G.W friendly human

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(a/n: your 6 to 7 in this and please feel free to request)

You were wondering around in the woods after school making your way to the small cabin, your home....

As you walked you had heard rustling as you gulped trying to walk closer to the tree as all of a sudden a bright- orange ginger head popped out, he was wearing a blue suit.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The unknown man copied you as you were startled and fell backwards on your but as you made a oof sound.

The man was also startled but he was also curious as he smiled a bit.

"Hi...I...errr....not...harm...you..." the man said smiling softly at you, you looked at him shyly but started to warm up to him.

"What's your name?" You asked standing up looking at him with a shy smile.

"Gerard.." mustered out looking at you as you smiled at him, he was definitely not from earth, even though you were a kid, you could clearly see that, but he looked like he didn't have anywhere to go and he seemed really nice.

"My name is Y/n! Nice to meet you!" You smiled at him, a grin on Gerard face as well.

After that day you took the alien home with you, it was definitely interesting having him, you taught him some words and phrase, but he was still new to all so it took some time.

(Present day)

you were currently coming home from the library, as you opened the door, there he was sitting at the counter like he was when you left earlier that morning for school.

"h-hi little human! how was journey!" Gerard asked with a grin and a small on his face as he looked at you.

"eh! it was ok! I brought back some books from the library!" you say happily looking at him with a small smile as you showed him the books as he got up looking at the books in your hand as he smiled curiously.

"that sounds amazing! what did you borrow?" He asked, the curiosity bubbling up inside him as he walked towards you crouching down to your level.

"there called easy readers! I thought maybe these could help you learn different words and phrases!" you said happily looking at him as he took one of them and flip through it as he tried to read it closely as he smiled.

"these look great little human! thank you so much!" he sounded genuinely happily as he spoke, he really was grateful for you and really did appreciate all the efforts you went to, to help him learn about the human world, as you giggled looking at him.

"Happy to help!" you said cheerful looking at him as you tried getting onto the chair that was by the counter, he chuckled softly looking at you as he helped you up, sitting you down on the bar stool chair but there was something Gerard wanted to ask, something he had noticed when you first brought him home.

"i have a question little human?" he asked looking at you, he was a bit anxious asking you but he was curious.

"what is it?" You asked looking at him tilting your head eager to hear.

"W-where are your parents?" Gerard asked a look of concern came across his face as he waited for a answer, you on the other hand stayed quiet for a moment, it was hard to talk about.

"they left..." you say quietly looking away as you fidget. Gerard looked you with such strong emotion, he felt bad for you, truthfully you didn't know where your parent were, they one day brought you to the family cabin and told you they were going out for a bit and would be back some point, but three month later and they never came back, so you had to fend for yourself, he looked at you with a sympathy.

"i'm sorry little human" he said sadly looking at you as he open his arms out to you, he wasn't sure if you wanted to be hugged but he wanted to comfort you, you gladly accepted it as you felt warm and safe in his arms as you clung to him.

"i'll always be here for you little human, you not alone" he said holding you comforting you like a father would to a child, at the moment, the alien friend wasn't just a friend, he was like a second father to you, and Gerard promised to he'd never leave your side, that he'd always be there for you,

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