twenty, bandage

463 20 13

"Hey sleeping beauty," Jane said, gesturing to Carl Grimes, who had just woken up. She laughed, but he didn't, his face stern and tired. Picking up a pillow, he playfully tossed it at her - it getting her right in the face. That's when he cracked the first smile of the day.

"How'd you sleep?" He said, sitting down next to her.
His hands suddenly found their way to hers, intertwining their fingers.
"Like a light," she almost whispers, because their faces are inching closer together. Jane feels Carl's soft lips brush against hers, and she leans in further to initiate the kiss.

"Good mornin' to you too," Maggie says, and they break away, whipping their heads towards her. Their cheeks stained red as they loosened their fingers, and soon Glenn was walking in the room.

"Hey, guys!" He said, cheerful as always.
"Hey Glenn," they chanted in unison.

The group sat together, sharing some eggs Michonne had cooked up. Suddenly, upstairs was filled with the sound of shrieks and wails. The sound was constant and repetitive, and Jane watched as Michonne got up to go see to it.

"It's fine, I'll go. Finish your eggs, Michonne," Jane said, standing up.
"No, I'll-"
"Just let me go. Pleaseeeee?? I've missed her." She pleaded, giving Michonne puppy eyes.

"Go on then." Michonne says with a smile, as Jane went rushing upstairs to tend to Judith.

"It's so hard to say no to that girl when I've missed her face so much," she says, and a laugh echoes around the room.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Carl says, combing through his hair with his hands. By that time, Jane was already halfway down the stairs with Judith cradled in her arms. She had instantly stopped crying when Jane picked her up. She had that effect on Carl, too. Something about being in her arms was just so comforting.

She sat next to carl on the sofa, him yawning and stretching still. Judith's tiny hands swirled and played with Jane's loose strands of hair, grabbing at them gently. It was a sight that made Carl's heart fill with joy. His girls.

"You're so good with her," he said, watching as Judith giggled softly.

"You think?"

"You instantly got her to stop crying. I don't think anyone has been able to do that so far," Maggie chimes in, admiring Judith and her innocence. Judith was hardly a baby anymore, but wasn't yet old enough to talk or walk too far.

"You'd make a great aunt for our baby," Glenn says, smiling.

"I don't know about that," she said, trying to hide the excitement in her tone. Sure, she didn't really agree with the fact that Maggie had chosen to have a baby, but she'd still be there with them every step of the way.

Feeling a slight pressure on her left shoulder, she looked down as much as her neck could bend, to find Carl's head leaning on her shoulder - soft snores protruding from his lips. He'd really fallen asleep on her. Her heart melted just watching his chest go up and down, whilst he made funny noises in his sleep.

Michonne had now taken notice of this too, and was grabbing at Rick to take a look. Rick smiled at his boy as he got up to rummage through some drawers, taking something out discreetly.

Jane turned her attention back to Carl, her cheeks heating up as he nestled in closer to her subconsciously. Hearing a click from the other side of the room, she broke out of her trance and turned her attention to it.

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