twenty five, 𝗀𝖺𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗈𝖽

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"Carl?" Jane said, causing his head to swivel back around to her.


"Don't die."
He grinned at her, before adjusting his hat on his head and leaving down the dirt path that would take him to the sanctuary.

Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she dumped it on the ground and rummaged through its contents. She took out her switchblade, some binoculars, and discarded a few bobby pins into her hand.

Using the binoculars, her eyes followed the edge of the sanctuary's metal fence. It was swarming with walkers, each one weaving in and out of each other.

She scoffed at their idiocy, watching them bump into one another over and over. This would be easier than she thought. Hearing a noise behind her, she celebrated silently. She waited as a Walker sprung out of the bush, jaws open wide.

She didn't wait one more second to plunge the knife right into its skull, sending it flailing and struggling to the ground.

When it had finally stopped moving, she cut into it, piercing it's rotted skin and causing waterfalls of blood to ripple out onto the forest floor.

Smearing her hands in it, she gagged a little. The smell  was strong, and decaying. She spread the blood across her face, and draped the intestines and chunks of skin around her neck. Gross.

She hid her bag in a bush, covering it up with leaves before grabbing her knife and making her way down to the fence. If she was careful, she'd be able to slip through unnoticed.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find a tear in the fence so she had to risk climbing over. It just meant she'd have to be more careful once she was in amongst the hoard.

She got in safe and sound, the smell of the walkers leaving a horrid stench in the air. It didn't faze her, though she made a mental note to take a shower once she got home.

She shuffled alongside them, spotting a guard near by. He was armed with a shotgun, but facing away from her. If she was sneaky enough, she could make it. Taking a deep breath, she started to ascend up the second fence.

She got down gracefully, quickly moving to the shadowed area to avoid being seen.
I'm not going to get in with him there, she thought.

Shit. She'd have to take him out.

Readying her switchblade, she inched closer and closer toward him, ready to stab at any minute. Her hands were just about to snake around his neck when gunshots fired out from the other side of the building.


She had two options: run, or fight. Unfortunately, she didn't have much time to choose between the two, because the man had already noticed her. She kicked the gun out of his hands and tried to pin him to the floor, but it didn't work.

His fist went straight to her mouth, getting in one good hit before warmth took over his body. Jane's knife had buried itself securely in his lower abdomen, making the man fall limp on-top of her. She shoved him off and grabbed his gun, placing it between his eyes.

"Try anything, you're dead." Well, it wasn't like he could, anyways. He stayed on the ground, clutching his wound whilst Jane pried the knife out of him. He watched as she grabbed his keys from his belt and made her way inside.

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