on your head as bandit came over and sat down next to him as she looked at you, as you continued to babble Gerard pulled her to his side and gave her a soft kiss on her head

"Hey bandit can you grab that toy for your little sister/brother, please" he asked gesturing to the ring toys as Bandit nodded her head and got it for him, handing it to him, as she sat back down she tried pulling you onto her lap to hold you which you fuss a bit not wanting to be held at the moment as Gerard chuckled watching as he picked you up and placed you back on the floor.

"Gentle sweetie, your sister/brother is still a baby. You have to be careful," Gerard said kindly, but a bit stern as bandit nodded her head and went back to playing with her toy's.

"Come on, you can do it, just say dada, please?" *he asked, looking at you as you looked at him clueless.

"How about Mama, can you say Mama?" he asked again, and you just tilt your head and let out a giggle as he just sighed and shook his head

"Maybe next time" Gerard said with a small smile as he kissed your forehead and picked you up, right as he stands up lyn-z came walking in with groceries as she smiled softly looking at gerard and there two kids.

"Mama!" Bandit said, running to lyn-z as she placed the groceries down and hugged Bandit and picked her up and gave a kiss on the cheek

"Hi, how was your day, sweetheart?" lyn-z asked, looking at bandit as bandit told her happily as lyn-z smiled.

"I'm so glad you had fun with Daddy today," she said, giving another kiss to Bandit as she put her down and walked over to Gerard and you.

"Any luck yet?" she asked, looking at you as you made grabby hands for her as she took you in her arms and bounced you slightly while holding you.

"Nope, not yet kept trying to get her to say mama, mommy, dada, daddy and even bandits name but nope no luck, but she is starting to grab the edge of the couch and starting to try and stand so that's a plus" Gerard said smiling at lyn-z and you as he gave a quick peck to Lyn-z cheek.

"Well, hopefully soon, yeah, isn't that right baby girl/boy, yeah any day now you'll be walking and talking" she said hugging you as she looked at you, you just giggled looking at her.


Later onto the night you were starting to get fussy, Gerard and lyn-z had accidentally started dinner a bit later then usual and you were tired, hungry and fussy so they rushed to get both you and bandit food done, Gerard was cutting up and smashing some strawberries and bananas for you, sense you weren't on solids yets and as he was doing that you wanted to be held and kept fussing and making grabby hands either one of them to pick you up.

"Hold on a second baby" Gerard said softly to you as you kept fussing more and babbling stuff and continued to make grabby hands.

"Hang on darling, i know your hungry just hang on" lyn-z said looking at you and turned her head back to preparing the rest of the meal, but finally you had enough.

"Dada!" you say loudly as both Gerard and lyn-z stop what they were doing and turned around to look at you.

"Did...sweetheart can you say that again" Gerard asked trying to hold in his excitement.

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" you repeated as both lyn-z and Gerard just smiled as Gerard took you out of your high chair and twirled you around as he held you holding you close to him as he kissed your forehead.

"You said it! Your first word! Dada! Yes that's me! I'm your daddy!" He said happily hugging you as he kissed your cheek smiling as he was happy and content.

After dinner was over, As Gerard and lyn-z finished cleaning up, they had let bandit play with you until it was time to start getting ready for bed as she kept playing with the stuffed animals you guy's had and smiled, but as she was doing that your little mind thought of trying something new as you grip the couch to help balance you as bandit noticed this she grabbed your little hands and helped you for a bit and then let go as she watched you.

"Uh...mommy, daddy, y/n is walking" bandit said softly as that perked both of there heads as they walked to the living room and lyn-z hit Gerard softly on the chest, as she tried to signal to him to get the camera, as Gerard took the hint and grabbed his phone immediately and put it on record immediately.

"Come on y/n! Come to mommy!" Lyn-z said happily as she held her arms out as you took a few wobbly steps and walked to her as you finally stop and fell into her arms as both Gerard and lyn-z cheered holding you close to them and saying praises happy that you walked for the first time as bandit ran up to them and smiler as they all group hugged, they couldn't have been any happier and proud as they smiled holding you and bandit close to them.

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