doctor/nurse Gerard way : to fix the boo boos 🧸

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(Warning!!! There is mention of needles and sometimes blood but its very vague, I hope you all enjoy my friend helped me with this one again!! Enjoy!)

3rd pov:

You laid in the hospital bed with your fuzzy blanket, looking out the window, as freshly fallen snow came down, a door opened turning your head towards it as you smiled softly at gerard. "How's my favorite patient doing?" Gerard asked with a small smile on his face, washing his hands as you grinned and giggled looking at him.

"You say that about everyone" you giggled clutching your teddy bear, he just smiled back at you starting to check your vitals, "well i mean it" he said ruffling your hair as you laughed. You were admitted over a month ago, the doctors couldn't explain what was going on with you, nor could they find the cause, Gerard was there sense day one, he was your favorite, he definitely knew how to make things better, and to make you smile during the test, he even would bring you a reward every time it was time for blood work, he was really good with you, and he wanted the best for you.

Gerard pov:

"How are you doing this morning?" I asked looking down at them, adjusting there iv fluid as they just shrugged there shoulders. "Ok i guess" they mumbled with a small pout on there face, I just chuckled pushing there hair out of there face
"How about, we get some food in that belly and then we can go to the playroom" I say trying to brighten up there spirit as they nod there head immediately. "Ok sounds like a plan" i say smiling, helping them pick out something to eat.

(Timeskip after breakfast)

"Ok, now that we have your belly full, how about we go play for a little bit" i say helping them sit up at the edge of the bed. "Do you feel strong enough to walk today? Or do you want to hop into the little wagon" I asked helping putting on your socks. "I want to try and walk" y/n said with a small smile on there face, i nod my head smiling back at them, helping them stand up and hop of the bed, unplugging the machine and there IV, and then holding my hand out for them to take, as they grabbed it and i guided them to the playroom.

As we get into the room i opened it as two of the volunteers were in there on with the therapy dogs, and the other with arts and crafts. "Hi, you want to come and read to one of the puppies?" One of the volunteers asked looking at them, you looked up at me for reassurance. "It's ok, go ahead they're nice" I reassured them and helped them sit down as they started doing the activities, "I'm going to do a couple of things and then i will be right back ok?" I say with a small smile on my face as they nod there head, i ruffled there head and left.

3rd pov:

Gerard was working on charting and a few other things for other patients making his rounds, etc, it wasn't until he was brought out of his thoughts and concentrations by one of the doctors on your case. "Oh, dr.Karev what is it that you?" Gerard asked looking up at him. (And yes as in alex karev, from greys anatomy, don't judge me) "I was wondering if you could run some lab work on y/n, her levels three days ago were very elevated and i want to recheck them" he said looking at gerard, Gerard nodded. "Will do Dr.Karev" gerard said as the doctor left, gerard sat there sighing rubbing his forehead, he had felt bad for you, you were so young, and you had to go through so much already, you may be wondering where your parents are, your parents worked 24/7 and rarely ever came, so gerard basically took over the duties of being a parent for you, and was always by your side when you needed him.

(Another timeskip)

Gerard pov:

It was around mid-afternoon, i went back to the playroom and saw them laying against the dog reading, they seemed exhausted, tons of crafts had been made, painting, drawing, and air dry clay, i chuckled softly walking up to them. "Did you have fun?" I asked brushing the hair out of there face, they nod there head smiling. "You feel strong enough to walk honey" I asked, they nod there head, trying to get up, i looked at them with sympathy helping them up and holding there hand, as we walk slowly to there room, "slow and steady sweetheart, no need for to be in a rush" I say comforting and squeezing there hand, they looked up at me and nod there head.

Once we get to the room i help them up onto the bed and get them comfortable and hook the IV back up. "Now sweetheart, I'm afaird i have to take some blood again" I say looking at her as they immediately pouted and shook there head. "I know, i know but I'm gonna see if i can take some from the IV ok, cause then you don't have to get poked again, but if that doesn't work I'll promise i will give you a toy afterwards, deal?" I say trying to make seem less scary and trying to lift there spirits. "Ok" y/n said quietly and shyly looking at me a few sniffles here and there, i gave them a reassured smile and started.

After a little bit i had to do it the other way, they sniffled as i kept comforting them and giving them praises. "'s all over now, you did such a good job" I say putting a band aid of (your favorite cartoon) and wiped the tears away, "you are so brave sweet heart, so brave" I say stroking there hair comforting and wiping there tears, trying to calm them down. "Now, as promised you get a reward from the toy room! now i know your a bit tired and weak and worn out to get out of bed so, I'm gonna give you a choice and I'll pick something out that I'll think you'll like" I smiled looking at them as they sniffled but nodded there head.

"Ok, would you want a stuffed animal? Something warm and cuddly to sleep with, and hold onto?" I asked looking at them. "Or would you want something to play with, like a craft kit, or action figure, barbie? Etc" I asked as she thought for a moment. "A stuffed animal" she smiled looking at me and i nod my head. "I'll be right back" i say standing up and patting there head real quick.

I walked to the toy room that had all sorts of toys, stuffed animals and much more, i found one that was pretty cute and adorable, which made me smile, it was a teddy bear with a small hat, it was soft, i picked it up and walked back to there room.
They were half asleep curled up, they opened there eye's a little and then a huge grin spread across there face as i handed it to them. "Thought you'd like this one" I quietly say pushing the hair out of there face as they hugged it close to them and smiled laying back down and holding it close. "Thank you gee" they say yawning a little as i pushed the hair out of there face. "Your welcome sweetheart, let me tuck you in and I'll sing you a lullaby" i quietly say as they nod there. (Play the muisc if you want to) I started to hum while tucking them in, there eye's growing heavy as i sung softly, putting a strand of hair behind there ear and smiled watching them fall asleep, this was part of the reason i loved doing what i did, i loved being there for them, for them to know they are loved, and are safe. "Don't worry I'm right here" i whispered quietly and continued to him, as they held my hand, i smiled softly before sighing contently, "goodnight....y/n/n" i whispered before letting them fall asleep peaceful....

A/n woooo! Hope you enjoyed it!

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