fifteen, 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗌

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asleep in their rusty old barn, Ellie and Jane lay huddled together under janes only coat.
The air was brisk and scented of old blood, and faint groaning noises were emerging from miles away.

It was then that they both woke, hearing the slight commotion.

"What is that?" Ellie says, to a worried Jane. Ellie didn't really speak much to Jane, mostly due to the pain of her injury and the fact that she couldn't stay awake for more than two seconds.

"I don't know, but I'm going to go check it out. You stay right here, okay, take my gun - you know how to shoot it."

Ellie nods, not arguing - but Jane can feel the fear in her face, because really, Ellie was defenceless. She could hardly move, let alone stay awake long enough to shoot any walker.

Jane left, just in her jeans with Carls old tattered flannel hung over her shoulders, loosely buttoned. That was the first thing that she grabbed at Oceanside's downfall, just before they made a run for it. Well, a jog.

It was stained with blood, ripped, eaten at. But she didn't care, because it was carls - the one he gave her that night at the prison. All of her other clothes were drying from being washed in the river, and she didn't want to take the makeshift blanket from Ellie.

She shivered in the cold air. She never thought she'd miss the blistering heat of the summer near the outbreak. It was almost unbearable back then, but the cold was so much worse.

She slung her now over her shoulders carelessly, and clipped her small quiver to her waist. She had become a pretty good shot, over the years.
She pushed her way through the trees, closer to the noise. When she got to the clearing of the concrete road, her eyes widened.

A few hundred metres from where she was standing, hundreds - no, maybe thousands - of walkers were slowly lurching their way towards their little barn. Their blistered and ripped up hands reaching out towards her, their cries and groans of pain and hunger. She'd never seen this many in her life, not even when the prison went down.

Sprinting back towards the barn, she shoved the door open and stuffed all their things back in a small bag they had unpacked. Once everything was together, she tapped Ellie on the shoulder, waking her with a start.

"Ellie, I know you can't really walk, but we have to go."
She didn't feel as if she needed to explain further, as Ellie trusted her enough as is - and that would just waste time. She helped Ellie up, and she let out a yelp of pain as she steadied on her feet. Jane slung her leather jacket around Ellie's frail shoulders, wrapping her up in it.

"Are you ready?" Ellie nodded, swallowing hard.
Taking everything slow, they took step after step. Ellie winced, but pushed forward. If they didn't leave now, the walkers would surround the barn, and they'd be stuck for weeks - as dead as the dust filling that dingy place.

With each step they took, they got faster. Slowly, they inched their way around the woods, the sounds of shuffling feet getting farther and farther away with each stride they took.

Soon, the sky was darkening, and Jane knew they had to stop. Looking down at Ellie's leg, the would had definitely reopened, her old jeans stained red.

Sitting Ellie down with her back against a random tree, she rolled up her Jean leg. The wound was spilling with liquid, and Jane knew this wasn't good. Taking the needle and thread out from their small bag of items, she carefully stitched Ellie back up. Ellie winced and moaned at this action, clutching Jane's shoulder for support.

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