forty four, in violent times

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HER HEAD THROBBED VIOLENTLY as she held the pack of crushed ice to it harshly. She sat around their circular table, beside Enid and Ellie as all mornings usually start.

"You with Rick today? Both of you?" Enid asks, raising her cup of soothing herbal tea to her mouth and blowing on the hot liquid. Truth was, the girl was meant to be going with them, but she'd unknowingly broken her wrist in the brawl last night and - strangely - was very disappointed that she wouldn't be working in the medical tent today.

"Yup. And the saviours. That never goes well." Jane replies, looking down at her clasped hands.

"Just don't punch one of them again and you're good." Tonya yells from the room beyond.
"Easier said than done." Jane mumbles. Ellie scoffs at the girl, giving her a toothy grin as she gets up to grab her coat and boots.

"I'm just glad we're out of the way, it really sounds like Maggie's gonna go through with this tonight." Ellie states. oh yeah. Gregory's punishment.

"I hate that guy as much as anyone, but he's just a coward. Nothing more." Enid asks.

"Clearly not a harmless one," Jane comments as she also gets up to get her boots on, shoving the ice bag in the sink. She still doesn't quite know where she stands in this situation, but as she isn't going to be around and knows Gregory was never really important to her - it doesn't shake her all too much.

A crackled static sounds from Jane's walkie, and a voice rings through. Rick.

"Jane? You there? It's Rick. Over."

"I hear you."

"Please use the code names I gave you," another person clicks in, "You also have to say 'over' after you're done talking, so we know when you stop." It was definitely Tara.

Jane audibly sighs. "This is Robin Hood to mother goose. What's up? Over."

"Turns out we don't need you two down here until later on. Stuff gone down with Daryl with one of the saviours, and there's a herd comin'. We're working to redirect it, but there's one spot in the route we've supplied with only saviours. We're scared they're not gonna know what to do. D'you think you two could go down there and keep em in line? Over."

"Yeah, how far from the camp are we talking? Over." She looked to Ellie cautiously as she asked, knowing that the two of them would be in for some shit today.

"About an hour and a half past it. You think you can do it? Over."

"I'm sure we'll be fine. I'll radio you when we get there. Over."

"Thank you, girls."

THE GIRLS HAD PARTED with Enid, Tonya and Max early in the morning and had set out on their own path to the coordinates Rick had supplied them with. Ellie drove them down, and deal was that Jane was going to drive them to the camp once they were done. Usually, she tuned Ellie's chat out when she had important things to think about, but today she wanted Ellie to mutter nonsense into her ears. It would certainly distract her from anticipating this secret, and furthermore dwell on the incident last night.

"No way!" Ellie announced as she fiddled with the glovebox's clasp - it flying open after a few turns with it.

"What have you found now?" Jane asks, a slight intrigue evident in her words.

"Sunglasses," Ellie takes them out and throws them to Jane's lap, "paper money.....twenty dollars. A CD."

"What artist?" She quizzes excitedly, suddenly more interested.

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