first period: All members

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A/n: this is genderbent!!! This is inspired by a fanart my friend found online and I just got an idea for this! And my other book! So yea enjoy! Also Franks your older sister! Im pretty much keeping there names besides gerard and franks, i made them Gia and Frankie!!!

3rd pov:

Your alarm went off as you reluctantly woke up and immediately you were hit with back and stomach pain that felt like somebody kicked you in the stomach and the back, along with a headache, you rubbed your face trying to wake up, you heard your sister's voice yell from the her room and stormed to yours.

"Come on kid we're gonna be late for school, Gia and the other's will be here at any minute! Now get up"

She pulled your blankets off of you and went to drag you out of bed but she noticed your pale skin and tired face as she looked concerned, walking up to you.

"Hey what's wrong?"

Frankie asked looking at you, you grumbled and wincing at your stomach pain, as you spoke quietly and weakly.

"I don't feel so good..."

You held your stomach, and looked at her, as she put her hand on your forehead, to make sure you weren't sick as she sighed.

"Your not running a fever, probably just small bug or something, come on get up, take some Tylenol and get your uniform on, come we got to go"

you groaned getting up and going to get your uniform, she went to your shared bathroom to fix her tie real quick and put a little bit of lip gloss.

"Why are you wearing makeup?"

You asked looking at her with a werid look, pulling your hair up.

"Don't be so suprise, i wear make"

Frankie said with a look as she went back to the mirror looking at herself messing with her collar and stuff.

"Sense when? You never wear it, you only ever wear it-"

You started to say but connected the dots as you burst out giggling as she rolled her eye's looking at you.

"What? What's so funny" she put her hand on her hips as she looked at you as you stifled your laugh.

"Your dating gee aren't you!!!" You say giggling, her face going bright red as she turned away.

"Shut up! You brat! I am not! Me and gee are just friends-" she started but you cut her off.

"Friends with Benfits?" You bursted out laughing as she glared at you and went to give you a tease as well until she heard a car horn.

"Come on let's go" she said grabbing her bag as you followed started to bug her more.

"Is that why she pick us up everyday? Because you two are fuc-"

"SHUT UP!!!"


Your stomach and back hadn't gotten better at all that day and got worse, you were in biology as you clutched your stomach and asked to go to the bathroom, you got a pass and walked to the bathroom. Going into a stall you had noticed when you looked at your tights that there was blood...your eyes widen, and your first thought in your mind was that you were dying and this was the end as you immediately got out of the tights and sat there and didn't know what to you finished washing your hands and walking out like you just saw a ghost.

You walked down the hall keeping your head down as you walked to your sister's locker noticing gia there waiting for her, as you walked she noticed you with and gave you a small smile.

"Hey y/n! Aren't you supposed to be heading to your next class?" She asked, looking at you, as she tilt her head.

"Uhh...i can't...where's frankie?" You asked shyly looking down, and fidgeting.

"She should be here in a minute. Sweetheart, whats a matter? Your kind of scaring me?" She asked concern, she saw you as another little sister, family even, so she was very concerned seeing you stand there quietly and not even looking at her.

"I think im dying....there's....uh you know down there" you quietly say not meeting her eye's, it took her a minute to register what you just said, but once she did she made a Ohhh face and softly smiled at you putting a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Oh sweetheart, your not dying you just got your period!" She smiled looking at you as you lifted your head giving her a what look. She chuckled looking at you and then looking up as she noticed frankie, Ray, and her little sister Mikey.

"Hey what's going on here?" Frankie asked looking at you and back at Gia.

"Somebody got her first period!" She said shaking your shoulder a little bit and smiled as the whole group, smiled and clapped softly.

"Alright!! My sister!" Frankie said as she sheepishly grin as you grumbled, Ray shook her head and walked up to you.

"Do you have what you need for it?" Ray asked looking at you, as you shook your head no, and looked at them all.

"Do you know what it is and means?" Mikey asked softly looking at you as you again shook your head no.

"Ok how about we go to the bathroom and we'll explain it all to you" gia said giving you a side hug, you nod your head as they all guided you to the bathroom, as you sighed waiting for it to come.

(In the bathroom)

"Ok! So the sticky side goes down and then tuck the sides!" Frankie said handing you a pad as you looked at it and nod going into a stall, frank lit up a cigarette sitting on the sink. Gia took one and leaned against the wall blowing the air.

"Basically your period is something you have once a month Basically you hit puberty and bottom bing your a women!" Frankie says blowing the smoke and giggling as she explained it, along with Gia.

"It normally only last 7 days but it just varies on different girls" Ray said reasurening as she leaning against the door

"Plus your gonna expirence a lot of cramps, and other symptoms, it just really varies y/n" mikey adds on also leaning against the door. Gia rolled her eye's and took another puff and pushed herself off the wall and chuckled.

"Oh stop giving her the old boring stuff! There's also advantages about getting your period!" She said with a bit of sass in her voice.

"How?" You asked coming out of the stall as your head tilted.

"You get out of PE!" Gia said smirking and looking at you with a grin as frankie head perked and hop down from the sink and walked over.

"You also get out of class, with the whole, it's lady problems" frankie grinned and giggled looking at you pushing the hair out of your face.

"And the best part about it, is that you have four sisters to help you out with it, you never have to deal with it by yourself" she smiled looking at you, you looked at the others as they nod there head in agreement, as you smiled softly at her and hugged her, and she hugged back.

"Love you kiddo..."

"Love too..."


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