seventeen, 𝗋𝖾𝗐𝗂𝗋𝖾𝖽

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"Everyone's so nice here," Ellie said, brushing one hand through her hair.
"I told you you'd like them, didn't I?" She smiled, nodding her head vigorously.

Ellie's leg had almost healed entirely due to her treatment at the infirmary, and was up and walking around. She wasn't fit to go on runs or anything, but she was enthusiastic about helping, so Maggie gave her a farming job.

"How's your ears?" She said, trying to keep the conversation going.
"I can hear you fine." Jane said, which awarded another smile from Ellie.
Feeling a light pressure on her head, Jane reached her hands up to check what was resting lopsided on her skull.

Running her fingers along the rim of what appeared to be a hat, she smiled to herself, taking it off and looking back. To no one's surprise, it was Carl grimes that she saw walking away from the scene. Without a hat.

Fixing the stature, she nodded to Ellie and they went their separate ways, Ellie giggling like a school girl as she made her way back towards her crops.

Running up to Carl, she placed his hat back on his head, as he burst out into laughter.
"It's not that funny, carl." She said, but even she couldn't help but crack a smile at him.

It had been about four days since their arrival at Alexandria, and even still, Jane couldn't get enough of anyone. It felt like she was living in some dreamworld that she had concocted in a stingy old barn somewhere. But it wasn't, it was real, and they were real. And she just didn't seem to believe it.

"I was going to ask you," he said, taking a deep breath, "if you wanted to go over the walls with me today."

She grimaced, because she hadn't been past the walls since they even got here. Pulling herself together, she was reminded that then, ellie and her were both terribly injured and surrounded by walkers. Now, both her and Carl were righteously equipped with guns, knives and were nursed back to full health.

"Race you," she said, before sprinting off to a spot in the wall that Jane had watched Enid climb multiple times before.

"Hey!" He shouted out, but she was too far now to even hear him. Steadying her footing on the metal bars, she began to climb - quickly at that. Within a few seconds she was up and over, whilst Carl was just hovering above the ground on the other side.

It took him a few minutes to climb up, almost loosing his footing a few times. How the hell is she so agile? He thought, because he still thought of her as the frail girl he grew up with, the one that had killed only one walker.

He was yet to learn she was much more than that, because as he cleared over the wall and made a risky leap down, his mouth fell agape.

Around 10 walkers lay motionless in the dead grass, some pierced by arrows, others slit by knives. Carl turned his head to look at his girl, speckled with a light dusting of walker blood.

She wasn't panting, in-fact - she hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Someone hasn't been on lookout." She said, not even addressing Carl's shock and walking right past him.

He shook himself off. Of course she can kill a few walkers, she was out there on her own. He felt stupid for even dismissing this fact, one which he had to now accept fully: Jane was changed.

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