twenty one, 𝖼𝗎𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋

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Venice beach flashed before her eyes, and the sun blinded her in bright passings of white light. She could hear the sound of the waves, and feel the sand beneath her fingertips.

Taking another gander at her surroundings, she noticed a thick fog had started to roll in, engulfing even the sun in its darkness. Beacons of light shone through the mist, but this wasn't the sun. It was entirely new, and entirely generated.

She could hear people. She could feel them. They were closing in, closer and closer, and though she hadn't met eyes with them yet - she believed it was bad. No, she knew it was bad. Their eyes bore into her, and it felt as if she was being ripped apart already. She sat silently, on her knees. She didn't feel scared. She felt angry.

She couldn't even begin to place what was going on, let alone fight. Good thing she didn't have any will to, because she was glued to the spot. She couldn't even lift a finger.

Then, came a booming voice, through the smog and the light. Through the dirt and the blood. It was the man with the leather. He didn't say much, just a simple 'hello' but even that was menacing enough to wake her immediately.

She sprung up from her pillow, disheveled as ever.
It was just a dream.
Relief swallowed her whole as she calmed down, her heart beating fast.

That was the first time in a while that she had been really jolted by her imagination. Sweat pooled around the neck of her shirt and she immediately got up to shove it off, leaving her in a bra and some pyjama shorts.

She didn't want to disturb Ellie more than she already had, so she left the room - leaving Ellie to sleep in peace. She wasn't sure where she was going, really. The kitchen? Yes. A glass of water would do her some good.

She Continued down the stairs, until she stopped in her tracks, hearing someone down there. She didn't feel like talking to anyone right now, so she went back up the stairs as quiet as possible.

The only person she really wanted to be with was Carl Grimes. She'd been feeling this way a lot over the past week. It was just an urge to be near him, to sit beside him, to kiss him. It consumed her thoughts all the time, and though the bad things came back to her every night, she was always able to wash them away with the thought of him.

That was it. She wanted him now, she wanted to be with him. She didn't even know what time it was, but she knocked on his door with no hesitation.

Movement was heard from inside - a ruffling followed by slow footsteps. The door handle squeaked open, followed by the door on its old hinges. Carl stood there, dishevelled and tired. His hair was messed up and he didn't have a bandage on his eye, but obviously Jane didn't care. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and loose shorts hung off his slim frame. He looked...attractive.

She didn't know how to go about this. So she took a leap.

"Can I stay with you tonight? Bad dream."

He paused for a bit, taking her in. She was in a sports bra and some pyjama shorts, and he could see her toned stomach. Her arms were slightly muscly, and her hair was pulled into two loose braids that fell at her shoulders. Her eyes looked heavy and worn, but she still looked insanely attractive.

"Yea, yeah of course." He said, ushering her in. He closed the door, clicking it shut before retreating back to the bed, watching Jane slip under his covers. He followed, getting in beside her. He gently rolled the duvet up to cover her more than him, and without thinking, he moved closer toward her - pressing their bodies together.

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