seven, videogames

655 27 3

"YOURE NOT MEANT TO be out here, y'know."
Michonne spoke out into the woods, knowing Carl was there somewhere. She hears leaves crunching somewhere in her plane of sight, which is just confirmation to what she'd already known.

"You took your comics with you, of course I know where you went." She tells him impatiently.

"Quit yelling, you're gonna attract a herd." He casually scolds, revealing himself from the trees and making his way towards Michonne. She smiles at him solemnly, and he grins back, as they begin to walk side by side.

"What are you doing here?" She asks him.

"Just wanted to be alone." She gives him a knowing look and he sighs, ready to confess the real truth.
"I just don't want to forget what it was like. The kids here, they're not...."

"They're not what?"

"They don't know what it is to actually be a survivor. You know what I'm talking about."

"Well maybe we can teach em," Michonne picks a green spec of spinach from her teeth and throws it to the floor. "You spoken to any of the kids yet?"

"What do you think?"

"Maybe you can make some friends. I don't want you to be lonely. You shouldn't be lonely."

"I have Judith. She's my friend. And you, and dad. That's all I need."

"I know, kid, but don't you think it'd be nice to meet people your own age? You might have some stuff in common with them." She asks.

"Well, unfortunately for me your wish has been granted. Dad wants me to go over to Ron's house to meet some of them."

"And you don't wanna go?"

"It's what dad wants," he sighs, "So i'll do it. But don't think this is some ground breaking out-of-the-shell revelation cause I'm not trying to make 'friends'."

Everyone had been a victim to Carl's distancing after Jane's supposed death. Even Michonne had noticed it, yet this was the first time anything had been outright admitted by the boy. She thought maybe he'd fall into the group of boys here, if he just gave it a try. Michonne had seen a girl wandering around too - similar age to him, maybe. A girl could go two ways. He'd latch onto her like he did with Jane, or he'd avoid her for the rest of his life because she reminded him of her.

"Your dad's worried about these people too. But I think we can help them."

"Yeah. Maybe," he says, looking down at the comics in his hand and stuffing them in his tote bag. "Deanna seems nice."

"Yeah, she knows best. She really respects your dad, which is nice, because it seems no one else from Alexandria wants to." She tells him.

"Tell me about it." He replies, watching intently as Michonne pulls out a peanut butter protein bar from her satchel bag, handing it directly to him. He doesn't object, thanking her as he unwraps the snack.

They keep walking, making their way back towards Alexandria as Carl's plans loom over him. An owl coos, and he finds himself turning to face it. It flies away, out of sight before he can even see it - and as he squints his eyes he can hear her talking.

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