twenty six, hearts still beating

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CARL GRIMES AND JANE Peletier stood stark still, the angry sun beaming down on their necks. Their eyes darted from person to person, watching the boxes be passed from hand to truck.

Negan had moved on from the iron-burning incident almost as soon as it happened, ushering them off into his truck to 'take them home and treat them real nice'.
Both of them had glued a nasty look to their faces, scowling at anyone who looked at them too long. By the end of their visit, they had perfected the method.

It wasn't long till they were seated nicely in his truck, and on their way home.

No one said anything the whole way but Negan - ranting to himself about useless shit that didn't matter. Carl and Jane hoped to god that Michonne and Rick weren't back from their trip yet. They'd be in big trouble if not.

The gates opened up to Alexandria, and Negan drove swiftly in, parking the van in a random driveway like he really lived there.

Everyone gathered around the vehicle, shocked to see him arrive this early in the week. And with Rick, Michonne, Maggie, Daryl and Carol gone no one had much of a chance against him.

Rosita was the first to push through the crowd, spotting Jane and Carl getting out of the truck and filing into the Grimes's abode. She gave Jane nothing but a proud smile.

Neither knew each other enough to worry about each other, but Rosita still found a proud feeling rooted deep down in her heart. She knew what Jane was doing at the sanctuary, and she knew - from the blood on the girl's face - that she had gotten close to getting what she wanted.

Negan ushered them inside, dying to meet Judith. Carl was hesitant, but Jane knew he wouldn't hurt her. Besides, there was nothing they could do but watch Negan smile at her. Negan continued to mope around, looking in all the rooms, including Carl's.

Olivia had come and gone, continuing to watch through the window because of her immense fear of him.

Negan's breakthrough idea was to make spaghetti for the kids, forcing Carl to put on a little apron (that Jane would've thought was cute if the situation wasn't what it was).

"Ah. Damn, that smells good. Mmm! Want a taste?"
He said, holding out the spoon for Carl whilst Jane sat at the table, an impatient and grabby Judith on her lap. She bounced the girl up and down on her leg lightly, trying to calm her somewhat. It seemed even Judith was scared of Negan.

Carl jerked away from the spoon, staring daggers at the man. He just laughed, tasting the sauce once again making satisfied sounds.

He sat down at the table, as Carl served everyone up. He went to place the spaghetti on Jane's plate, giving her more than he had given himself. He had noticed she hadn't been eating a lot recently - and he wasn't hesitant to admit that it worried him.

"Do you cook for Carl, Jane?" He asked, baring his teeth at the two of them like a dog ready to snap.

She said nothing, giving him a look of confusion and anger. She was fed up with him and his one liners, because they weren't funny. She could atleast get behind them if he had a little bit of humour, but half the shit that was spilling out of his mouth was junk.

"I see. You're the," he paused, shovelling spaghetti into his mouth. "You're the man of the relationship. Gotta say, if I ever had kids, I'd want em' to be just like you two. You don't take shit from anybody - I mean, look at you! Still givin' me the stink eye after watching me burn a guy's face off."

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