party poison

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Angst!! And first oneshot on this book enjoy! request are open!

"Y/n, come back here!!" Party poison said, chasing y/n around the diner, as y/n ran around giggling, "Na-na-na-na-na-na-na!" Y/n screamed, as she ran into a room that was made into a make shift bedroom as she hid under the bed giggling, as party came in and picked them up, y/n let out a squeal, "rawer" y/n said trying to get out of his grasp, "come on y/n, just let me pull your hair up" Party said as y/n decided to go limp and licked his hand, "Ewww, FUN GHOUL!!" Party yelled as y/n held a smirk on her face.

"Have something you want to tell me" Party asked as ghoul and y/n looked at each other with mischief, "I don't know what your talking about" Fun ghoul said as Party just huffed out of frustration, "how about this y/n, if you let Party do your hair, I'll let you drive the trans am" Fun said as y/n eye's widened as she ran to grab a hair tie, "really, she's eight!" Party exclaimed, "Oh, what's the worst that could happen!" Ghoul said as Party just looked at him.

"Almost done" Party said finishing the braid, as y/n just fidget with scraps of metal she found, "what are you naming this one" Party asked as y/n just shrugged, "not sure yet" she said looked at it, "all done" he said as y/n stood up, "thank you dad" she said hugging him and running off.

Party watched with a small smile, as he noticed the other's walking in, "hey, how did patrol go" Party asked as the other's sat down, "uneventful" kobra kid said slouching at the table, "where y/n'" Jet star asked as he looked around, "she ran off after I did her hair, she's probably out back" Party said as Jet nodded.

"Come on, there's gotta be something in here, ah ha!" Y/n said, getting out of the dumpster, "hey kiddo, " Jet said as y/n lifted her head, "hi, jet, hi kobra!" Y/n said with a smile, "what did you find" kobra asked, as y/n opened her palm, "woah, were did you find this" jet asked, "I found it in the dumpster" she said looking at it, "what do you think it does" kobra asked as y/n just shrugged, "no clue, maybe I can make it into a smoke bomb" y/n said having a huge smile on her face, kobra ruffled her hair.

"Jet, kobra, come on, we got to go," Party said as he came around the corner, "Can I come this time, dad!" Y/n asked looking at Party with pleading eye's, "Please dad" she said as she gave him a look, "yeah, please dad" ghoul mimicked as Party glared at him, "really ghoul, fine! Let's go!" Party said as y/n ran to the car, "YAY! I WIN!"  Y/n cheered, as the others chuckled.

"Party we have a problem!" Jet yelled, "dammit dracs" Party said stomping at the breaks as the other's shoot, but before he got out he took off his coat, "I can help" y/n said with pleading eye's, "I know you can, and I know you can protect yourself, but for right now I need you to stay in here and be safe and hidden, alright"  Party said as y/n nodded, as Party hid her, "stay hidden, do not come out until one of us comes back in here" He said as y/n nodded.

Twenty minutes past and all she could hear was the fight between the killjoys and the dracs, that was until she heard the door open, but she wasn't sure who it was, so she peeked a bit and saw it was a drac, she held her breath in as she waited for the drac to go away, but that didn't happen, the drac grabbed her leg as y/n let out a screamed but it went unheard as the other's were busy fighting the other dracs, she was able to get away for a minute until the drac grabbed her again and dragged her to the van, "DAD!" y/n screamed as Party whipped his head and saw the drac shove her into the vehicle, "NO!" Party yelled as went running after them, but that was the last time he heard her voice, that was the last time she heard his voice.

7 years later.

That was 7 years ago, she would have been fifteen, and would be training under party and the other's, but that wasn't the point right now, the point was to get into BL/ind's and to get the girl and to get out as quickly as they could.

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