frank and gerard: a ball of kitten's

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(Ok this is based on one of my friends drawings they did of frank and gerard and honestly it gave me an idea to do this. This takes place during the earl years of mcr so between bullets and revenge era, so yea, please enjoy!)

Your around 4 to 5 in this

3rd pov

Frank had you at an early age, a teen dad, your mom left a long time ago, but Frank tried so hard to give you everything in life, and for you to have a good childhood, but it was hard for him, raising a child all by himself with no one to help him, sure he might have a friend help him here and there but he really didn't trust a lot of people with his kid, so he did tend to leave you alone when he'd go to work, yes it wasn't the most responsible thing to do as a parent, but he didn't have enough money to afford daycare, or anything, and you didn't start school yet, so he'd had to do what he had to do.

(Present day)

Frank's pov

I was finishing tying my tie around my neck as i sighed looking at y/n fast asleep in my bed, watching as she clutched her teddy bear, i smiled softly looking at her, i walked up to the bed and crouched down, moving the hair out of her face and then shaking her softly.

"Hey, y/n, sweetheart it's time to wake up" I say quietly and softly looking at her as she buried her head in the blanket and grumbled, i chuckled while looking at her.

"Come on, I'll make you pancakes before i have to leave" *i tried bribing as she opens her eyes a little, i smiled softly looking at her, "there's my little princess" i smiled looking at her as she let out a small giggled and sat up rubbing her eye's, "ok let's go make some pancakes" i say picking her up and blowing raspberry kisses on cheeks as she let out a squeal and a giggle, holding her close as i chuckled.

~ten mintues later~

I was finishing cleaning up after breakfast as y/n was watching tv in the living while finishing her breakfast, drying my hand i looked at the time and cursed myself, grabbing my brief case (we're gonna pretend like frank has a boring work place job) and put my coat on.

"Ok, your remember what to do right?" i asked looking at her, she nodded her head looking back at me.
"Uh-huh! I'm not allowed to open the door for anyone! And if something happens call you!" She smiled looking at me. "Good job" i say walking up to her and kiss her forehead. "I'll be home at lunch, ok, i love you kiddo" i say cupping her cheek and moving her hair out of her face. "I lovve you two daddy" she smiled at me as i ruffled her hair and kissed the top of her head one last time and left, letting out a sigh as i locked the door and went off to start my day.

Your pov:

I watched daddy leave, waiting a couple of minutes, and then getting off the seat and throwing my paper plate in the trash, i then grabbed my coat that daddy got me and then my little boots, and grabbing the spare key, as i walked out of the house giggling and walking to a certain area, i was gonna see my friend! Mr. Kitty! Well his name is Gerard but i call him mr. Kitty! Every day i met with Mr. Kitty, hes my best friend!

Gerard pov:

I was just sitting in a little spot in the shade that I'd normally sit waiting, as i sat reading my ears perked hearing the sound of pitter patter of little feet, smiling softly at the sound lifting my head as i looked at her.

"Kitty!" Y/n said happily as i looked at her and crouched down opening my arms to her, "hi! Sweetheart" i softly say hugging her as she ran into me as i pulled away and pushed her hair out of her face. "How's my little kitten doing?" i asked my tail swishing a little bit as i looked at her. "Good! I missed you!" She said with her small little pout, chuckling while i looked at her. "You missed me? Well i missed you, more!" i exclaimed tickling her as she giggled, my ear laying flat contently. "I'm feeling like a cake pop? How about you?" I say picking her up, her eyes widening immediately as she nodded her head. "Hot coco too!" She exclaimed as i chuckled and nodded. "Why of course" i kissed her cheek carrying her to the coffee shop.

As we sat down outside of the coffee shop i watched her happily eat her cake pop, smiling softly at her, my thoughts ran in my mind, even though i wasn't her parent and she wasn't my child by blood, i felt the urge to protect her, to care for her, like a mama cat would with her kitten, that's how i felt with her, but a sudden thought popped in my mind, as i looked at her.

"Y/n? Sweetie, did you sneak out of your house again?" i asked looking at her with a stern but caring look, as she looked down. "No...." she mumbled but i could tell she was lying as i sat up and crouched down to her level. "Y/n, don't lie to me, ok, did you sneak out?" I asked again, as she nod her head. "Im sowwy i missed you..." she mumbled as i sighed and smiled softly, looking at her. "You can't do that kitten, it's very dangerous...your daddy would be very upset if something were to happen to you" i say stern and kindly, pushing a strand behind her head, she kept looking down as i sighed. "Come on, I'll walk you to your home" i say looking at her as she started petting my ears as i chuckled. "Soft kitty" i smiled at her words and looked at her. "Thank you, come on lets go" i say standing up and holding my hand out as she took it, as we made our journey to her house.

~timeskip to home~

"Come on kitty! Come inside!" She kept begging, me with puppy dog eyes as i finally caved in letting her drag me in as she giggled.

For the whole morning until the around 1pm we played a mixture of things, princess and tea parties, put a crown on my head and also put bows on my ears and my tail as i just let her, but then my ears perked hearing the door unlock, "oh no, her dad, this could go bad really quick, shit" i say to myself dreading what was to come as my ears laid flat.

Franks pov:

I smiled hearing y/n giggles and laughter as i opened the door. "Kiddo, I'm home! What are you-" i started but stopped looking at this random person, but then blinked a moment. "Gerard?" I asked confused, i haven't seen him in years not sense highschool, but also...HE HAD F*CKING CAT EARS AND A TAIL!!!. "Frank? I-i didn't know you had a um a little one" Gerard stuttered looking at me as I noticed his ears laying flat but perking up, "I-I...yea...i do...y/n h-how?" I started to ask but stopped as i saw her sleeping in Gerard lap curled up as i smiled. "I guess she tired out" Gerard said smiling softly at her as i nodded. "I should be going" he started but i stopped him. "No, Don't go just about you stay...we can catch up" i say smiling at him as his ears perked up and tail swish and he nodded his head. "I'd like that" he smiled warmly looking at me with a small blush, my heart racing as i looked at him...maybe just maybe this could lead to something at some point, maybe we could be a family....

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