nineteen, twizzlers

436 13 13

Carol Peletier felt eternally bad. She pitied herself, and her actions. Jane was absolutely right.
She wasn't a great mother, and she knew that. She wanted to make it up to Jane, but how?

She watched from the truck as Jane ran to Carl. He was clearly consoling her, and hearing about the monstrous things that had come out of Carol's mouth.

She hated that he was the one that comforted her, not her mom. But Carol had no one else to blame but herself.

Carl pulled Jane into a hug, and that's when Carol's eyes pried off of them and onto Daryl, who had been watching everything unfold.

"She's gon' come back around," he grunted, walking closer toward Carol.  He had just put out a cigarette, and the smell was pungent, sticking directly to his sheen leather jacket.

"I'm terrible." She said, with dry eyes.

"I understand where yer' comin from. If she's even half as smart as me, I'll bet she understands too." He grimaces, wiping sweat off his forehead though nothing about his shaggy appearance seems to change. "An' she is," he adds, with caution.

They watch as the kids enter the grimes's house, Carl's arm slung around Jane's shoulder comfortingly.

"She'll be fine with im' for now. They're good kids."

Carol decided at that moment that she wanted to just forget about the whole thing, so she shrugged Daryl off and continued unloading the supplies from the truck.

Jane however, was inside the family's shared house, and felt somewhat sheltered from Carols words.
She made her way up to her and Ellie's shared room, and was surprised to actually find her there. She sat on the bed, reading a comic book Carl had likely given her.

She was happy that the two of them had at least talked. Ellie was quite fond of Carl, and she was glad Carl was reciprocating her likeness.

"Hey!" She said, dropping her comic down to her stomach so that Jane could see her face.
"Your boyfriend gave me one of his comics. Pretty cool stuff." She said, standing up and putting it away in her bedside drawer.

"Is it good? Should I give it a try?"
"Nah. You wouldn't like it. It's more of a me and Carl type thing. Y'know, cause we're so inseparable and all that." Ellie said, her voice curated with sarcasm.

Jane laughed - zipping down her hunting boots and slipping them off, flinging them to the other side of the room ungratefully.

"It's like 4pm but I'm tired as hell. Fun fact: my mother didn't believe I was alive that whole time!" Jane said, almost throwing herself back on their double bed and burying her head in the fluff of the pillows.

"No! She didn't," Ellie gasped, a hand flying over her gaping mouth.

"Mhm. I'm fucking done I swear to god. I'm sure I'll sleep on it, and maybe, maybe...I'll be less mad. But, just - UGH. It hurt the first time hearing it, but now....I'm just mad."


"I'm more mad because she brought up Carl too, tried to insult him by saying he didn't find me. Which is stupid, because she didn't even try! He did! And it's not fair bringing him into this. He actually cares, unlike her!"

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