thirty two, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝖾𝗐 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽

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"Andddd, I....Win!" Carl yells out, slamming his card on the table. His exasperated shouts of victory were followed by swift sighs of disappointment, that made their way round the table unapologetically.

"You always win!" Max pouts, laying out her deck on the wood. Three hearts and a king.

"That's because I'm the best." He said, crossing his arms over his chest rightfully. Max rolled her eyes at him, causing ellie to follow in this action. He only laughed at them, sticking his tongue out at the girls.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jane emerge from the small trailer bedroom and into their open kitchen. Her hair was messed up, and sleeplessness stained her face. She wore his flannel and some shorts, yet one of her bra straps fallen slightly to the side of her shoulder. She always looked cute in the mornings, but this was on another level.

Carl's gaze immediately fixated onto her, and the others swiftly took notice - amusedly tapping each other and giggling as he was locked in his usual trance.

He got up as the girls kept chattering, probably agreeing to start a new game without him. His hands made their way around her waist, smoothing over the fabric of her shirt to fit tighter to her body. She flinched at his touch, but soon melted into it as the warmth of his hands came in contact with her skin.

He placed his chin in the crook of her neck, watching intently over her shoulder as she rearranged the bread into the toaster. When neither of them thought it was right to speak, afraid to ruin the moment - Carl took it upon himself to place three soft kisses on her neck.

He let go of her, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. He passed it over, insisting that she drink it.

"How did sleep go?" He asked, leaning against the counter with his palms pressed to it.

"It didn't." She replied, forcing the water down.
"We can go home if you want, you know. These guys are just fine." He mentioned, gesturing over to them.

"It's okay. We have to leave later on anyway. I just didn't want them to be alone here."

"Maggie will take care of them, I'm sure." He added.

"I know, but she's got a lot on her plate. What with being pregnant and fighting a war."

Carl just nods, pursing his lips onto a thin line as he keeps his eye on her. She finished the water, placing the glass in the sink before pressing her lips to Carl's cheek.

She went to move away, but Carl lifted his fingers to her shoulder, causing her to halt in place. He swiftly looped the strap underneath his pinkie and pulled it back up to her collarbone, fixing it in place. In doing so, he lightly brushed the cowboy hat that was imprinted on her skin, sending shivers down her spine.
She gave him one last smile before trodding off to get changed in the bathroom, and he happily watched her go.

Jane had offered to help the girls settle in after their departure at Oceanside - and thought it would be best if they stayed at hilltop for now, secluded a little from the fight. Enid and Ellie offered to take them in, but Enid was out helping Maggie most of the time, so Jane  stepped up. Of course, that meant Carl had to come too. She didn't mind it, because having him there was so much easier and incredibly comforting. Who knew he was so good with kids?

He had been getting along with all of them pretty well, but max particularly took a liking to him. Being only eight, it was nice seeing her have something to be happy about.

Carl retreated back to the table, ready to be made fun of for his 'boyfriend charm'.

"Yeah, yeah, i know. You will understand when you're older." He said, picking up his cards and shuffling them between his fingers.

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